Best Friends to the End

Moving Day

Sadie rolled over and snuggled into Daryl's chest. She wasn't ready to get up. It was moving day. Daryl grunted and wrapped his arms around her tighter. If they both didn't speak, just stayed in a sleepy haze it meant the day wouldn't start, right?

The alarm buzzing beside their heads had different plans though. Daryl swatted at it until he hit the right button. Sadie wanted to cry. Instead she began trailing kisses up and down Daryl's neck to distract herself.
"Mmm, you're killin' me" Daryl grunted. Sadie blushed when she felt him rub against her lower half. "Sorry" he murmured. They hadn't really talked about having sex. Sadie had made it known she didn't want to start anything when she was leaving so soon but that didn't stop Daryl from thinking about how she would feel.
"D, I gotta go soon" Sadie whispered. She was afraid if her voice rose above a whisper she would cry.
"Maybe, I'll hide ya. Put ya up a tree, an' tell ya momma and daddy I ain't seen ya. An' when they leave I'll come back an' snatch ya up" Daryl said, nuzzling his face into her neck. Sadie giggled and ran her hands over his chest and arms, determined to commit his feeling to memory.
"I'll set it fer fifteen more minutes. But ya gotta promise to make out with me the 'tire time" Daryl said hitting another button. Sadie pulled his mouth to hers before he could finish the sentence.

Thirty seven minutes later and Sadie climbed on the back of Daryl's motorcycle for the ride to her house. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and kissed the back of his neck, "drive slow."
Daryl nodded before starting the bike and guiding it onto the road. Sadie watched all of the familiar sights go by. She couldn't believe this would possible be the last time she would pass by all of them. She had hoped Merle would be home from where ever the hell he was to properly say good-bye. Merle was never really one to say good-bye anyway. He annoyed the piss out of Sadie sometimes but still, you never knew what could happen in a couple of months.

They pulled into the driveway, next to the for sale sign that had a big SOLD banner marked across it.
Daryl helped Sadie off the bike and pulled her in for one last proper kiss good-bye. She didn't want him to do it in front of her parents, she was still worried they wouldn't let her move back. The last time she asked they were still "considering" the idea. He grabbed her hand and Sadie gave a big sigh before they walked up the front steps and into the now empty house. Her sister was sitting on the steps crying when they walked in. She didn't was to leave either. This was the only place she had ever lived.
"Where's momma and daddy?"
"Doing... a... a last walk through" her sister sniffled.
Daryl ruffled her hair, "I'll miss ya kiddo."
"No you won't but thanks."
Sadie laughed through the tears threatening to fall.
"Ok, kids. We've checked every last room. Sadie did you want to see your room one last time?" her mom asked coming down the steps.
Sadie shook her head no and stood closer to Daryl. He was trying really hard not to cry, he knew what Merle said about guys crying. Mrs. Montgomery came down and hugged him as Mr. Montgomery came down the stairs.
"Daryl, we will miss you Buddy. Please come visit" Mr. Montgomery said, shaking Daryl's hand.
Daryl nodded, knowing he wouldn't be able to do that any time soon, if at all. He still didn't have a proper vehicle to make such a long drive. Now his time would be dedicated to working to save up enough money to get him and Sadie a place in November. "Yes, sir" was all he said.

They all walked silently out to the car and her parents climbed into the front seats and her sister into the back. Daryl and Sadie walked to her side and she turned to face him. When she turned to him he saw big tears rolling down her cheeks and he couldn't hold his in anymore.
"Don' cry" he tried, taking her face into his hands. It only caused her to cry harder. He pulled her into a hug to whisper in her ear. "I love you Sadie Montgomery, always have always will."
Sadie didn't care if her parents saw, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. It wasn't one of their normal kisses, this one was filled with desperation. It broke Daryl's heart to know her heart was breaking.
She pulled away and rested her forehead against his, "I love you Daryl Dixon. Wait for me?"
Daryl looked at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen staring at him with a tear stained face. He whispered back as honestly as possible, "always."