Best Friends to the End

Summer Time

"So, next thing I know, there are four people behind me and I still haven't even moved an inch" Joe said shaking him head.
"Well did you stay?!" Sadie exclaimed, completely forgetting her lunch as Joe got in deep on his story.
Daryl nudged her with his elbow, trying to signal that she was being too enthusiastic.
She shoulder bumped him in response and turned back to Joe, "well!?"
Joe laughed, "you sure get into a story that isn't that important".
Sadie waved him off, "nothing ever happens in this town and now that school is out there is zero gossip in my life."
"Well it's not really gossip..." Tom said balling up his trash.
"How often does a new place open up in our area? Almost never! And I've been hearing about Starbucks for a long time!" Sadie defended.
"Well I ended up leaving so I can't even tell you if it was good or not" Joe said rising from the table to throw away his trash.
Sadie sighed, "Daryl I guess you will have to take me."
Daryl rolled his eyes. He didn't like coffee, coffee shops, busy places, or anything else that he could use to describe Starbucks but every person at that table knew he would take her.
It had become a ritual of sorts for Sadie to be at the garage. Almost every day she packed a lunch for everyone and they all ate together at the picnic table, even Gus. The guys all now understood, to some degree, Sadie and Daryl relationship. They didn't think anything of it anymore. Save for the special attention he got after the first time she visited.

"How do you not try to take it to the next level, man?!" Tom had asked after Daryl tried to explain.
"It's jus' not like that" Daryl countered.
"But she's all over you, dude, you're doing it wrong" Joe countered.

Daryl didn't say anything after that. He figured he would let them figure it out. And it worked because they stopped cat calling her, well seriously anyway. They still flirted but Daryl knew it wasn't serious.

It was the middle of summer now and hot as hot could get. Everyone lingered a little longer under the umbrella shade before wandering back into the hot garage leaving Sadie and Daryl left. Sadie gathered up any remaining debris and stuffed it into a paperbag.
Daryl watched her. He wanted to take her to the coffee shop, and he wanted to pay for her. He didn't know how to bring it up without making it sound like a date.
"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" Sadie asked.
"Nuthin', really" Daryl said, knowing she knew it wasn't true.
"Nope, spill it!"
Daryl smiled a genuine smile at her and grabbed her arm to pull her back onto the bench beside him. It surprised Sadie, Daryl was never playful.
"I wanna take ya to that coffee place" Daryl said "and I wanna pay for it."
Sadie let out a small laugh, "that's what you were thinking about?"
Daryl nodded.
Sadie hugged him, "you can take me on a best friend date any time you want. You don't have to ask."
Daryl's own smiled fell a little. He never even thought about it that way, that she might automatically call it a best friend date, but that was fine- she still called it a date.
They made their way back into the garage, which felt hotter than outside because of the metal roof. The window AC units didn't seem to be holding a candle to the July heat.
"You sure ya want coffee?" Daryl teased as Sadie picked up a piece of paper and began fanning herself.
She glared at him as Gus was coming out of the office.
"Guys, the temperature is only going to get hotter today, it's supposed to be a record breaker. These AC's aren't keepin' up. I'm going to close up and head home to a real air conditioner. Ya'll ok with that?"
Everyone nodded in agreement and began cleaning up. Sadie picked up a broom and started sweeping up Daryl's station.
"Ya know ya don't hafta do that" Daryl said, placing the tools he had been using back in the chest.
"I know, but I like helping you. Also, the sooner we get done the sooner we can go get coffee" Sadie said with a sly smile.
Daryl laughed and nodded in agreement.

Two hours, a shower and clothes change later Daryl and Sadie were standing in line at Starbucks.
"Joe was right! This place is crazy!" Sadie exclaimed as someone bumped her into Daryl.
Daryl put a protective arm around her and mumbled an agreement. He didn't like crowds.
They had been in line for almost 20 minutes and were only two people back. Daryl kept telling himself he was never coming back here again. This was stupid, for coffee!?
Sadie was, of course, reading his mind. "Don't worry, D. It'll get better when everyone gets over the hype."
"Will you be one of them?" Daryl asked.
Sadie grinned at him, "guess we will find out soon!"
"Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you today?" the lady at the counter asked. She was smiling and cheerful, even though it had to be the millionth time she said the same words that day.
"Hi! I would like, a, ummm, caramel Frappuccino, tall please" Sadie said.
Daryl knew she had been researching the menu while he showered, "same please". He had tried to look at the board while she ordered but had no idea what the difference was in all the items listed.
"That'll be ten fifty please."
Daryl's eyes grew a bit but he handed over a ten and a one without saying anything. He knew Sadie would be embarrassed if he exclaimed "for coffee?!"
"Your drinks will be ready at the end of the counter in just a moment" the barista said handing Daryl his change, "thank you for visiting Starbucks!"
Daryl almost laughed as he though, 'I bet you're thankful', and they shuffled down the counter to wait some more.
"This is crazy" he said close to Sadie's ear.
"It'll be so worth it" Sadie assured him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it, as if to promise him.
"And if it's not?" Daryl asked.
Sadie laughed, "I'll give you a big ol' wet kiss to make up for it."
Daryl blushed slightly. He wasn't sure if she was serious but he already knew he lost that bet. Spending time with Sadie was always worth it.

"Daryl and Sadie" the barista called out.
Daryl waited as Sadie went to grab their cups and he led them outside before taking his.
"It's cold coffee?" he said when she handed it to him.
Sadie nodded and took a sip, "and YUMMY" she emphasized to make a point.
Daryl rolled his eyes and took a sip as they went to a bench and sat down.
"S'ok, not too much like coffee" he declared after a few sips.
"Sooo, worth it?" Sadie asked, waiting for the verdict.
"Only because you're here" he said before he could stop himself.
Sadie blushed at Daryl's response. She definitely didn't expect that to be his answer.
She leaned over and planted a kiss just to the side of his lips.
Daryl looked at her shocked, "what was that for?" Then added, "not that I'm complainin'..." because he was afraid she would take his initial statement wrong.
"Because you are so incredibly sweet, Daryl Dixon, even though you try to pretend you're not" Sadie said, giving him her mega smile.
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In case you haven't already noticed, the story skips time in between each chapter. It gets me to the best part faster :)