Gabriel and Sara Love Found by Surprise

Chapter two

Ultra-serious Sullivan didn’t know what to make of playful, flirtatious, Hunter Darcy, her client this month. His home office was a disaster and she was supposed to fix it. Then, if he liked it he might keep her around and let her organized the rest of the house he had joked.
That had been two weeks ago. Sully and Hunter got along Ok now. Well, when Sully wasn’t organizing move that pile”, “If you put it away how will I find it?”, “I liked it better piled by the door.” He hd to be her absolute worst client. He was definitely the biggest baby about organizing. And there was no wife or sister to keep him in line.
Today they were working on the kitchen of his home. Never his office after that first day. She had organized his desk. He said he liked her enough to give her the big job but not enough to let her finish his office. Whatever that meant.
The stress of the job almost made her forget how handsome he was. 6’ to her 5’3”. Muscular, with short cropped black hair and soldering emerald green eyes. She pushed aside the attraction she felt for him and considered setting him up with her sister. They were 2 peas in a pod.
She had introduced them the day after she started. Sara had flown in, all breezy Sara like, unsure of her next appointment, having lost her appointment book somewhere along the way. She had quickly gone her way but Hunter had been captivated.
“She looks just like you.” He remarked after she left.
“She should. She’s my twin.” She grumbled
Hunter grinned. “Ah. But she can’t organize like you.” They were in the living room that day.” And she’s flighty. Not like you.”
“You’re observant” she was sarcastic in her reply
“No offense. Just what I noticed. I like you better. No worries there, babycakes.”
She gritted her teeth, “Could you stop calling me that?”
He laughed as he walked away. “OK sweetcheeks. Don’t touch that lamp.”
How had he known that’s where her hand was?
Now, two weeks later, she had won the battle of the lamp. But she had felt a surge of something when Hunter commented on her sister. She admitted to herself she was attracted to him. It was impossible, but there it was.
“Have u heard from your sister today” Hunter questioned
“Surprisingly I haven’t. She started a new job today . I’m sure she’ll call when she gets a chance.
“She’s working for Gabe Lawerence.” Hunters grin was huge “She won’t.”
Sully had met Gabe once in passing. She thought him handsome enough but very straight-laced. Like herself. He visited Hunter every night at 6. Neither ever seemed bothered when Sully worked late. Had he even seen her beyond their first introduction.
“But he’s so straight-laced, Hunter. I should’ve taken the job.”
Hunter frowned at that “No, that wouldn’t work. You work here.” Hunter didn’t like the idea of Gabe maybe liking Sully. He liked her and was quickly thinking of her as his. “Besides, your sister is just what Gabe needs.”
Sully shook her head. “You did not set it for my sister and your friend to get together did you? This isn’t a bogus job for her is it? Both jobs?”
“Of course not.” Hunter laughed. “I’ve been after Gabe for months to get a web page. Your sister is just the woman for the job and I told him so. And You have seen my house. Of couse the job isn’t fake.” Wasn’t exactly real either but he wasn’t telling her that just yet.
“But, Hunter, you barely let me organize things.” She implored again
He threw his hands in the air, “If you do how will I find anything?”
“I’ll make you a map.” She joked
“Hey that’s not a bad idea. Can you do that?”
She shook her head “Of, course, Hunter. It will let you know where everything is”
He clapped his hands together, “Then let’s get busy”