On Tour With 5 Seconds of Summer

The Pick Up

Gabby was in her room getting ready. She was excited to see the boys and she was also exciteed to be going on tour with them as well. "Gabby!!! Are you almost ready? The boys will be here any minute to pick you up!!" Her mom asks her. "Huh!!" She says. She gets dressed and says, "Finished!!!" "OK. Go brush your teeth and hair. OK?" She asks. "OK!!" She goes to the bathroom and brushes her hair and teeth. When she's finished, she hears voices. She knew exactly who it was. She runs out of the bathroom and down the stairs yelling "LUKE!!!!!!!!!" He turns around and opens his arms. She jumps into his arms and he hugs her tigtly. He puts her down so she can see the others. She hugs Michael, Ashton and Calum. "How is your little munchkin?" Ashton asks. "Good." She says, very happy to see them. "Are you excited to go to different city's with us?" Asks Michael. "Yea!!" She yells, while clapping her hands. "I think you guys should get going!!" Her mom says. "Yea. Do you need anything before we go?" Asks Michael. She only nods. "OK. Go get it." Luke says. Ashton puts her down and she goes to get it.

After a while, she runs back down the stairs with her stuffed toy. At the last step, she almost falls but Calum catches her. "Excited to go that you almost fall?" She only nods. "Alright. We better get going." Luke says. "Let's go!!!!!!" She yells. She runs out the door and to the car. The boys only laugh. "She is cute. Isn't she?" Her mom asks them. "Definitly!!" They say in unison. "Gabby, aren't you going to say 'Good-bye' to your mom?" Asks Calum. "Bye mommy!!!" She yells and waves from the car. They all laugh. They got to the car and buckled her in. They got in and Ashton asks, "Everyone in?" "Ya!!!" Then they drove off.

A few hours later, Gabby was fast asleep and Michael had her on his lap. He was trying to wake her up. He finally got her to wake up. "Gabby, do you want anything from anywhere?" She nods, tiredly. "OK. What do you want?" "McDonalds." "OK." They stop at McDonalds and Luke says, "Do you want a kids meal?" "Yea." "OK." They get their food and sit down.

After they eat, they headed out and went to their first destination. The destination was at LA. They had a fun day. They went shopping at the mall and lunch out.