Black Darkness

Chapter 2: Protect Her


I glared at Zero for scaring Saya. I didn't relize I was growling, until I heard wimpering, and than I relized I was making Saya even more scared by growling.

During these pass years, I learned to calm down. How I learned, was that when I met Saya, I soon relized I didn't want to scare her. Soon when she began to bring down my food, I began medatating. She was such a pretty child, but now she was beautiful. And I decided she was mine. Each time she came down, she always wore a white dress with a big black cross sown in the front. She was a Merciful Angel to me. On one visit her favortie bracelet broke. I told her I would fix it, I didn't want to see her sad. She had looked like she was about to cry, I couldn't have that. That night I stared at the cross for a good hour to relized I didn't have anything to hang it on. I was sitting up against the bars, as I dropped my head in my hands. When I began to raise my head, I saw my black silky string wrapped around my wrist. I quickly took it off, and throughout the night I made the new necklace. In the moring I began to panic.

What if she doesn't like it? What if she doesn't want it? I began to pace. I didn't have time to panic more, beacuse Saya was desending down the steps. She was here now. I watched as she stopped close at the bars. I walked towards her.

" I hope you like it," I said nervsly, taking the cross out of my pants pocket, I held it up for her to see. Her eyes widen, and her mouth dropped.I began to panic again, but was much more worse.

"Oh, My God! Its beautiful, Kyo." She said smiling.

I couldn't believe what I heard. Saya reached between the bars and grab the necklace. I watched as she put it on. Her smile got bigger as she clutched the cross in her fist. She looked up at me and smiled wider. I fell my breath slam out of my body.

"Thank you, Kyo." She said blushing.

I was speechless. All I could do was stare at her, not believing what I heard. I was so happy, she liked it and wore it everyday.

As I think about this I relized I had to get Saya out from the middle of this fight. I closed my eyes, and called my power and sword forth.

My eyes opened suddenly and power exploded from me. I was comsumed by black fire. Everything went black.


I watched in awe as Kyo rised from the black fire. I stared wide eyed at him. I knew he wasn't the Kyo I knew, the Kyo I knew was gentle, his hair not jet black, his eyes not felled with madness and killing rage, his clothes not sin looking. This kyo had eyes that is black as night, he wore a white shirt that cut off midsection, showing his belly button, white leather pants, white ridening boots his hair long and free and jet black, and a chain necklace looped around his neck 4 times and a black 6 sided star, hanged from it.

I was scared, but I wanted to make sin with him. My body tighten, I wanted nothing, but him and me in a bed. I shook my head to clear away the evil that was entering it. I have to be very careful around this Kyo, or I would never help Kyo find true peace.


My only thought was protect Saya and rip this bastard apart, for scaring her. I roared in rage and flew to meet the bastard in the air. Zero smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What I'm through with you, I going to have fun with your girl and when I get tired of her I'll kill her." He said smiling.

That was it! I fleew straignt at that bastard, ready to run him through, but before I could, he blocked my attack. Our weapons locked against one another. Zero smiled wider.

"I see you finally know how to use Zeko." Zero said laughing. I smiled. You see Zeko is the name I gave to my 5 bladed black sword.

"You always wanted Zeko." I said smirking. Zero growled.

"When I kill you, I won't just take your woman, I will take your sword too!" Zero yelled grinning.

We both broke apart. I dropped back to the ground several feet from Saya. I kept my eyes on Zero. Soon he landed on the ground too in front of me. We were 6 feet apart from each other. Slowly we twalked in circles, watching , waiting for the other to attack. i think Zero got bored, because faster than a normal human could see, he ran and tryed to cut me with his ax. I blocked his attack. I returned the attack, but he blocked. This went on for awhile. We finally broke apart still waiting. Zero's skin housed several deep cuts, and I was too. Both of us was breathing hard. My opptruaity came, when Zero tryed to aim for my heart. He had left his head unprotected. I took ,y chance. He swang his ax, and I swangged my sword. Before his ax could touch me, my sword went through his neck. His head hit the ground first and his body followed.

I turned, looking for Saya. I found her, hiding behind a bolder. I walked up to the boulder.

"Are you going to hide behind that any longer?" I asked smirking.

Saya jumped from behind it, looking afraid. She saw me and came running towards me. She reached me, running her hands over my face and body. She looked up at me.

"Are you.."

I cut her off with my lips. I kissed her roughly. She tryed to push me away, I didn't budged. She pulled her head away from me, I growled.

"Kyo!" She yelled.

Again she tryed to push me away, I held her tighter to me. I moved my mouth across her right cheek to her ear.

"If you don't stop pushing me away, I will go up to the church and kill everyone." I wishpered.

I felt her tembled.

"Come on." I walked towards the stairs that go up to the church. I dragged Saya with me.

"W-W-Where we going?" She asked.

"we're going hunting." I said smiling like a predator.