I Am Strong.

1: We Made It.

The morning was crisp. It was still foggy outside from what I could see from the window. Noah looks over and nods. That's the signal. We are getting out of here. I've been stuck at this hospital for over a week now. Bruised and bloody, but I will get out of here. I had taken the gun off the officer who tried to rape me. He's dead now, that was enough of a distraction for them not to notice his gun was missing. Joan turned and ate him. She killed herself to avoid this place. She wasn't strong. She tried to escape before, and got bit. I had to help them saw her arm off... It was terrible. She wanted to die. Dawn punished me for it even though it wasn't my fault. A new gash on my forehead, and a hurt wrist. It wasn't broken, but it hurt like hell.

I met Noah at the elevator. The officers here were having a meeting, a perfect distraction to get out of here. Noah had tied towels together to make a sturdy rope. We tied it to a hole in the elevator and slowly one by one scaled down it. Avoiding any noise to stir any walkers than could be lurking at the bottom. I know they were there, every now and then you could hear their growls echo in the elevator. When we made it to the bottom we took off towards the light, it lead to a small gated courtyard. The gate at the end had a hole in it. No one was on duty surprisingly. But walkers were wondering around. We took off running avoiding them at any cost we could so we could save bullets, and not alert others of our disappearance. We crossed the opened gate, and Noah tied it shut with a shoelace he had in his pocket. We took off towards the woods, running as fast as we could until Noah couldn't anymore. His ankle was a little messed up because of Dawn. He had problems before too. He needed some type of surgery for it, but they are pretty scarce in the apocalypse.

We laid in the tall grass breathing heavily until we felt we could keep going.

"Where do we go now?" I asked, not having much of an idea myself.

"Richmond...Virginia. My family should be there, our community had a wall around it. It should be safe. Hopefully."

I nod, and we travel until we find a road. Savaging cars, and trying to find a car that works. We found little supplies, but we had some in Noah's backpack. We took as much as we could get. Medicine, Towels, Food, and a few odds and ends. Anything that seemed it could be useful. A can opener, scissors, scalpel, matches, and some clothes. My backpack had my original supplies when they had taken me to the hospital. My knife, clothes, and the things I had picked up with Daryl at the country club. I took the pills from Noah's backpack and told him to take it. Pain medicine, for his leg. He took it without question, and we tried some more cars to see which would work. He found one, the keys were still in the ignition, and it had half a tank. We had found a map in one of the other cars, and we headed to Richmond.

I drove through the day, and Noah drove at night. He was so determined. He had twin little brothers, and his mother in Richmond. I didn't have the heart to tell him there was a possibility of them not being there. He said there was a wall. There could still be a good chance for them. It would take us a few days to get there, but we had the supplies. We would just need gas, or a new vehicle at some point...

"Who were you with before the hospital?" Noah asked.

"Daryl. He was a... a friend. Sorta more than a friend. Before we could figure it out we got separated, and I woke up in the hospital."

"They probably took you from him. They took me from my dad. Left him to die. Said it was too risky to get him. They could have gotten him. But they didn't want him to have any power there, he was a big man. He'd be hard to control...Bet they never thought we were capable of escaping." Noah laughed.

"I miss my dad." I said looking out the window. "A man killed him. Before me and Daryl we were with a whole big group. We had a prison. This guy rolled up, and tried to take it. Me and Daryl got out together. I don't know what happened to the rest of my group. I just know I seen my dad go down... I seen my sister, Maggie but she went to find her husband while I looked for the kids... I don't know if she made it or not. Or if the kids did..."

"That's rough." Noah cleared his throat un-comfortably. "They could be alive. Your sister and them. You never know." He tried to make me feel better, but it kind of did. I don't know if they are alive. I don't know if Daryl is even alive. But I'm alive. I am strong. I know that now.

"They could be. I'll probably never know though." I smile, "But at least I didn't say goodbye. I hate goodbyes."

"Me too."

We drive until we are about 5 miles from his home. We ran out of gas for the 2nd time. With no cars in sight, we were walking. 5 miles wasn't very far, but it took us all morning to walk there. The sight was heartbreaking. One of the walls was caved in. Someone had ran a big truck into it. Noah took off running.

"Wait! You don't know whats in there!" I yelled but he was already in the community.

When I caught up with him he was on the ground crying. His town was destroyed. It didn't look like anyone alive was here... I teared up myself, not knowing what I could do. I just hugged Noah while he cried. He decided he still wanted to look around his old home. The house must have been really nice before all this. It was really big, and brick. We walked in through the broken down door. The house was trashed, but there were still pictures laying around. Noah smiled and took one of them out of the broken frame. It had him, a man, two little boys, and a woman in it.

"My family. I guess I'm the only survivor."

We searched the rest of the community. Someone had ran-sacked the place clean. We decided to stay in one of the houses until in the morning. Barricading ourselves into a room, and finding anything soft to sleep on. We found some blankets, and a few pillows and made a bed in the floor. Tomorrow we would figure out what we were going to do next...