The Assassin's Folly

Chapter Seventeen

The New Year went by with grim news. Mark Adams passed peacefully on January 2nd surrounded by his son, daughter, and son-in-law. Zarah held Jareth all night as he sobbed into her chest and she cried tears of her own. If it hadn’t been for Jareth’s father’s help, Christmas Eve wouldn’t have worked.

The funeral was beautiful, with over 200 in attendance. Hailey cried the whole time while Jareth sat still as a statue. Zarah was worried; she had seen him like that before. She took him home that night and helped him forget.

Word of Damien’s death spread like wildfire as people came forward, confessing to crimes and many pleading insanity. Much of the nation’s murders were finally answered and life returned almost to normal.

No longer a cat, Dimitri fixed things between him and Bella. It had taken a lot of convincing from him, Jareth, and Zarah, but Bella came around and forgave him. They were pregnant with their first child three months later.

Peter Marshall was arrested for attempted murder thanks to the files Zarah found in Damien’s office. It included, not only the letter from Peter to have Damien kill Jareth, but also the money that Peter had given. Although he tried to fight the sentence, he failed and disappeared behind bars.

Zarah was trying to get used to being a human again. Human food became ten times tastier and she enjoyed coming up with new recipes. She moved in with Jareth in the spring and they adopted a black cat from the shelter. She ended up becoming a famous cook but enjoyed being by Jareth’s side as he stepped into the new role of company head more than the travelling required. She did finish her book, though, and received positive praise from it.

They married in the summer in front of the employees with Dimitri Jareth’s best man and Hailey Zarah’s matron of honor.

Every time Zarah thought about her marriage to Jareth, the more she loved him. He saw past her wrong doings, past her monstrous nature, and instead saw the beauty and potential she had inside of her.

She kept getting letters from people who were once under the control of Damien. Gradually, word spread about their deeds and many came to visit and express their gratitude.

But going to bed each night with her husband and knowing that, some day, she would grow old with him and die was the best thanks she ever got.