White Witch Blackening

Bubbling Brook

“What do you mean, it came from within you?” Blake asked. Even in the moonlight I could see his widened eyes and the disbelievement spread across his features. “You’re a White Witch though!”

“I know Blake, but when I started the cast everything was normal but then I felt Black Magic swelling up within me. I couldn’t control it. I’m beginning to wonder how much of a White Witch I am. So much has happened to me lately and everything reeks of Black Magic. At first I thought it was following me like the plague but I’m starting to think that it’s actually coming from me.”

Blake didn’t say anything in response he just enveloped me in his strong arms and pulled me in tightly against his chest. He didn’t rock me or kiss me, or even stroke my hair. All he did was hold me; and it was enough.

“I don’t believe it, Iz. You’re a White Witch, I’ve never felt the raw power of Magic so pure as what comes from you. Something is behind this. Some Black Magic Witch, far away is to blame.” He finally said. He pushed me backward so that he could stare into my eyes and so that I could see the sincerity in his own.

“I know you believe in me, Blake, you always have. I think I’ve had help down this path though.” I paused and carefully unclasped the pouch at my waist so I could bring it into the dim light. “I keep having a reaction to this, it sparks the Black Magic to life. I can’t and daren’t touch it, the strange thing is the chain is different.”

I carefully spilt the amulet to the small patch of grass between us. I watched Blake as he thought through everything, his dark eyes stared fixedly at the amulet laying harmlessly on the ground. Hesitantly his hand reached out; he wanted to test the amulet. My eyes closed as his hand drew near. My senses were tuned into a flare in power, for any Magic that would flash. But nothing came.

Slowly I opened my eyes and saw that he held the amulet in his rough hands. He was looking at it quizzically; his eyes fixed on the joining of the chain and the amulet. Suddenly he gasped. Before I could form a question he spoke.

“This isn’t a White Witch’s healing charm. It’s not made from silver, well the chain is but I’m sure the amulet itself is white gold. Iz, where did you get this? It’s a focus for Black Magic!” The confusion reigned on his face. What was this thing doing amongst our belongings? At least it meant that what had happened wasn’t entirely my fault.

“How can it be? I founs it amongst our things in the wreckage!” I stammered, trying desperately to think whose it could be but not coming up with any names.

“I don’t know, Iz. But these metals are similar, they are different though, the amulet has to be white gold. Where in the luggage did you get it? Was it in one of our bags?”

“No, it was in a spell supply box with these other Magic items, I just assumed it was your father’s and we were taking it to London for him.” I replied, handing Blake the pouch so that I wouldn’t have to risk touching it again.

“I brought a Magic box up here with our things; we’ll find it in the morning.” H stopped, but the silence was uncomfortable and his hands played with the amulet. I watched as his fingers grazed over the etchings. Glancing up I saw that he was still thinking and that he was battling with himself.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have even though of asking you,” he stuttered and he abruptly dropped the pendant.

“Blake, it’s me, you can ask me anything, you know you can. We need to be honest with each other; especially now.” I gently grasped his hand and squeezed.

“I know, Iz, but you’re not going to like this.” He paused again and only continued when I had squeezed his hand again. “Will you touch the amulet? I want to know what your reaction is like; it will help us to understand what’s happening. I wouldn’t ask if I thought we couldn’t gain something from this.”

The shock and panic must have registered on my face because he quickly dropped my hand and looked away. I gazed out over the stream trickling a few feet away, bubbling over pebbles like a brook in the spring. A queer thought overcame me; it would be so nice to frolic in the fresh water and lap up its purity. The thought left with a chill that ran down to the very marrow in my bones. The warm autumn night could do nothing to help me. I shook my head and filled it instead with thoughts of Magic. Could I really bring myself to touch that thing? It was so harmless to look at but harnessed so much evil. I trusted Blake though and I knew deep down that we could gain knowledge from understanding the reaction.

Without any more thinking I tugged on Blake’s sleeve and touched the amulet still lying between us. The Magic within me responded and rose up. It swelled to meet the painful tingling spreading up from my fingertips. I gasped and couldn’t let out my breath. The Magic overpowered me and overrode all my senses. Everything numbed except for the pain sweeping up my arm. With my eyes closed I fell back, bringing my hand away from the searing metal. Immediately the pain subsided but the Magic within me swirled like breaking waves against a cliff face. My breath finally escaped and the world swam back into focus. I concentrated on my Magic; on it’s familiarity and comfort. Slowly, I regained my control until it ebbed back from where it had come, that great well of power deep within me.
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