Status: On hiatus until All of Me is completed

Never Be Alone

Chapter One

Loving him wasn’t easy, but it also wasn’t hard.

You see Nick Jonas had always been there for everything in my life, from birthdays to scraped knees to high school. Our parents are best friends and that’s how we became best friends.

But let’s start from the beginning.


“Nicholas, this is Elena.” My father said.

“Hi.” He said shyly.

“Hello,” I said trying to be as confident as I could be, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You two will be seeing a lot of each other!” Nick’s father began, “They are our new neighbors!”


Okay when I said ‘the beginning’ I didn’t mean that far, let’s go a little forward in time to when Nick and I were sixteen.

I sat silently as I laid on my bed listening to Nick play me his new song, he was always trying so hard to get noticed by everyone.

As the song finished I clapped, “That was really good Nick!” I said as I jumped off my bed.

“You think so? I think there’s still a few things I need to work on but – “

“No! It’s perfect, really.” I said as I squeezed his shoulders.

“Laney, you’re just saying that.” He whined.

“No seriously Nick.” I stated

He sighed and turned away from me

I put my hand under his chin and turned him to face me again, “You’re amazing.”

He smiled.

“Now let’s go or we’re going to be late.” I said.

Nick was trying to become ‘famous’ that’s all he ever talked about.

Fame, fans, preforming

That’s all he could ever dream about.

It was amazing really, his commitment I mean, I’ve never seen anyone so stuck on this huge dream and a part of me really believed he could do it, the other part had no hope…


High school, another day in hell.

“Hey Elena! Did you hear?” One of my friends, Kenzie, asked.

“No? Hear what?” I asked.

“I’m surprised Nick hasn’t told you yet, he got signed Elena!” She said with a squeal.


“What do you mean he got signed?”

“Exactly that! ‘Hollywood Records’ signed him and his brothers!” She said with another squeal

“No he didn’t tell me.”

“Oh, I just assumed you’d be the first one he’d tell. I’m sorry Lane” She said as she squeezed my arm and left for class.

Why didn’t he say anything to me? Me of all people?

“Hi Laney!” Nick said with excitement

“Hey” I said softly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked

“Nothing, I’m fine.”

“Elena, tell me.” He said, he never used my full name.

“Why didn’t you tell me Nick?”

He frowned, “Who told you?”

“Kenz did, I would have liked to hear it from you Nicholas” I said as I slammed my locker and began to walk away

“Hey,” He said as he ran after me, “I wanted it to be a surprise”

“Right, that’s why you told everyone but me huh?”

He stepped in front of me to prevent me from walking away.

“Joe and Kev couldn’t keep their mouths shut. I wanted to tell you tonight Laney.” He said.

I sighed.

“I was going to tell you over dinner tonight, but it’s okay we can still go to dinner to celebrate right?”

I sighed again, “Yes”

He smiled, “Good because there’s something else I want to tell you as well.”


“It will have to wait” He said with a smirk as he began to walk away.

This kid was going to be the death of me.


“Well don’t you look beautiful.” He said to me as he walked me to his car.

“Why thank you Mr. Jonas” I said, trying not to blush.

“We’re eating here?” I asked as we pulled up to the restaurant.

“What do you not like it?” He asked.

“No this is great.” I said with a smile.

“Two?” The host asked us.

“Yes, just the two of us.” Nick said and the host walked us to our seats.

“Nick, thank you, you didn’t have to do this really” I said as we slid into our booth.

“My pleasure, don’t worry about it.” He said with a smile.

“There are so many options!” I said as I looked at this extravagant seafood menu.

We both finally decided on our meals and we waited patiently for our food.

“Laney,” He began, “We’ve known each other for a really long time, we’ve been through so many things together and I’ve really been thinking.”

“About?” I asked.

“Well, I just have been thinking maybe-“

Nick got cut off by our food being delivered to our table, boy did it look delicious!

“What were you saying Nick?” I asked as we began to eat.

“Oh nothing, I’ll tell you another time.”

I frowned, “Tell me.”

“I will, later. Don’t worry about it”

I nodded in agreement with him and we ate our dinner is almost complete silence.

“You know Nick, I’m so happy for you and so proud. I’m sorry for being mad earlier.”

He nodded, “I know Laney, you don’t have to apologize. I understand.”

We finished our wonderful meal and began the drive home, not one word was said on our way home, it was weird.

We arrived at home finally after what seemed like a five-hour drive from the silence.

“Thank you Nick, I really had a good time.” I said as I started to get out of the car but Nick pulled me back in and our faces were merely inches away from each other.

“Nick what are you-“

And that’s when he kissed me.

“Remember what I was saying earlier?” He said softly

I nodded.

“I want to be your boyfriend, I want to take you on romantic dates and kiss you whenever I feel like kissing you.”

I was speechless

“What do you say?” He asked.

I still was at a loss for words.

I pulled him in for another kiss.

It made my heart do flips.

“I say, what took you so long?”
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I'm really really excited for this story.

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