Status: Complete c:

Something More Precious

~ 9.

Dave couldn't really go downstairs, so Kurt had to pick him up and carry him down.
-Come on, guys! He's gonna get away! -Krist yelled from the front door
-We are coming.-Kurt told him
Zeus was about to get into his car, when Kurt ran up to him and stopped him to do so.
-What the hell do you want? You got your gay boyfriend back.
-I'm not even done with you yet. Don't talk about him that way!
He pushed the man, causing him to fall to the ground, he got in the car and stepped on the gas. Zeus tried to get out of the car but he couldn't, he collided with the front of the vehicle. Krist and Dave could hear his scream and his bones breaking, before he hit the ground.
-Kurt! -Dave cried, when the blond got out of the car.
-It's okay, Dave. It's all okay, now. -He said softly, stroking Dave's head
-You... Did you... -He stuttered
-Yes, I killed him. -He said calmly, looking at the body lying there
-How could you stay calm?! -Krist asked, he had enough by now
-I killed him, Krist. He can't hurt Dave anymore.
Dave just looked at the body in utter shock, he laid in front of the car, drenched in blood with his eyes wide open.
-Get the fuck away from here. -Dave said, looking away quickly
-Can I take the car? -Kurt asked, looking at Dave with his bright blue eyes.
-No! -He said, punching him in the arm playfully
They left the place and tried to pretend none of this happened in the real life. Dave liked to think of it as a really bad nightmare.
They were at Kurt's place, Kurt made some mac and cheese while Dave laid on the couch and Krist sat beside him.
-I have to leave soon, I just need to know that you are alright. -Krist said
-I will be with a guardian angel on my side -He said, smiling at Kurt
-Come on, stay and eat with us! -Kurt said, as he finished the cooking
-Well, okay. But I leave you two alone as soon as I finished.
-Why? -Dave asked pouting
-You lost too much time cause of that asshole. I leave you two alone.
-It's nice of you, but we need you here. -Kurt said, patting a chair and motioning to Krist to come there.
Krist helped Dave up from the sofa and they took their places at the dining table. Kurt served the food, trying not to think of what he just done. He saved Dave and that was all what mattered to him.