Status: happy holidays, haley!!!

Strawberry Thoughts

There Goes


Logan dropped by my company’s office every other month (all thanks to my co-worker, Anisa).

See, at first I thought Logan and my co-worker were banging. You would think so too by the amount of times Logan was in her little cubicle. But no. Anisa and Logan were only friends.

There was some nagging going on in the back of my head; telling me to not be jealous, yet I was somehow irritated by Anisa and Logan’s friendship.

I’ve talked to Anisa twice in my entire life. It was funny too because our first chat was about Logan. It was strange because I thought she knew I was on to her.

I remember when Anisa approached me. She asked, “Haley, what year did you graduate from university?”

When I look back at that memory, I can only remember that my eyes couldn’t close when she asked me that question because of how wide they have gotten. I expected something else; maybe about Logan or about work.

“I graduated with the Class of 1998.” I forced a small laugh. “Very long time ago.”

She nodded and left quickly.

Anisa was weird.