Love Isn't Something You Can Beat

chapter two

“Ethan, do you mind sharing with me? I didn’t bring my book today.” I asked him. Naturally he nodded and pushed his book closer to me. I got up and pushed my desk closer to his.

Mrs. Adders looked at me disapproving but went on to give a lecture. I was ready to bounce back up. Instantly I opened my notebook forgetting that my pen lay on top of it. As a result it fell to the ground near Ethan’s foot. Luckily he saw it and picked it up for me.

“Thank you.” I said, smiling.

“You’re welcome.” He said, smiling back. Quickly though, he turned away and scooted a bit farther away from me. Confused I turned back to my notebook and did the same. Mrs. Adders kept giving notes and tips on how to solve problems with limits in them.

“Class please open your textbooks and do practice A, all right?” Mrs. Adders said, after finishing part of the lesson. I waited until Ethan turned the pages, when I realized that the font was incredibly small. I had always noticed that it was small, but never how small. We both ended up leaning closer to the book. I noticed how close my hand was to his. Just a couple of inches away from touching…but alas things weren’t meant to be because then he pulled away to work on the problem. I sighed inside and got to work too.



“Goodbye class, don’t forget to do your homework tomorrow! And don’t forget we have a test on Friday so study.” Mrs. Adders called as everyone put away their belongings. I stood up from my desk and gathered all of my stuff.

“Any slower Annie and we’ll be here until tomorrow.” Mark called from the doorway, his backpack slung over his shoulder. I gave him a look.

“Whatever, Marks. Don’t get so upset now, see? I’m done.” I said walking past Ethan, forgetting to say bye to him. “Now where are we going?”

“In-N-Out. I’m craving a four by four.” He said rubbing his stomach. As soon as I reached the doorway he moved out of the way and we both walked towards the student parking lot. Mark was one of the few lucky juniors who managed to get a parking spot.

“You’re such a dork.” I said punching him lightly in the arm. He grinned and laughed too.

“You’ve got to have a sense of humor you know. Anyways come on hurry up. We’ve got Cory and Ginger waiting for us as well. Ginger may be able to wait a bit longer, but you know Cory.” He said, and so we both started running to his car. Sure enough, both Cory and Ginger were waiting by his car. They’ve been going out for about three months.

“Finally you guys decided to come!” Cory said exasperated. “I’m starving you know!” Mark looked at me and gave me a told-you-so look. I shrugged and climbed into the backseat of the car after he had taken off the alarm. Ginger climbed in after me and Cory got to ride in the front.

“So are you guys cool with In-N-Out or should we go somewhere else?” Mark asked, turning to look at us. He still hadn’t turned on his car.

“Yeah, yeah.” Cory said, impatiently. “Let’s just hurry up or we won’t have time to eat at all.” Ginger and I nodded trying to silence our giggles.

“All right then. In-N-Out it is.” Mark said finally turning the car on. We cheered. As Mark was pulling out, I looked out the window to see if I would spot Ethan. I did. He was near the big tree in the middle of campus. He sat with Nick and someone else that I couldn’t remember.

“What are you looking at Annabelle?” Ginger asked. I turned to look at her and then looked back out.

“Nothing in particular.” I said watching Ethan again, but he was gone. Lie, pure lie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if I confused you Vinny!
I thought you were trying to say that I...well yeah.
Grace put that idea in my head! XD
Anyways for all the other people...
