Love Isn't Something You Can Beat

chapter three

“Yes, can we have two number ones and two four by fours?” Mark asked the attendant politely.

“Will you want fries and drinks with the four by fours?” She asked. Her name tag read Susan.

“Yes, please. Medium drinks.” Cory cut in. She nodded and took the order.

“That’ll be 15.68.” She said. Mark took out a ten dollar bill and Cory did the same. Me and Ginger were oblivious to this and took out our own money as well. When we looked up the guys had already paid.

“I paid for you Annie.” Mark said. “And obviously Cory paid for you Ginger.” We both smiled and said thank you. Ginger and I went to go pick out a booth while the guys waited in the front for the food. We found one near a window.

“So…how are things with Cory lately?” I asked her.

“They’re pretty good. I mean he’s really awesome, so of course things are good.” She said.

“That’s good.” I said absentminded. I was thinking about Ethan again. Would he everlove like me like Ilove like him? My mind drifted off again…

“Anna? Anna? Are you listening??” Ginger asked loudly. She snapped her fingers for good measure.

“Huh? Yes, of course I am.” I said abruptly. Mark and Cory were still waiting for our food. “God, if they take any longer we won’t make it back.”

“Okay, well what did I just say?”

“Umm…that you love skittles with such a passion that you don’t think anyone else could match?” I asked.

“Lucky guess.” She mumbled. “But seriously what’s distracting you so much?”

“It’s nothing, really.” I said looking at her. She looked as if she didn’t believe me, but she let it go.

“You know…recently I’ve made the most important discovery.” Ginger said casually.

“Oh really? And what could that be?” I asked, interested.

“You and Mark would make a pretty cute couple.” She said. I looked at her and burst out laughing.

“That’s a good one.” I managed to say between my giggle fits. I saw her open her mouth to say something, but before she could the guys got back.

“All right girls, we have to go back to campus as soon as we can.” Mark said.

“Otherwise we’ll be late and we all know how Annie loves school.” Cory snickered.

“Whatever. I’m not too crazy about physics, but you’re right. We’ve got to get back.” I said standing up. Ginger gave me a pointed look, but I shrugged it off. Finally, sighing, Ginger stood up as well and we hurried to the car. Once we were inside, I got a text message. Surprised, I opened my phone and saw that it was from…


I looked over at her, and she looked back at me. She pointed at us, made talking motions with her hands, and then pointed at the guys in the front who were talking about school sports. Finally she pointed at our cell phones. Shaking my head in confusing I read the text.

GingerM: We need to talk in private.

I quickly got back to texting a response.

AnnabelleR: What about?
GingerM: What I said back in In-N-Out.
AnnabelleR: …
GingerM: I’m serious! Wouldn’t you consider it?
AnnabelleR: I don’t know. He’s a nice guy but…
GingerM: But what?
AnnabelleR: We’re just friends.
GingerM: But I bet he likes you too.
AnnabelleR: That’s crazy!
GingerM: Is it? I don’t think so.
AnnabelleR: Whatever. This conversation is so over.
GingerM: Wait! Okay I’m sorry.
AnnabelleR: Aww…I forgive you. :)
GingerM: But if you don’t like him, who do you like?
AnnabelleR: No one.
GingerM: I don’t buy that for a second babe.
AnnabelleR: It’s the honest truth.
GingerM: Is it?
AnnabelleR: Yes.
GingerM: I doubt it.

I was about to tell her that I didn’t care, but it was then when the guys finally realized that we weren’t interested whether or not Charles Dears was left footed or not.

“What’s with all the silence?” Cory asked with a mouthful of burger. I and Ginger flinched.

“Ew…gross Cory! “ I said Ginger nodding. However we all started laughing.

“Hey,” Ginger said finally realizing something. “How come you’ve started eating, but haven’t given us our burgers yet?”

“Hey yeah.” I agreed. “Mark, I thought you didn’t want your car to get dirty.” Mark looked at Cory and gave him a look.

“I don’t.” He said. “Cory, can’t you wait, we’re already in the parking lot.” And indeed we were.

“Aw, come on man. You knew I was starving. I said so myself. Three times might I add.” Cory said taking another big bite of his four by four.

“How can you eat so much meat?” I asked in awe. Cory looked back at me and smiled.

“I’ve got no idea.” He said grinning. At that Mark parked the car and we all got out. Then we went back to where we normally eat lunch. We sat down at the lunch table and got our food. Well. Most of us did. Cory was now down to his fries and medium coke.

I glanced around, looking to see if Ethan was nearby. He wasn’t.

“We’ve got to hurry up.” Mark said. “Lunch is going to end soon.” I sighed and got my food.
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Hahaha, yeah I know it's mostly dialogue. Sorry about that.
Anyways that's the last of the already written ones.
Now you'll just have to wait. Meanwhile comment?

Thanks it means a bunch. <3
Also I don't think the price is accurate. I just guessed. XD