Status: Written for Bee-Gee as a Secret Santa gift! :)

Cause Baby It's Cold Outside

One of One

Evelyn tucked her hair behind her ear as she stood in the frozen food section of the grocery store. The one thing she absolutely hated about living so far away from her family was how expensive it was to travel to see them. Because since she was an adult she had to have a job and make her own money, then figure out the best way to spend that money. Which was usually bills, because apparently being an adult meant paying bills. So this year she didn’t have enough money to buy a plane tickets to fly home to be with her family for the holidays. And she knew she’d see them soon because her parents and sister were supposed to be making a trip to see her after the first of the year sometime, it would’ve been nice though to see them on Christmas. But things don’t always work out how we want them.

“Evelyn, I thought you were going to see your family?” She heard a voice say, pulling her from her thoughts of not getting to see her family, and which of the great frozen dinners to pick from. She turned towards the voice a little shocked really to see her ex-boyfriend’s parents. They were kind of the last people she’d expected to see. Honestly, she’d kind of figured they’d be off at their cabin with Oliver and his brother for the holidays like they were every year already.

“Well I was going to to go home, but I feel like it was one thing after another this last week. First it was my car, then well my friend and I had a pipe burst in the basement and after we paid to fix everything it kind of drained me of the money I’d saved to buy a plane ticket so I had to cancel my plans and am now spending Christmas here.”

“I can’t accept this,” Carol said shaking her head and turning to her husband for a moment before she turned back to Evelyn. “I have a wonderful idea,”

Which Evelyn was sure this idea was going to be nearly as great as she said, but well even if Oliver and her were broken up, she’d never be rude to his mother because of that. Especially after how nice Carol was.

“Why don’t you come with us to the cabin. I’m sure Oliver would love to see you, and you haven’t been around much lately. It’d be really nice to have you around again.”

She wanted to deny, really she did. But if Evelyn had figured out anything in the three years she’d dated before they broke up it was that people didn’t say no to Carol Graham. The woman wouldn’t accept it. And honestly, more often than not when it came to Evelyn and Oliver, Carol knew what she was talking about. Even if neither of them would admit it.

“I don’t want to intrude, plus I mean Oliver and I did break up and the last thing I’d want is for things to be awkward.”

Carol shook her head and rested her hand on Evelyn’s shoulders. “Sweetie, you wouldn’t be intruding at all, and believe me, when I say this, I’m positive that Oliver would love you see you. So why don’t you go home and get whatever you need and then Frank and I will pick you up in like an hour?” Carol said with a smile.

That was how two and half hours later Evelyn found herself at the Graham family cabin.

It was beautiful, just like it’d been two years ago when she’d came for the first time with Oliver. The cabin itself was surrounded by snow covered trees, and there was a cute stone pathway that led from the driveway to the door. Out back behind the cabin and down a little path there was a lake that during winter would freeze over, and Oliver had actually taught Evelyn how to ice skate on that lake the first time he’d brought her. And occasionally during the summer, they’d spend about a week up here at the cabin as well, which usually the summer was filled with cookouts, fishing, and campfires and hiking. Evelyn, however, had loved spending Christmas here more than she had the summer.

And if asked, she could’ve spent hours listing all the amazing things about this place this time of year. One thing though that stood out about all else was the smell. And to Evelyn, the air at the cabin in the winter just smelled like winter which made her happy really. There was just a mixture of pine, and clementine which put off one of the most amazing smells ever.

“It’s about time you two got here, Jake and I were starting to wonder if you’d forgotten about us,” Oliver said as he made his way out of the cabin and towards the car to help get things inside.

Which meant within the next minute he’d realize she was there and from there she’d know if his parents had lied to her about Oliver really being okay she was there.

“Evie? I uh, didn’t know you were coming.” Oliver said biting his lip and running his hand through his hair.

Evelyn tucked her hair behind her ear again and bit her own lip, “I didn’t really know I was coming actually,” she finally replied. “You’re parents just kind of invited me last minute. I hope that’s okay. I mean I told them I didn’t want to make anything awkward or anything. And believe me, if you don’t want me here just say the word and I’ll find a way to get back into town.”

Oliver laughed a little before he moved to help her get her things from the trunk. “You’re rambling. And it’s fine, can’t say I’m surprised really. They didn’t like stop by your house and invite you did they?”

“What? No. Your parents aren’t that weird Oli. They saw me at the grocery store and didn’t want me to be alone eating a frozen dinner. Why would you think they came to my house? I think you’re a little paranoid.”

“I don’t know. I mean you’ve met my mom I wouldn’t put anything past that woman. Especially going to your house to invite you to our cabin. Especially with how much they both love you. You realize they’re probably going to try something on us though right?” He asked her not blind to when his mother was trying to pull something over on him.

Evelyn shook her head, “I was pretty sure as soon as your mom invited me that she was going to try something. That doesn’t mean I could say no, though, because well you’ve met your mother. When have I ever been able to tell her no?”

She did wonder though if Oliver thought it would be a bad idea for them to try dating again. Because while the breakup hadn’t been mutual, Evelyn didn’t want him to know that, so she’d acted like she was okay with everything. Mostly because she hadn’t wanted to guilt trip him into staying with her. She also knew if he wanted out trying to keep him locked in would just push him away. So she’d told herself over and over that if she and Oliver really were meant to be like she hoped then somehow they would be. She’d really missed him, and there wasn’t a single bone in her body that thought it would be a bad idea to be with Oliver again, because well she loved him. And maybe he’d just needed the time to figure that out.

“Good point, well I’m sure Jake will be happy to see you so I guess we can head in so we don’t freeze to death out here,” Oliver said grabbing a couple of her bags and leading her into the cabin.

If there was one thing that’d always just went together it was Evelyn and Oliver. Everyone knew that. Oliver’s parents knew that, his brother knew it, Evelyn knew it, her best friend knew it, everyone knew it. Everyone except Oliver really.

“He’s an idiot Evie, which I know you won’t admit it, but I think you know that as well as I do,” Jake said later that night while they were sitting next to the fireplace drinking their hot chocolate. His parents had gone to their room to work on wrapping presents for everyone, and Oliver had went to his room to grab something, but he hadn’t said what.

“I don’t think he’s an idiot Jake,” she said shaking her head. “I just think he doesn’t know how he feels and maybe he wants to date other people because I mean we were together for three years, but we were only eighteen when we started dating. Which is like right out of high school and it could’ve easily just been a transition thing for him. When he does know how he feels though I’m sure I’ll know. And maybe we won’t be together in the end. I want us to be, but maybe we won’t be. Whatever happens, I promise I’ll be okay.” She told Jake before turning her head to the TV to try and focus on the movie they’d put in.

Evelyn knew how she felt about Oliver, and she knew that she’d probably always feel that way about him. What she didn’t know was how he felt about her. And maybe Jake had a point, maybe telling Oli how she felt would be a good idea because at least she’d know how he felt in the end. Which really could help her start to move on if that’s what needed to be done. After all, if Oliver told her he really didn’t want to be with her anymore then the best thing she could do for herself would be move on.

So she found herself leaving the living room and lightly knocking on Oliver’s door before pushing it open slightly when he called to come in.

“Oh hey,” he said smiling at her, “I thought you and Jake were watching a movie or something,” he said turning back to whatever he was doing.

Evelyn tucked her hair behind her ear for probably the millionth time that day before letting out a soft sigh knowing it was now or never. “We were, but it just ended so I thought I’d come find you and see if you wanted to come play a board game with us or something,” She told him though that wasn’t really the reason she’d stopped by his room. It was how she was starting things.

“Yea sure, I’ll be right there.”

Evelyn nodded her head and smiled at him and starting to turn to leave before she stopped herself and sighed again. She really needed to just say it. Blurt how she really felt right now because getting cold feet and not telling him was a bad idea. “Do you still love me?”

“What?” Oliver asked her a little taken off guard.

She bit her lip then took a deep breath before starting over. “What I mean is, when we broke up last year I told you that I was fine with everything because I didn’t want you to feel bad, or guilt you into staying with me because I mean you clearly didn’t want to be with me anymore and I had to accept that. But we’ve been apart for a year now and it’s sucked. I’ve missed you and I’m still in love with you and I just need to know how you feel.”

Evelyn could tell you what she was expecting. She was expecting him to say something along the lines of ‘oh well I need time to process this,’ or ‘I didn’t realize you still cared so much,’ or something kind of not really answering the question but making her question everything even more. However, that wasn’t the response she got. Instead, she got a kiss. And not a light peck on the lips, or the forehead. No, she got a full blown kiss that made her heart swell with happiness and told her everything she needed to know.
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Written for the lovely Bee-Gee! I hope you like it! :)