Status: Updates to come


Chapter 2

The first day of classes went as well as could be expected. Suffice to say it was extremely boring.

Octavia skipped breakfast. She never saw any evidence that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, so she did something more productive with her time: clearing the dust from her classroomamd study and ensuring that that poltergeist Peeves would not return to bother her.

While the first students made their ways to their seats, Octavia reviewed her lesson plans for the week. They were simple, but she wanted to look busy.

When the be rang, Octavia stood up. "As I'm sure Professor Dumbledore has informed you, I am Professor Gardner, here to instruct you in Composition, " she announced.

Picking up the role, Octavia read off each name, marking each name that received no response. "Well then. Anyone who is late to my class will receive detention, today being the only exception considering I have more important things to do with my first day here than sit and babysit you lot." She watched as the nervous first years exchanged glances. Her brisk manner with them most likely did nothing to clam their nerves, but considering the treatment she herself, another professor, had received from Snape the night before, she would not the only one terrifying the new students.

"For today, all of you will be using the class time to write an essay discussing what you came to Hogwarts expecting, what your impressions of the school are so far, and what you expect from your time here," Octavia explained. "I will be using these to judge what you need to work on and what composition skills you have."

A few students began pulling out parchment and ink, while others sat there, motionless. "You will be handing them in at the end of class, so if you know what's good for you, you will all begin now," Octavia snapped. Those dawdling students leaped into motion.

Octavia circled the room, making note of those who sat and stared at the blank parchment in front of them, and those who wrote furiously. "If you don't write even a single line, I may consider speaking with Professor Dumbledore about your clear inability to complete even a simple nonmagical assignment which can only mean you should not really be here taking up our time." Many students jumped as an explosion came from across the hall, echoing through the stone corridors. Apparently dimwitted students could be found throughout the school, not just her class.

At long last, the the bells rang signally the end of class. The students ran out of the room, leaving their essays on their desks as instructed. She walked along the rows, picking them up one by one, glancing quickly over how much each student had managed to write.

The classes each continued the same way, with only lunch to break them up. Octavia was seated next to Snape at the table overlooking the students seated with their respective houses. Though she ignored them, Octavia could feel numerous sets of eyes watching her. She couldn't be sure, but at least one watcher seemed to be sitting directly to her left. They returned to the dungeons without a word and continued the monotony of their classes.

Octavia was sitting at her desk at the front of the classroom rubbing her temples after the last class had been dismissed. Several seventh years had felt they didn't need this class and though the would attempt to intimidate her. And she had a feeling she would be hearing more about the note passing she had put a stop too as well.

"You skipped breakfast, and are now planning to skip supper as well?" a silky voice asked. Looking up, Octavia observed Snape leaning against doorframe. "How else are the students waste their time sitting and staring at the new professor?"

Octavia sat up, lowering her hands. "Didn't I already run that adolescent obstacle course of judgement during lunch?"

The sides of Snape's mouth twitched as he fought a smile. "Indeed. But many students skip lunch in order to study or finish homework they need. Everyone is present for supper. Those students who have already attended classes with you will pass their judgement of you onto other students, who will in turn gossip about that they have heard about you."

"Alright, I'm coming then. Wouldn't want to miss out on that now, would I?" Waving her hand, the essays from the last class flew into a neat pile on her desk as Octavia joined Snape. The pair walked in silence once again as they made their way toward the Great Hall.

"Professor Gardner!" McGonagall called out, running down the steps towards them. "Professor Gardner, I really must speak with you. Severus, you may as well stay."

"Professor McGonagall," Octavia greeted her carefully. She bit her tongue to keep from saying more.

"You set a student on fire in your last class," McGonagall stated, infuriated. "What on earth possessed you to do such a thing?"

Snape raised an eyebrow at Octavia. "So that was the shouting I heard," he said calmly.

McGonagall turned towards him. "You knew about this? And did nothing?"

"Considering I've heard worse many times in my own class, I saw no need to investigate. And Professor Gardner seems perfectly capable of taking care of herself."

Somewhat mollified, McGonagall turned back to Octavia. "Well? Are you going to explain yourself?"

"Technically, I didn't set him on fire. Cobham decided to waste his time passing notes in class instead of doing as instructed. I requested that he hand it to me, and when he didn't, I set the parchment on fire. He made the idiotic decision himself to put it in his pocket." At least Octavia had the decency to put the flames out and send Cobham to the infirmary.

"I suppose you had your reasons," McGonagall sighed. "Though I must insist that you never do such a thing again."

"Was there any other reason for me to remain here, or may I get to supper?" Snape interjected.

"I would like to go as well," Octavia said.

"Yes, I would recommend that the two of you eat well," McGonagall said. "Severus, you will be taking Professor Gardner with you on your walk of the grounds tonight." With that, she spun on her heal and made her way back to the Great Hall.

"What are we supposed to be doing on this upcoming walk of the grounds?" Octavia asked as the two began walking again.

"Not much," Snape explained. "We'll spend several hours walking the grounds after lights out to be sure no students are out of bed. Nothing much. Though I do recommend you follow Minerva's advice and eat well. I'll knock at your door when it's time for us to go," Snape added as the pair took their seats.

For now, all Octavia needed to do was get through one meal full of students judging her.
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I already have the next chapter planned out, so I just need the time to type it up.

As always, comments are greatly appreciated.