Status: In Progress! Updates weekly!


The Sinner.


Alex has always hated grocery shopping, but at this point, he'll do nearly anything to get out of the house. He doesn't think his parents are suspicious, but every glance toward him, every word directed his way, has him on edge. The second shoe has to drop sometime, right? He washed his underpants at Rian's, and Rian was more than willing to cover for him, so he shouldn't be worried.

Of course Alex's parents, however, are angelic, and angels have a way of just knowing...

"So, here's the list, and make sure you're back in an hour! Remember, we have a meeting tonight at the church!" Isobel reminds her son. He smiles back at her and takes the sheet of paper she's holding, pretending like he heard every word she said to him. After grabbing his keys and taking a step outside, he lets out a deep breath.

It's been two days, but Alex can't get him out of his mind. Rian told him that it was just a hookup, and he knows that. What he doesn't know is how someone can do something that intimate and not feel anything towards the other person. The guilt is eating him alive. He gave into his lust, his desires, and for that he should be punished, right? He's an angel, for goodness sake, and in God's eyes, angels are definitely held at a higher level of competence than humans. The devil shouldn't be able to get in their minds, so they have no reason to sin. In fact, if a demon were to so much as touch an angel, both would burn alive. Even to be in close proximity of one another could cause sickness or weakness. Likewise, this makes an angel's sins that much more blasphemous, and unlike humans, their sins require a recompense further than an apology and plea for forgiveness. Even though Alex isn't a full angel, he has his Grace, making the rules still apply to him.

Alex knows the rules. He was reminded of them at church yesterday. Once everyone had gone, he went to the front of the sanctuary. He had to confess, there was no way around it. It could have been done in much subtler ways, but Alex knows how his Lord feels about hiding aspects of his faith. He begged, pleaded, screamed for forgiveness, and of course, his Lord answered, telling him what he already knew. There was only one way for him to right his wrong.

Basically, he was entirely out of luck unless he located Jack.

Logistically, that wouldn't be hard to do. Alex has his last name and didn't Jack say something about his parents owning the bar they met at? Mentally, however, Alex is still skeptical. He isn't sure if he can resist Jack if he tries to do something again, given their short history. And anyways, what if Jack doesn't agree? Clearly, the man was more of a one-night stand sort of person. Why would he drop his lifestyle for some random boy simply because he was asked to?

So yes, maybe Alex is a little fucked. Especially since he can't seem to control his thoughts of lust as he makes his way through the grocery store aisles. The images of Jack - pinning him against the alley wall, whispering "angel" in his ear as he grabs Alex's erection, shuddering against Alex as he orgasms, the pleasure too strong for Jack to hold himself up - infiltrate his conscious. The word "exorcism" pops into his mind.

He's so lost in his thoughts that he practically throws the box of cereal in his hands across the store when a strong yet quiet voice comes from behind him. "You're focusing really hard on that Cookie Crisp, Angel."

Speak of the Devil, and the Devil shall appear.

"What the- Jack?" Alex splutters. This is too convenient. The word "exorcism" is replaced with "stalker," complete with the flashing red lights.

Alex's reaction is exactly the one Jack's expecting. "You missed me?" Jack asks confidently.

Maybe. Trying to regain his cool, Alex scoffs while reaching for his now dented cereal box. "Don't flatter yourself."

Alex starts to walk down the aisle, but Jack trails behind him. "So how was church yesterday?"

Maybe it seems like an innocent enough question to anyone walking near them, but Alex can see the laughter Jack's trying to hold back. His cheeks redden in response. "It was fine." He says curtly.

"How'd God take your...transgressions?" He taunted. "I'm sure the big Guy in the sky absolutely adored your night at the gay bar. Tell me, why doesn't he just strike places like that with lightning? I'm sure he can't want all of the gays rallying together against him."

Alex can't help but roll his eyes. "God doesn't care that people are gay. They love us just the same. You can like whoever you like; love can never be a sin."

"Except for when Satan loved God too much, right?" Jack shoots back. Alex is almost impressed.

"That wasn't love. That was envy, lust: things that can tear you apart. If anything, God would burn the place down because of lust, but They've given us free will, so that won't happen."

"You sound like you know from personal experience."

Alex doesn't look back to read his face. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." Is Jack suspicious? Probably. And guessing by the nickname, his suspicion is most likely right. Alex won't be the one to tell him that, though. He could never ruin someone's life like that. Suspicions are okay, as long as they're never confirmed. "But anyways, I'm kind of fucked unless..." Can he really guilt Jack into something like this? No, his conscious won't let him. He sighs. "Never mind."

"Unless what?" Jack persists.

"Nothing, Jack. Something tells me you wouldn't be fond of the idea."

Jack can't help but scoff. "You've met me once, Alex. And I think you might have been more than a little too distracted to get to know me..."

Alex wants to stereotype him, to tell him he knows his type and put him in a box. That's judgment, though, and he knows that's not his job. There's only one being who can judge, Alexander, and you are not Them. His mother's chiding voice rings in the back of his mind. So, Alex whispers his piece, only daring to say it louder when Jack asks 'what did you say?' For the fourth time. "The only way I can get rid of this sin is if you go out with me and both of us commit to a serious relationship."

Jack knew this was coming. He's known since day one, when he was told of the plan. Still, he can't deny the butterflies filling his gut as the words leave Alex's mouth. He has to play it cool, though, so Alex doesn't get suspicious. "You're kidding, right? I don't date." He feigns shock and even a little anger.

This is what Alex was afraid of, but he isn't surprised in the slightest. Who knows if they even like anything about each other beyond their bodies? "I figured as much." Maybe he can't judge, but he can guess. "It's fine, I didn't expect you to say yes. I've gotta get going, though." He'd practically rejected himself before Jack could even take a swing, so why does he feel so embarrassed? Why is his heart hammering in despair?

Throwing a few random boxes of cereal in the cart and praying he got the ones his parents wanted, he waves a jerky hand at Jack and keeps his head down as he practically runs out of the aisle. "Alex, wait!" Jack shouts after him just before he turns the corner.

He nearly doesn't stop, too embarrassed to hear another word from Jack, but something keeps him stuck in place as Jack catches up. For some reason, even though he shouldn't be this worked up over a near stranger, he's close to tears. His heart's caught in his throat and if Jack makes fun of him for this he might lose it in the snack foods aisle. "Don't, just...don't be rude right now. If you want to tease me for my religion or my belief or whatever, just walk away right now, Jack." He speaks over the lump in his throat.

He tries counting the tiles below him to keep his glassy eyes out of Jack's view, but soft, almost delicate feeling fingers reach under his chin and softly guide his eyes upwards. Jack's easy grin immediately drops as his chest clenches at the sight of Alex crying. "Hey, I'm not going to make a joke out of this. I might be an asshole, but I'm not going to insult your religion. I believe in God, too. It might not seem like it, but I know he exists as much as you do. I also believe what you're telling me about this whole 'forgiving your sins' thing. So," He takes a deep breath. Why is he nervous? Jack doesn't get nervous, especially not when asking people out. His kind had been one of the most feared creatures of all existence, for goodness sake! What does he have to be scared of? Nothing, that's what. His brain is screaming suck it up, Barakat! "Are you free tomorrow?"

Alex's lip rolling between his teeth is possibly the most attractive thing Jack has ever seen. "I'll have to talk to Rian, my best friend, and see if he can cover for me. I'll send him a message right now." He pulls out his phone and spends a minute punching out letters before handing his phone over to Jack. "Give me your number, and I'll text you when I know. I'm sorry for running off like this, but I really do have to finish this. Mom will kill me if I'm not home on time, and I've still got, like, half of the list to get."

He pulls a piece of folded paper out of his back pocket and starts to scan over it, but it's snatched out of his hands and replaced with his phone. "Hm, I'll get the soy milk, bread, grape jam, and paper products if you get the vegetables. I'll race you and see who gets done first." When Alex doesn't immediately agree, Jack starts rambling. It's never been a habit of his, but he guesses this is what nerves do to him. "I'm just helping my future date out, okay? It'll be fun, and you'll be done way faster than if you have to get it all yourself. I don't have anything to do, I was just picking up some candy and a magazine for myself, so it's not a bother for me-"

"Jack, shut up." Alex chuckles, catching his own nervous tick on Jack. He thinks it works better on the man than it ever has on himself. "On your mark," He starts before Jack can pick up his speech again.

The tension Jack felt fades as he takes his starting position. "Get set," He continues.

The bright grin they share lights up the aisle, and nearly the entire store can hear them shout "GO!"

In the end, it's Jack who takes the bragging rights. Alex swears that the only reason that's so is because he had to push they already heavy cart and weigh all of his vegetables before Jack would let them "count". It's then Alex knows it was rigged from the start, and although Jack is gloating, Alex's pout knocks him down a notch. "Angel, I'm sorry...that you're a sore loser!" Jack taunts.

Alex barely hears him though; he's too engrossed in his phone to care what Jack's saying right now. "Whatever. Let's head to checkout." Alex says, not looking up from his messages.

Jack pushes the cart to the shortest line for his date, and only once Jack's loaded all of the groceries onto the conveyor belt does Alex look up. He really hadn't been paying much attention since Jack won, and he blushes. He doesn't want Jack to do his work for him, and he's embarrassed that he had been so rude by being engrossed in his phone. "You didn't have to do that, Jack. I could have gotten it fine."

"Whatever, you just owe me even more now. Once for losing, and twice because I'm a wonderful gentleman." They laugh together. "But I should probably leave you alone now so you aren't late. If I take you out to your car I might not let you leave for a while." Jack's wink only makes Alex blush harder. "Text me when you get the chance so I have your number, too."

Alex nods. "Right, so I'll see you tomorrow at 7, maybe? I'll text you Rian's address." Alex holds up his phone, where a message from Rian tells him to get laid.

Neither of them can help their large smiles as they hug each other goodbye. As the annoyed cashier yells at the two to hurry up and pay, Jack presses a kiss into Alex's forehead with a whispered "bye, Angel," and disappears into the candy aisle.


"What? You're taking me back to a club when a place like this is what got us into this mess in the first place?" Alex shouts as Jack pulls into a different, but just as loud nightclub. Tonight has not gone as planned for either boy. Jack had intended on going to a nice restaurant, followed by ice cream on the boardwalk and yes, coming to this club to dance the night away. Alex had hoped for something along the lines of a cute picnic or dinner and a movie. Yes, he is cliche, but also easy to please.

Jack has not pleased him.

However, Jack isn't too pleased at the moment, either. When he had pulled into the restaurant parking lot at the beginning of the night, Alex froze. Sure, maybe it was a little grandiose and expensive, but it's Jack's favorite steakhouse. They only served the best to their highest paying customer.

Too bad Alex is a fucking vegan.

When the boy revealed this, Jack tried, he really did, to not be upset. However, this minor detail ruins 2/3 of his planned night. It also required the pair to drive half an hour to the other side of town where the only decent vegan restaurant in the area is, according to Alex. Yeah, maybe he was prepared to yell at Alex and take him home before the date even really started, but no. He couldn't. It's not part of Their plan.

And really, when his vegan tofu steak hit his taste buds, all was forgiven.

"Yeah, I mean I don't really know of any other places around here where we can go dancing. I just wanted us to have some fun."Jack says, trying(and failing) to keep the hostility out of his voice. Alex still looks upset, but his resolve wavers when he hears Jack's reasoning. Jack tries to hide his smirk. "I swear I won't drink a drop of alcohol tonight. We don't even have to leave the dance floor until you're ready to leave, okay? Just give it an hour. I promise if you aren't having fun by then, I'll take you home." He reasons.

After hearing his plea, Alex feels it would be unreasonable to disagree. It seems that Jack really wants this, and aren't relationships all about compromise? They aren't in a relationship yet, but he figures if he is to really get rid of his transgression in the future, he'll have to get used to it soon. "One hour, Barakat."

Fifty minutes later, Alex is having more fun than he's ever remembered having. This dance floor is much less crowded than the one they danced - if you could even call it that - at before, giving them more freedom to move around. They know all of the songs the DJ plays and find out that their music tastes are similar. This might be they only thing they've found in common all night.

Despite their differences, however, they're both basking in the company of one another. Alex loves the way Jack is so open, brutally honestly about nearly everything they talk about, even if he knows it could be offensive. He wishes he could do that, but his upbringing taught him to live an unassuming life and never hurt someone unnecessarily. He doesn't know if he could change that. Jack, on the other hand, can't help but smile at how easy it is to embarrass his date and make him squirm a bit. All he does is in good fun and Alex knows it, keeping their mood for the night bright and bubbly. In Jack's world of heavy and fast, late nights and unhealthy habits, Alex is light, innocent. He finds himself thanking God for the first time in his life as he relishes the feel of Alex's calloused fingers between his own.

Jack almost stumbles over his dance partner when they freeze. "What the hell?" He says, trying to regain balance.

"Sorry, just a cramp in my back." Alex recovers quickly.

"Why don't we sit down for a minute? Or go outside for some air?" Jack suggests. He's been warned about this. He hadn't known exactly when it would happen, but now it's here and Alex should really take a seat.

"No, no, I'm fine. This is a good song. I want to dance to it." He pants, bringing an uneasy smile up on his cheeks. "We'll sit down after."

Jack looks at him hesitantly, knowing the pain hasn't really left him. But if Alex is this determined to dance with him, he sure as hell isn't about to deny the boy. "Alright, fine." He teases. "Just stay close." He whispers into Alex's ear.

Jack pretends he doesn't feel the shiver.

Other than his gritted teeth, Alex shows no physical signs of discomfort. Jack thinks he might make it through the end of the song, but just as the bridge pound through the speakers, Alex's face contorts in pain, mouth open in a scream unheard over the song. A sheen of sweat is covering him and he falls forward, stumbling against Jack. The poor boy passes out from pain before his head even hits Jack's shoulder.

Jack drags Alex towards the door, brushing off any curious passer bys with a "he's just drunk." All Jack knows is that they need to get out of here before they start showing.

Who knows what God would do to a crowd of loud drunks that saw an angel's wings?
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I forgot to mention this in the first chapter, but updates will be on Sundays or Mondays!
Title credit to Memphis May Fire.