Life Is Beautiful

Just A Car Crash Away

It was already May which meant that our little bundle of joy was already 6 months old and I couldn't contain myself. We were set to go to GA while Norman filmed for Walking Dead. I had all of our bags packed and everything ready. Mercy was still working on getting her teeth, so we still had to deal with that. I made sure we had everything we would need for the long trip. I made sure Mercy had her stuffed animals and other random items. I decided that since nobody would be at home that Eye was making the long trip with us also. I carefully gathered up his toys and packed them away. I stuffed all the stuff in the back of the car. I put Mercy in her carseat and made sure she was buckled in perfectly and she grabbed my hair and started pulling on it and I just started smiling and laughing and playing with her and making her laugh. Any day now she was going to be saying her first words. I dreaded that moment but also looked forward to it. I wondered what her first word would be. Dada? Mama? Or something completely random? I decided that I wanted to stay close to my daughter and she grabbed my hand and smiled up at me. Norman got into the drivers seat and looked in the mirror and saw me in the back seat. He apparently could tell by my facial expression that I was trying to keep her calm. My friend asked me if she could sit in the front seat and I let her. Mercy was just talking up a storm, the best she could, as we left. She had her fingers wrapped around my fingers and I just couldn't help but smile.

It was soon Mothers Day and I was so thankful that I got to spend this day with my beautiful little girl. I was looking back at the pictures of me at this time last year. I uploaded a picture of last year and this year with the caption 'Can't believe this time last year I was pregnant and now my lovebug is here and going to be 6 months this month!' I snuggled her as close as I could. It was still a tug of war between me and Norman to hold her. We both wanted to hold her at the same time, but it was more of a game between the two of us. We were always happy when she was around. That was something I noticed since I had her, we both smiled a little bit more. I guess I didn't know true love until I got her in my arms. I mean of course me and Norman argued but we always made up and it was because she did something cute. It was like she was saying 'Mom and Dad don't argue look I'll entertain you guys.' I needed to go get something from the store and I wanted to do it while Norman was filming and get back when he was on a break. I got into the car and put Mercy into her seat and hugged my best friend and Mingus and said I'd be back in a few minutes. I tried to figure out which store to go to, since I wanted to cook dinner tonight and no order out like we did the previous times and since Norman was working I didn't want him to stress out trying to figure out what we were going to eat. I quickly got Mercy out of the car seat and went into the store and picked up a few items and paid for them and hurried back out to the car. I noticed a group of people standing around a few cars with cameras. 'Shit' I uttered under my breath. I thought since I went quite a way from set that these vultures wouldn't be a problem. They noticed I was by the car and rushed up to me. I tried my best to put Mercy into her car seat and hurry back to set. They rushed the car and I drove off and was driving the normal speed and all of a sudden all I remembered was a car hitting the drivers side of the car, when it was my green light. The next thing I remember was being put into an ambulance and hearing crying. I looked over at the EMT sitting next to me who had Mercy in her carseat. 'My.. my baby. Is she okay?!' - 'She's fine ma'am. You took the blunt of the crash.' - 'Wha- what?! Can you please call my boyfriend?! Please. My phone is in my purse.' The next thing I knew I blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital bed with Norman in the chair next to me with Mercy asleep on his chest. My friend was sitting in the chair next to Norman. Mingus was sitting in the floor across from me and looked up and saw that I was awake and ran up to me and hugged me and I cringed because my whole body hurt. Norman woke up from the nap he was apparently taking and I smiled at him. 'You're awake! How are you feeling?' - 'Sore. How bad is it?' - 'Pretty bad. You needed stitches on your head, a lot. You manged to break your arm. Tons of bruises. You got a black eye and minor cuts and scrapes. You sort of messed your legs up, but they said you should be able to walk without a problem.' I broke down and cried. 'Hey. You're okay. Our daughter is okay. It's okay. We'll get through this.' - 'Can I please hold her?' Norman placed Mercy on my chest and I just looked down at her asleep. 'How much milk does she have left at home? Cause they said until your pain meds get out of your system you can't nurse her.' I looked at Norman with a worried look on my face. 'I tried to save up as much as I could so I sort of mixed it all together. Plus I have that one bottle she didn't finish. You think that's enough? When can I get out of here? I wanna go home.' - 'They said a few more days. If they see that you're healing and can function you can leave within a few days.'

I stayed in the hospital for about 3 days. I had bruises up and down my body and my head still hurt. I was so ready to sleep in my own bed, and just cover up with my blankets. Norman dropped me off at home before heading to set which I encouraged him to do. He carried me to the bedroom and made sure I was comfy before heading off. I kissed him goodbye and had Mercy next to me who was asleep. We curled up together and I fell asleep. I didn't know how long I was out until I felt Norman lightly get into the bed. My eyes opened slowly and 'Hey' slipped out. I tried to sit up but I hurt to bad. I didn't know what time it was but I could only imagine it was late since he was home. I didn't see Mercy where I left her, and my heart started racing. 'WHERE'S MERCY?!' He tried to calm me down 'She's okay. She's been gone most of the day from what I've heard. I came in and she was asleep on the blanket your friend had her on in the floor. I think Mingus has her right now. Do you want me to go get her from him?' I shook my head. 'No. I trust him. It's just after this whole thing I don't want her out of my line of sight.' - 'I went and took a look at the damage and it's a miracle you both survived. Especially you.' - 'How.. how bad is it?' I looked at the picture on Norman's phone and the entire drivers side was mangled. 'Oh my.. God. How did I... how did she?' - 'I was met by a local police officer who responded to the scene and he said that the driver was going about 30 over the speed limit plus they found an open container in the car.' - 'I know this is weird.. but is that asshole okay?' - 'Yeah, he's perfectly fine. Only a few bruises, cuts and scrapes. Nothing compared to you. I think the only thing that saved Mercy was her carseat was on the other side of the car.'

I went in for a test to see if any of the drugs that they had to give me after the accident was still in my system and I was relieved to be told that it was fine to go back and nurse Mercy. My arm was still healing so nothing much could be done about that. My bruises were still visible, and I wanted to cry. 'You're beautiful. These bruises will disappear. You're beautiful no matter what. You always have been and always will be.' Norman said putting Mercy down next to me and wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have a man like him who always supported me no matter what the situation. I laid my head on his shoulder and just took in his musk and let out a sigh. Mercy started to wake up and I grabbed for her. I looked down at her with her little eyes just shining. She was getting so big and I couldn't handle it. She reached up to grab my hair. I smiled and just nuzzled her. I looked over and saw Norman smiling. 'What?' I looked at him with a funny look on my face. 'Nothing. You're just perfect with her. You just jumped right into this motherhood thing when you found out you were pregnant. Like you just thought about her well being and didn't care what other people thought.' I smiled. 'I've never been a mom before trust me. I mean my ex wanted us to have a kid because we had so many problems and he thought us having a kid would solve all our issues, but I never let it happen because I didn't think it was right for a child to be a pawn for us to stay together. It was a reason we broke up honestly. I had a pregnancy scare and found out that he lied when he said he was wearing a condom. After I had the scare I just kept using the 'headache' excuse and came home from work and he was screwing a random girl in our bed. I packed up and left that night. I wouldn't give him a kid and he did that. I was smart enough to not bring a child into that environment and it cost me that relationship.' I sighed. 'It happens to the best of us.' he said. I shook my head 'It cost me a shitty relationship that was fixing to end anyways. It led me to meeting you and look at me, I'm happy and we have a beautiful lil girl.' I leaned over and kissed him. 'Hey, it's his loss honestly.' He said as he kissed my forehead and leaned down and kissed Mercy as she grabbed his hair. I let him take her while I went to the bathroom.

Norman had to head back to NY for an art show. I wanted to go with him, but since he was having to fly back to NY and then back here I had to stay here. He had a few friends looking around for a decent car. Norman kept posting photos from the whole show and I couldn't help but smile. My man was enjoying himself. He finished up the show and said he was going to spend the next day relaxing because he was worn out. The day after that he was on a plane and head back to us. He went to look at a few cars and didn't really find anything that he was interested in. He kept texting me photos asking which I thought was cute. I kept texting him back 'I don't really think any car is cute. Maybe the person in the driver seat is cute, but that's it. ;)' - 'Haha. Very cute you smarty butt. Seriously we need a new car unless you wanna stay here forever.' - 'Get whatever one you want. After all you're paying for it. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.'