Life Is Beautiful

Awards & Announcements

June was already here and Mercy was already 7 months old. It seemed like time was going to fast. It seemed like the other day she was just born, and now she's crawling and trying to stand up and saying a few words that normal children her age say. I was so proud to be this lil cutie's mother and I noticed I was smiling all the time. Life was going pretty good for me, I had a beautiful daughter and a wonderful boyfriend and a wonderful stepson and friends who supported me no matter what. I just couldn't imagine my life getting anymore perfect than it already is.

Norman wasn't as busy this month which meant tons of family time. He always made sure we had a little bit of quality time. I was surprised when he said he was going to be an award presenter for some award show. I asked him which show and he replied with a smile on his face "The CMT Awards." I looked at him with a puzzled look "Are you serious? Ha." He looked back at me "Completely and it's going to be held in Nashville and I wanted you to come along and maybe show me a few things?" I started feeling uneasy. "Umm uh... well Norm.. I.. I.." Relax this isn't a ploy to get you to talk to your parents about our family. I sighed. "It's just... when I fell in love with you they thought because of our age difference that all you wanted was some young girl on your arm. That you were this sick perverted 40 something year old after younger women... I tried to explain but they wouldn't have it." - "Relax babe. I just want you to be able to feel a little beautiful since ever since you got pregnant and had our beautiful daughter you don't feel that way." I went up and hugged him and buried my face in his shirt. I looked up at him and he cupped my face and kissed me hard. I looked up at him and smiled and blushed. "So you gonna go with me?" He said with a smile. I shook my head. "Of course." I heard Mercy start crying and went to go check on her. I picked her up and changed her and began to nurse her "Mercy can you please be a little bit more gentle? Mommy's really sore." I whispered to her. For some odd reason my boobs were super sensitive. Of all the time I'd been nursing they've never been this sore. I sat there nursing her for a few minutes and it was unbearable. I tried to make her let go of me and I quickly went and got her a bottle. I brought her into the bedroom and Norman saw me and offered to take her for a little while. 'Still sore?' - 'Yeah.. the pain is unbearable. It's.. weird.' - 'Do you want to go to the doctor? Maybe something is wrong?' I looked up at Norman with a serious look 'I'm just shooting off things here... maybe it's just how you're feeding her. Maybe it's because of how much I um.. mess with them during sex?' I looked at Norman 'Maybe... I don't know. They've never been this sore. The only time they were ever sore was when I was pregnant.'

Norman looked at me in bed that night with a puzzled look on his face. 'What?' I asked in a low whisper. 'Nothing..' He said his eyes trailing down my body. 'Just spit it out. Okay?' I said with a little annoyance in my voice. 'It's just...' he said as he put his hand on my stomach. 'You said your boobs were never this sore before you got pregnant.. maybe you're..' - 'Oh come on Norman! I'm not pregnant. I'm not. It's probably just because I'm nursing her a whole bunch. I'm going to try to get her eating baby food. Besides... there's no way I could be. I'm not. I.... I can't be.' I burst out crying. 'There's that slight chance.. remember when we both were turned on and Mercy had just went to sleep and you kept leading me on? We rushed into the bedroom and you didn't give me a chance and you said that if I pulled out and all that junk. We had unprotected sex that night. There's that chance. But if you don't think you are.. it's up to you.' - 'I'm not pregnant. Understand?' - 'Sure. I understand.' Norman kissed me and I curled up into his side. I laid there listening to his shallow breaths thinking 'What if he's right?' 'What if I'm pregnant again?' I found myself rubbing my stomach. I heard Norman grunting in his sleep and leaned up and kissed him and I found him pull me on top of him. I looked through the darkness into his eyes and he into mine. I leaned down and kissed him. I listened for a little while making sure Mercy was still fast asleep. I saw Norman try to get my top off. I helped him with it, and he smiled when he saw my bare chest. His hands went immediately to massaging them. I started moaning at the movements of his hands. I started to pull my underwear off and I felt Norman's erection growing in his pajama pants. I slid one hand down his pants and began massaging him and his hand went straight to my bareness and I felt one finger enter and I smiled at him. This was nothing out of the usual for us watching each other get off and enjoy each other. Norman quickly tried to get his pants off and went into the dresser drawer next to the bed and pulled out a condom. I took it from him and put it back. 'Babe.. what are you...' I started grinding on him. I attacked his neck with kisses and went and leaned down and kissed him and said into his mouth 'Fuck... I... we...' I couldn't even finish my sentence. 'Babe.. what if I cum and you get preg-' I moved my hips a little more 'I honestly could care less at this point. If you want to you can put one on.' I got off him and he started putting one on. I laid over next to him and started playing with myself and he looked over and saw the ecstasy that I was getting from just myself. He smiled and he just watched me. I kept going until I felt my orgasm come on and Norman just watched as I came down from it. 'That's what happens when you stop. Understand?' I said as Norman crawled over the top of me and I bit his lip. 'I love watching you get yourself off. Understand?' Norman said. I blushed. Norman let me adjust to his size and then started thrusting into me with hard thrusts. I let out a moan each time. 'Babe.. please.. make it last longer.. I'm going to...' as soon as I uttered it I felt him pull out. 'What...what...the...fuck...' I breathed out. Norman slowly entered me again and I let moans escape again. We both had our orgasms hit and I slowly let him leave me. I laid there panting and covered in sweat and looked at Norman and said 'I'm glad you and me and Mercy are the only people home...' - 'Me too babe. Me too.' I laid there trying to catch my breath when I heard a cry from the other room. I quickly grabbed whatever I had near me and went to check on Mercy. I brought her into the bedroom with Norman and he was slowly getting dressed, well he had his underwear on. He looked at me holding our daughter and just said 'You two are the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.' He grabbed his phone and took a picture of me with my hair a mess and barely clothed. I just looked down at Mercy having not a care in the world as she continued nursing. After she got a full belly I put her back in her crib and crawled back into bed as Norman wrapped his arms around me.

Norman and I packed things up. We were supposed to be heading to Nashville but Norman had to make a quick trip to set cause they needed to film a quick thing with him. He let me get in the car and I watched him get into the car. 'When we get to set I'm going to pick up one of my bikes I keep there and take it to Nashville. Is that okay with you?' I looked at him and shook my head 'Yeah. A nice drive through the country might clear that head of yours.' I said as I brushed his hair out of his eyes. I looked back at Mercy playing with her toys and at Eye asleep in his carrier. We drove and stopped a few places but we finally made it to set a little bit before schedule. Norman shot his scenes and I let Mercy play with the babies that take turns playing Judith and enjoyed the interactions that they shared with each other. I was talking to some other females who were part of the crew and they looked at me 'You know you're lucky as hell right? You're dating like the #1 sexiest man on TV right now. You're the mother of his daughter. Haha.' I laughed. 'You girls think it's all fun and games but he's different when he's behind closed doors. He does crazy things, says crazy things, etc.' I looked over and saw Norman goofing off with Greg and Andrew. It was pretty early in the morning I excused myself and found a make shift bathroom and ended up puking my guts out. I cleaned myself up and went back over to where the women were huddled around the babies. Mercy started crawling over to me when she saw me coming back. I picked her up and snuggled her 'Ready to go sweetheart?' - 'So.. where are you and Norman going this time?' I heard one ask. 'Eh Nashville. He's presenting for some awards show. I don't even fully understand how he got the job.' I trailed off and then I felt arms around my waist and turned around and it was Norman. I laughed and kissed him. He interacted with the other women before going to go get his bike he kept in a travel trailer along with the spare bikes they use for Daryl's. He sat down and put Mercy in his lap and his helmet on her head. I took a quick picture and said 'I think our lil girl is trying super hard to be like her daddy. This is what I'm dealing with right now from set.' Norman snuggled her tight and kissed her and put her in her car seat. He let Eye out of his carrier to use the bathroom and put him back in the car and fed him. I hugged Norman and kissed him and told him I loved him. We were off to Nashville. Norman had us stop a few times to stretch our legs. I let Norman go change her since he wasn't spending time with her on this trip. He came out and was putting Mercy back into her carseat and some fans came running up to him. He barely got the door shut before they started screaming. I heard Mercy start to cry. I leaned over and tried my best to get her to calm down. Norman was trying patiently to take photos and sign autographs. I looked at Mercy and started to break down. This was no life for a child. To have people scream around them to rush them. Hell even before she came into this world I would be out with Mingus shopping and fans would rush him. He tried to remain calm but I saw he was uncomfortable. I got a bad reputation with fans when some people came running up to him and I looked at them and said 'He's a kid. He's a human. He's not a fucking robot. Don't rush up to him asking him questions and everything else. How would you feel if someone came up and did that to you? What if they did that to your child? Norman may like the attention, but ya know what sometimes when he's out eating he wants to eat and pay his check and go home. He loves his fans, but he would not like what you're doing to his son.' They walked away mumbling stuff about how I was a bitch and how I was just using Norman for the money and publicity. Which was the exact opposite of why I was with Norman. - Norman finished what he was doing and checked on Mercy and me. 'I just wish they'd not rush up to the car like that. She gets scared each time they do that' I looked at Norman and he looked at Mercy who was cranky and throwing her toys in the floor. 'It's how they react. I've had fans who when they learn I'm somewhere stand by the bathrooms and rush me. You wouldn't believe the stuff some of them do. You were one of them at one time remember? How we met.' I smiled looking down. 'Yeah me being my clumsy self and trying to get coffee for the people at my job and I was running late and I fell on the streets of Nashville and you came rushing over to me. My paper work was all over the side walk stained with the coffee I was carrying. You helped me get everything all settled and I called in that day and we sat at that coffee shop talking. I freaked out and couldn't form a sentence. Now look at us. Just from that meeting I quit my job and came with you to New York and we've got a beautiful daughter.' I kissed him and we got back on the road.

Finally we made it to Nashville. We got booked into a hotel and I plopped down on the bed. We wanted to go sight see, but we were way to tired. The next morning we went out to explore and ended up on a certain street and I ran down it and looked and saw the sign for the coffee shop which was still in business. 'OH MY GOD NORMAN!' I screamed. Norman looked at me with a smile on my face. 'ITS STILL HERE! ITS STILL HERE!' I started crying. Norman got out his phone and I held Mercy and just smiled. 'While we're in Nashville we just had to come see if this place was still here. It was. This place will always hold a special place in my heart, because it's where I met the love of my life.' He took a few more. One of us kissing each other, one of us kissing Mercy. I went in and the place still looked the same. We ordered up a few drinks and motioned to an empty table. I saw Norman just smile. 'What?' I said as I took a sip of my drink. 'It's just... we're back here. Where it all started. And we've got her.' He said and he shifted Mercy in his arms and she started to laugh. I started to laugh. I took a picture of Norman playing with Mercy and posted it with the caption 'Father & Daughter Love. I love these 2 in my life.' I took Mercy from Norman and started snuggling her. Norman took a picture of us. 'Back to where it begin with my 2 beautiful girls.' We finished our drinks and got up and was fixing to leave. I had to go to the bathroom I ended up getting sick again. I thought maybe I got some sort of bug being around a bunch of random people as much as a I am. I put it behind me. I left a short while later and me and Norman were walking along the streets. I think the best part of Nashville was... not many people coming up to us. I mean a few people sort of stopped us but not a lot. We went back to the hotel and chilled out until the awards show. I got into my dress, that Norman surprised me with. I looked in the mirror and my boobs were huge. 'Norm- I'm not going. I'm not putting my boobs out there for people to talk about on the internet tomorrow.' Norman looked so handsome in his suit. I kissed him and saw Mercy asleep on the bed. Norman picked her up and carried her into the bathroom and I saw him come out with her dressed in a pretty outfit. I covered my mouth and went to go pick her up and she went straight for my hair. I had it curled and tried my best to look pretty. We headed for the awards show and I let Norman pose on the red carpet as me and Mercy stood off to the side. Mercy was asleep with her head on my shoulder. Norman pulled me over and I tried to pose while holding Mercy. We hurried inside and we sat down. We enjoyed the show and then Norman went up and presented and I couldn't be happier. I took a picture of him up on that stage and couldn't stop smiling. He was telling a story about the ride up here from Georgia. 'I'm rambling but um I want to thank my lovely girlfriend for showing me around your great city today. Plus for doing all that she does for our beautiful baby girl.' He read off the winner and I sat there and tried to not cry. Pretty soon he came back and sat down next to me and I just kissed him. I remembered I had his jacket on since I didn't want my boobs to be on the internet tomorrow. I sat there and watched the rest of the awards and couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and sleep. Of course Mercy sleeping through the whole awards show she didn't want to sleep that night. I tried my best to sleep, once I got Mercy to sleep I curled up next to Norman. All I could think about was maybe I was pregnant again. I woke up that morning and didn't get sick. I thought maybe it was a bug going around. A day or so later, we packed up and wanted 1 last good view around the city.

A couple days later my friend and her husband came to visit all the way from California. I was super excited for both of them to meet Mercy. I started felt really weird about the time the walked through the door. I was worried that I might be pregnant again for real this time, but I didn't want to have to go out and buy another pregnancy test. I looked for the last couple ones I bought when I thought I was pregnant stuffed under the counter. I took the first one and it came out with the result of POSITIVE. I burst into tears. I just sat in the bathroom floor crying. 'How...' was the first question to come to my mind. Norman had Mercy in his hands and he came running into the bathroom and saw me on the floor 'What happened?' I saw his eyes glance to the test in my hand. I handed it to him and I saw his face change. He sat down next to me and said 'I.. We're...' I just looked at him and said 'I'm sorry. I..' He pulled me into a hug and said 'I'm happy. Our lil family is growing. It might just be a little quickly but we're starting our own lil family. Believe me I'm happy.' That comment made me feel a little better but not much. 'What the fuck is everybody going to think? How is Mercy going to take this? Mingus?' - 'Everybody who has a problem with it can go fuck themselves. Even if they are our supposed friends. If they can't be happy for us, then screw them. As for Mercy, she'll have someone else to play with since there's not really a lot of babies around here for her to play with. As for Mingus, I'm sure he'll be fine. He was super excited the first time around. Plus hey we spend as much time with him before we had Mercy as now. I'll be here with you.' He got up and helped me out of the floor. I tried my best to calm down and held a knock on the door. I went to open it and my friend rushed in the door and hugged me and kept asking 'You..certainly look like a mommy. Going for the natural look I see. It's cute on you. Now.. we're that cute lil girl at?' Norman came out of the nursery with Mercy and my friend ran up and started grabbing for her. I sat down on the couch and just sat there watching her interact with Mercy. Her husband asked me a few questions about me and Norman's relationship and he asked Norman a few questions about Walking Dead. I noticed Norman's hand going to my stomach. I was hoping nobody would notice, but my friend said 'Do you guys have something you need to tell us?' I told her how I took the pregnancy test and it came out positive. She acted like she was shocked. 'Maybe we should have bought those minion outfits.' I heard her say to her husband. I sort of smiled. 'You guys can't tell anybody. We don't want people to know. Please!' They both shook their heads and promised not to say a word. We caught up, and I found her her husband has a daughter. They offered to stay with me while Norman went away for work. Plus to help us try to find a bigger place since our family was going and we were running low on rooms. I knew Norman didn't want to leave this apartment. Maybe we could make this place work. I brought up the point of if we needed a bigger place Norman had a house in Georgia. I didn't want to have to pack up all the stuff and move there, honestly I didn't want to even want to pack up and move anywhere after all the packing I had to do from Nashville to here I didn't want to move anywhere else. My friend who was staying with us currently was on a date with a guy she met a few months back at convention. They really hit it off and he asked her to visit him in Florida again. I was happy she was getting back on the dating scene again. She really deserved it, I couldn't wait to call her and tell her the news. Me and Norman wanted to wait a while before we told anybody because of what they might say to us, and that they would possibly sell the story to the news. I've had friends sell me out before and honestly it was hard for me to trust people be it friends of Norman who worked on movie sets all day or just everyday people I met and knew for a good while.

I was looking at stuff online when I came across Norman's name on this TOP SEARCH LIST. I clicked it just to see what news would come up and noticed a bunch about Walking Dead but then came to a link that was taken in Nashville. I had a baggy shirt, on mainly because I still had a belly and didn't want to squeeze into a shirt. I read halfway through the article 'Several sources tell us that Norman and his girlfriend are expecting their 2nd child together. Their daughter is currently 7 months old.' I broke down and cried about how poorly the article was done. Plus the comments calling me 'Gold digger whore' because I was supposedly pregnant so quick. I closed my laptop and picked up Mercy who was asleep on the pillow beside me. 'Mommy loves you no matter what. Even if you are getting a sibling in a few months, mommy still loves you. Nothing is ever going to change that.' Norman walked in and saw me curled up with her crying. 'What's wrong now?' He said as he sat down on the bed. 'The fucking fans and public know about this new baby. That's what's wrong.' He opened the laptop and looked at the webpage. 'There's no truth behind this shit of an article. Look at how poorly its written.' I looked at him and screamed 'You don't get it. It's not your face and name plastered all over with WHORE, GOLD DIGGER, etc. It's mine.' He pulled me into a hug and cupped my cheeks and said 'Listen, they don't know you like I know you. So, what if you're pregnant 7 months later? As long as you love your children I don't think it matters how soon you have them. Plus we were trying weren't we?' I shook my head yes, and he laid me down and kissed Mercy and moved to my stomach. He kissed my stomach and said 'Mommy and Daddy love you more than you'll ever know.' He looked at me and said 'You know you're already sorta showing right?' I bit my lip. I mean I was chubby before Mercy, and I was still having trouble losing the weight from my 1st pregnancy to be thrown into another one. Norman laid down beside me and held me and Mercy and we started to doze off when the bedroom door came open. 'Oh sorry.' I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw my friend slowly close the door. 'Nah. It's fine.' I slowly sat up in the bed and tried to shake off what happened. A couple days down the road I woke up to the news of Norman and Emily supposedly dating. I can't believe how far some people will go just to make a few dollars by selling fake stories to these gossip hungry vultures. Norman's manager had to shut down the rumors and Norman played it off as a joke by posting funny photos and saying 'New Couple Alert'. The comments from some people hit me on an emotional level. Some people were like 'Alright! Yes!' others were like 'It doesn't surprise me since the mother of his daughter is around the same age as Emily so apparently he likes em young. He's just a perverted old guy.' True me and Emily were super close in age about a year or so age difference, and of course when me and Norman met it made me feel gross knowing he's old enough to be my father, and the people who would say 'She has daddy issues.' or 'They say who someone goes out with says a lot about their life... she's 20 something and dating a 40 something... she must have had one fucked up childhood.' I loved Norman no matter what, and nothing would ever change that.

Father's day quickly came up on us and I decided that it would make a cute photo to announce our newest edition. Norman thought it would be a cute idea. I let Mingus hold his sister and me and Norman got on one side and I got on the other and I held the positive pregnancy test and Norman held up the ultrasound and we took the picture and Norman uploaded it 'Best Father's Day ever. I got a HUGE surprise. We can't be more happier! #SecretsOut.' After we finished Mingus snatched the ultrasound out of Norman's hand and just looked at it in amazement. Norman nudged me and smiled. I tussled Mingus' hair and said 'So you happy about your new sister or brother?' and he looked up at me with a huge smile and said 'YES! You make my dad happy and you make me happy so I'm really happy!' I couldn't help but smile. My life was perfect, I couldn't ask for anything more. Everybody placed their bets on what I was going to have, but I didn't care as long as my child was healthy. I secretly wanted a boy, Norman wanted another lil girl. Anyways we were just taking in the fact we were going to be parents this soon.