Life Is Beautiful


It was August by this time my friend and her husband left, the friendship ended up going bad. It seemed all my friendships went bad when I met Norman. August meant Mercy was 9 months old. . I looked at it as she was almost a year and then the years would fly by. I enjoyed her being small and wanted to keep her this size forever, but I knew it wasn't possible. I woke up to Mercy looking into my eyes and she started laughing when I opened my eyes. I looked at Norman fast asleep on his stomach and told Mercy "Why don't you try to wake your daddy up." Mercy crawled over to where her daddy was asleep and noticed his back tattoos. She looked at me with a puzzled look and kept pointing and trying to talk. I started telling her what they were and she sort of tried to get the words out but couldn't. I quickly grabbed her when I notice Norman starting to wake up. She grabbed a hold of his hair and he sat up and just took her and she just looked up at him and laughed. I started showing her all of Norman's other tattoos and he looked at me weird. "She noticed the ones on your back." I said with a smile and he just let her look at all of them and she wiggled all around in his arms to see every one of them. Norman put his hand on my belly and I just smiled. Our kids were going to have so much love between the two of us. All of a sudden my stomach started growling. Norman handed me Mercy and went to go cook breakfast. I got out of the bed to use the bathroom and Mercy followed me and tried to crawl into the bathtub. I picked her up and put her in it and she wanted me to sit with her and I sat down and she wanted to play in the water. I turned on the water for a little bit enough to just fill up the bottom of the tub and Mercy just started splashing around. She turned around to look at me and ended up crawling into my arms and just looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. She wanted to go back into the water and I put her down. Shortly after Norman walked in and saw her just playing and me being all smiles. He sat down next to me and gave me a kiss. Our daughter just played away until she noticed her daddy started to flick some of the water at her and she wanted him to hold her. He held her for a while and then she walked to play in the water some more. He took a quick picture of her smiling. "Just because we're not zoned for a pool doesn't mean you can't break a few rules to make your own. #EnjoyTheLittleThings" He put his hand on my belly and just looked at me "You ready for another one?" I asked timidly. "Of course. Bring it on. You?" - "If you're ready, then I'm ready. I've been able to play the mommy card for almost a year what's another year to it? Just to work on improving stuff I messed up on the first time." - "Hey, you haven't messed anything up. Our daughter is perfect. You're just being a great first time mommy. You'll be a great first, second, third, four-" I lightly covered his mouth and laughed. "No. Don't you even say it. You're not spending 9 months carrying another human, then going through hours and hours of pain. I think 2 is a great number to stop at. Maybe 3. But no fourth, fifth, or sixth." I cringed at the thought.

Later that day, I was doing light house work per doctors orders and plus since Norman didn't want me to strain myself, like apparently I did in my first pregnancy. I played with Mercy until her nap time, and then I decided to go lay down myself. I was only about a month and 1/2 in, almost 2 months and I was more tired than I was the first time around, I guess because I was trying to parent and my body was pulling double the work. I looked over at Norman sitting on the couch on his phone. "I think I'm gonna go take a nap okay?" He looked over at me and put his phone down on the table "Something wrong?!" - "No, my body is just working over time and I need a break." He looked down at my stomach. "I'm sorry.." I looked at him "For what? For getting me pregnant? I'm pretty sure it was 50/50 this time. After all before we found out I did chew you out for taking the time to put a condom on. Don't sweat it. I'm happy. Mercy seems happy, I didn't know kids her age could wrap their minds around stuff like this. Everybody around us is so positive." I kissed him and pulled on his hand "Come on... momma needs cuddles. Candy Crush can wait. And no I don't mean sex. I just want to try to get a little bit of sleep until she wakes up." I slept for a little while I guess and I heard Mercy laughing. I heard a meow come from the living room and then Mercy laughing and it continued for about 5 minutes until I finally got up and went and saw Mercy and her Norman in the floor playing with a tiny kitten. I smiled and tried to get back to the bedroom to get my phone and snuck back out and snapped a quick picture of the two of them "Woke up from a nap and saw that we had a new family member." I walked out of the hallway and Norman looked at me "Well look who's awake." I smiled and looked at Mercy who had the kitten in her arms loving on it. "Uh.. I found it outside of the apartment. It was half dead. I figured that it would be a great first pet." - "Don't worry. She needs a pet, and she seems to love him already."

Later that night, I was online browsing baby items with Mercy sound asleep next to me. I noticed my phone kept going off with notifications and when I stopped to look at what they were about my stomach dropped. I couldn't even believe the headline "Walking Dead Star's Girlfriend Admits To Trying To Abort Baby By Taking Pills." I broke down and started crying. Norman rushed in with his phone in his hand and just looked at me sitting on the bed crying. "Shit! I didn't want you to see this." was all he could utter. I looked at him and I couldn't say a word. "I... I... would.. NEVER... do.. that..." I choked out. I just looked at my phone and it was spreading. Norman just tried to comfort me as I cried my eyes out. Apparently I fell asleep crying, because I woke up and noticed Norman's arms around me and and Mercy. I tried to move but I felt Mercy's lil fist clench tighter in my hair. I looked down at my growing belly which was already sort of huge. I rubbed it and whispered to myself "I love you with all of my heart. I promise I will never let anything bad happen to you."

The next morning I heard a noise coming from Mercy's room and I walked and saw the door was closed. I heard Norman talking to Mercy and her laughing, so I just walked into the kitchen. I almost jumped when I saw Mingus making himself something to eat. "..Hi" I said with a smile. "Hi." He said back to me as he passed me something to eat. "I didn't know you were going to.. never-mind." - "I'm not but dad said he had something going on this week and he wanted me here to help him." - I looked at him with a puzzled look. I heard another noise coming from behind the door and I walked over and opened the door and Norman quickly tried to close it and stuck his head out. "What are you two doing?" - "Eh nothing. It's fine." I heard Mercy laughing. "Don't you hurt her okay?" - "I promise." I walked into the living room and sat down. "So... uh when do you and my dad find out if it's a girl or a boy?" I heard Mingus ask me. "A few more weeks. What do you hope it is?" I asked him. "Hmm.... I want a brother. But I'll take another sister." He said. "Your dad wants another girl. I want a boy.. ya know to even out the odds plus I think you'd like a little brother." I said as I rubbed my belly. I heard Norman call for his son and just sat there looking down at my stomach. I was already huge, mainly because I only lost a few pounds from when I was pregnant the first time around. I saw the door open and Mingus told me his dad wanted to talk to me about something. I slowly got up and walked into the room and I didn't see Norman anywhere but I saw Mercy sitting in the floor playing with some toys. I noticed she had paint all over her and I went to go pick her up and then I saw it. On her pure white onesie "WILL YOU MARRY ME" in paint. I looked at Mercy and just cried. Norman stepped out from behind the door and got down on one knee and pulled out the ring box. I tried to make sure I didn't drop Mercy but I felt like my legs were going to buckle. "Will you..." "Yes!" Norman couldn't even get the question out. He just decided to skip the whole thing and put the ring on my finger. He got up and kissed me and I just smiled at him.

Later that night as we were getting into bed I turned to Norman and said "I have a question to ask you. Okay?" He looked at me puzzled and said "Sure?" I looked down at the ring and Mercy asleep on the bed and back up at him. "This ring is from the heart right? Cause I know you've had a lot of pressure from your mom, and your friends and um... me. I just want you to know that if you really don't want to do this, you don't have to. I seriously, don't feel the need to get married just because we have 2 kids." Norman looked at me and said "I promise you it is from the heart. I haven't felt the same about anybody like you since well... you know. I don't want to ever lose you. When you were laying in that hospital bed after that car accident and when you woke up your first thought was about our daughter. I realized just how much you meant to us. You were one of the first women I got into a relationship with who didn't care I had a kid. I don't want to just marry you for the kids we have, I know that isn't want you want. I just want to marry you because you're beautiful on the inside and that I love you more than you'll ever know." I started crying and he told me to stop. "I can't help it.. I'm just lucky to have a man who treats me like a queen and plus I'm carrying his child and I'm not in control of my emotions." Mercy was asleep on her back and me and Norman decided now would be a perfect time as ever. I got on one side of her and Norman got on the other side and we took a picture together. "Well... this is certainly one of the most cutest proposals ever. #OffTheMarket #Engaged #HappyFamily #LuckyGirl" I curled up and fell right to sleep with my arms around Mercy. Norman took a picture of the both of us. "So... after all this time I finally found my special someone. I had a little help picking out the ring. I'm so thankful for all of the love and support we received."

A week later Norman was scheduled to go to a convention in Chicago. I reluctantly stayed home. I wanted to go but Norman was already late. He kissed me goodbye and Mercy just started screaming and saying "NO" over and over. Norman's eyes filled up with tears and I saw him put his bags down and just hug her. He kept telling her over and over that it was going to be okay. She started reaching for me and I took her and she got the sleeve of my shirt and tried to push it aside. I knew what she wanted. I kissed Norman goodbye and carried Mercy into the bedroom. I let her start nursing and after a little while I told her "Please sweetheart be a little bit more gentle. Mommy is really sore." I finally had to pull her away because I was hurting. I walked into the kitchen and got her a bottle and heated it up. I tried to give it to her but she didn't want it. I finally just broke down and said "You want your daddy to feed you?" Her eyes lit up. I called Norman on the phone and told him about the problem and I let Mercy just listen to her daddy while I gave her a bottle. I tried to get her to eat something and not just drink milk, because I was hurting to the point where I wanted to just curl up and cry. Plus she was almost a year and needed to start eating solid foods. Norman told me he was going to be stuck in Georgia finishing up some last minute stuff and it was going to take about a month or 2 to complete. My heart sank. He was going to miss out on some important things like what gender we're having and other stuff. I thought long and hard on it and I called the doctor and made sure it was okay to travel. I got the "OK" to go and that they were going to fax my records for this pregnancy to one of the local offices in Georgia. I packed up a bunch of Mercy's items and some of my extra clothes and a few odds and ends for Norman and put them in the car. I put Eye in his carrier and found a little bag to put the kitten in and grabbed the diaper bag and found out where the keys were and started the car. I wanted to surprise Norman so I had to refrain from posting or saying anything. I started backing out and my phone started going off. After my quick phone call, I looked at Mercy who was looking at me and I plugged my phone up to charge and put on some cartoons for her. Goodbye New York... We're Georgia bound.