Life Is Beautiful

Twins & Ice cream

It was a long drive, but we made it safely. I put Mercy on the floor and let her crawl around and play for a while I trusted her and I went to go unload the car. I went and got Eye's carrier out and Mercy came outside and said "Kitty! Kitty!" I put the carrier down in the house and looked at my daughter and said "Wait until mommy gets all the stuff out of the car and then you can let him out okay." I went and got all of the suitcases out of the car and brought them in and I looked at the carrier empty. "Shit" I said as I put them down. I heard Mercy laughing and I went and tried to find her and she had both of the cats playing. She was sitting there petting them and loving all over them. I quickly took a picture "So, our daughter is an animal lover. I couldn't find her for a while and I found her playing with her furbuddies." I sat down and waited until Norman arrived back. Norman got through the door surprised. "I didn't know. How? When?" - "We wanted to surprise you. Plus, I didn't want you two to be apart for a minute more than you have to be." He gave me a kiss and started to love on Mercy.
Later that night I put Mercy in her crib and walked into the bedroom and noticed Norman looking at me. I got into bed and looked at him, and said "First time in weeks she's slept in her room.. You wanna.." Norman looked at me with a look. I got my shirt off and he started to pull off my pajama bottoms it took me a minute to realize this was the first time since in weeks since we've actually seen each other nude. I went and wrapped my arms around Norman's neck and started kissing him. I felt myself grow more wet by the minute. He found my boobs and stopped kissing me and started licking and kissing all over them. My hand found his cock and began massaging it and I heard him moan a little. He let one hand go between my legs and uttered "Gosh girl, you're so wet." - I moaned when I felt him just rub his fingers across my most sensitive spot. "Please... Norm... I need you." - "How badly do you need me?" - I felt him shove 2 fingers into me. I looked right into his eyes. "No.. I need to feel you stretch me out." I felt him remove his fingers and felt the tip of cock at my opening. He slowly entered me. "If you want me to ease up tell me okay? I don't want to hurt you." I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck again. I felt him thrust into me and I tried to make him go deeper. He got my hint and helped me move a little bit closer to him. I felt a little pain and sort of started crying. I felt him pull out a little bit and all of a sudden I felt him pull all the way out. I looked at him, with a "What the hell" look and he laid down on the bed and pulled me on top of him. "Norm.. I don't know if I can even do this anymore." I looked down at my belly. "You can try." I saw that devilish smirk. I started to ride him and he put his hands on each side of my belly to try to support me. I ended up almost orgasming and then I had to stop. "What's wrong?" - "I can't do this anymore... it hurts. I mean some women can do it and I'm apparently one of the ones who can't." He shook his head. I pulled him back on top of me and everything worked out perfectly. We finished out what we set out to do, have sex. Me and Norman just laid there and he looked down at my nude belly. "So.. you ready for another one? Really? What if it's a boy?" - I looked at him and said "If I can handle you, I'm pretty sure I can handle a mini you. I just can't wait til the lil kicks start and when Mercy can feel them." - "Me either. She's going to be a great big sister. You're an amazing mommy. You're going to be an amazing wife." I looked at the ring on my finger. "Thanks.." I heard Mercy start crying in the other room. I went to grab something to cover up with and I got up and put it on and went to go see what Mercy wanted. I picked her up and hugged her and felt that her diaper was wet and I went to go change her. She fell back asleep and I put her back in her crib and went back to the bedroom. I got into the bed and curled up with Norman and he went and put his hand on my belly. "Look, please don't put your hand any lower okay? I really don't feel like Round 2 happening tonight." I woke up the next morning, and noticed an empty spot in the bed and looked around and sat up and went to go get dressed. I didn't hear anything, and I walked into the living room and sat Norman with a small jar of baby food trying to feed Mercy and he was doing great. I walked into the room and she stopped eating and started saying "Mommy!!" and almost fell off the couch. I quickly walked over and grabbed her and she just latched her arms around my neck and just acted so sweet and cute. I often wondered how she was going to take it when her little brother or sister would be needing my attention. I had no idea how I was going to juggle two kids. Mercy was all over. She wanted down on the floor and I put her on the floor, and she crawled over and started playing with all of her toys. We ate dinner that night and fell asleep because we had a very big day planned the every next day.

I had another doctors appointment and I was super eager to see my future child. I signed in and sat down with Mercy asleep in my arms. I heard the nurse call my name and I walked back to the room and laid on the table. Shortly afterwards the doctor came in to do my ultrasound and I got butterflies in my stomach. I saw the doctor's facial expression change and I heard Norman ask "Is.. there something wrong?" The doctor looked at me and asked "How many months along are you?" I said "I'm about 3 months along. I thought that was in the paper work my regular doctor faxed you? Why is there something wrong?" The doctor looked at me and then grabbed the clipboard with all sorts of information on it "You're pregnant with 1 baby correct?" I shook my head. The doctor looked back at the screen and I saw Norman get up and ask what was going on and the doctor looked at him and then at me. "So your daughter is 10 months old right?" I just stared at him blankly. "Doctor please tell us what is going on." Norman said in sort of an angry and worried tone. The doctor tried to compose himself and asked me questions like was this baby planned and did I know about the dangers of getting pregnant this quickly. "Miss, I need to inform you of something." My face dropped and I started crying and said "I miscarried didn't I?" The doctor shook his head no. Norman grabbed my hand and the doctor started doing the ultrasound again and I saw it. "I don't know how to explain this. It's rare. But it does happen. The reason you don't look 3 months and you look farther along, is because you're carrying twins." I shook my head and said "I don't understand I've had 2 appointments and they only saw 1 baby. How?" - "Well sometimes one hides behind the other." I burst into tears. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. We finished up the appointment and the doctor said everything checked out and gave us photos. I walked to the car in total silence. Norman buckled Mercy into her car seat, she was awake. We drove to the house and I carried her into the house and she put her hands on my belly and just smiled. I looked at the ultrasound photos and I showed them to Mercy and said "Look sweetie these are your new siblings." She looked at the picture, and grabbed it out of my hand.
Norman sat down next to me and started rubbing my belly and I got a smile on my face. I looked at him and said "So what did your mom say?" - "Actually I didn't call her just yet. Should I?" - "Of course." I smiled. Norman grabbed his phone and started calling and I heard him say "Hello mom? I have some news for you?" I could hear that she was sort of worried "What is it? Are all of my grandchildren okay? What about my future one? Healthy? I think you said that today was the day you were going for a check up." I saw Norman sort of smile as he said "Mom I have some news that you should hear." - "Son? Is there something you need to tell me?" - "Mom, you don't have a future grandchild..." I heard the voice on the other end of the phone break. "Oh son I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do for you?" - "No Mom listen we went to the doctor and believe it or not... it's twins." I heard the voice on the other end stutter "Twins?!" - Norman got all happy and said "Yes Mom! Twins. We should find out what genders next month. Are you excited?" - "OF COURSE I'M EXCITED. How are you handling the news? Am I the first person to know?" - "Yes, you're the first person we decided to call. We're handling it as well as we can I guess. We were preparing for 1 but now we have to switch everything around." - "Hows mom doing?" Norman looked over at me as I had one hand on his, which was still on my belly. "She's handling it rough, but she's accepted it. Do you want to talk to her?" - "She's just worried. She's so used to caring for 1 child now, but now she has 2 on the way and she's still young, she's going to handle it rough. Just take your time with her. I know I raised you right, and I know you're not going to hurt her." - Norman looked down at my hand and it popped into his head. "Oh I have something else to tell you." - "More surprises?" - "Well, we're *coughs* engaged." - "What?! Son you're just full of surprises. I'm so happy for you both." - "Thanks mom." I saw Norman sort of cry. "I just wish dad was here. To be experiencing all of this stuff with us." - "I know you do son, but I promise you he's proud of the man that you grew up to be." Norman went on with his phone call and ultimately hung up the phone. Norman took a picture of one of the ultrasound photos and texted it to Mingus and said "Meet your brand new siblings!" I saw Norman put his phone down and then it started to vibrate on the table. He picked up the phone and I heard on the other side of the phone "OH MY GOSH DAD ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I started laughing. "Yes, I'm sure. We find out what you're getting next month." - "Dad? Can I be part of it this time again? Please?" Norman let go of my hand and said "Well... I'm stuck in Georgia until the end of next month, but I do have to fly back for the premiere and if you want you can attend with me? Then you could come here? I mean if it's okay with your mom."

That night I was getting into bed and I felt a pain in my stomach. I figured it was just my body adjusting to the way I was moving. I looked down at my belly and just smiled. Norman came in the room crawling on all fours and Mercy was laughing and screaming. She stopped and Norman grabbed her up and she just laughed. I reached my arms out. He put her in my arms and I just started loving all over her. I looked at her and put her little hands on my belly. Norman grabbed his phone and took a picture "My 2 beautiful girls. My daughter is excited to find out if she's getting a little brother or a little sister. This was just to precious to not share." Me and Norman sort of felt bad that we were lying, but hey we needed a few secrets. We decided to not tell Sean anything until we met him at the end of the next month. I wanted to see the look on his face. I just watched Mercy put her hands all over my belly and I was so ready for the kicks. I wanted to see her smile and laugh and just get so happy. I told Norman that just because I was expecting 2 babies instead of 1 that I wanted him to not cancel unless I really needed him. I figured last year was a big let down for the fans, and I got so many messages saying rude things about how I was taking Norman away from the fans, and everything else. I finally got Mercy into bed and curled up next to her and just fell asleep. I woke up halfway through the night and Norman was on his phone. I looked over and saw Mercy laying on her stomach on his chest. I sort of sat up, and looked over at him. "Wha- what are you doing?" He looked at me and showed me his phone. "Urgh seriously Norman? You can't wait until tomorrow to play that stupid game?!"
I got up the following morning and Mercy wanted to play so I put her on the floor and she found her kitten and started playing with it. All of a sudden I heard her start crying so I got up and checked on her and she had a little scratch on her arm and I picked her up and started loving on her. "Shh. You're okay. He didn't know any better, he's like you doesn't understand everything just yet." She latched onto my hair and calmed down. I put her back on the floor and didn't hear anything from her for a while. I went to go see where she was and I found her asleep in the floor. I decided to put her in the bed and try to sleep a little bit more. I put her on Norman's chest and just smiled. The fact that we were a family was surreal. This man that tons of women want to have sex with is in my bed every night, helps me with our children, etc. I just couldn't believe how lucky I was. I took a quick picture of the two of them asleep. "My handsome husband (to be) is one of the best fathers I've ever seen. So lucky to have him in my life. I can't wait to start our life together." I picked up one of the recent ultrasound photos and just looked at it and then at my stomach. "No wonder mommy got big so suddenly she's got two bundles of love. We can't wait to meet you both." I crawled into bed and fell asleep curled up next to Norman. I must have slept for while because I woke up to Norman bringing in some food. I blushed. Mercy was all over the bed trying to play with me. I sat there next to Norman eating and burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" - "I just never pictured my life like this. I'm just happy. Plus you're the sweetest man I've ever met." Mercy crawled up in my arms and just loved on me. I put my food down and just looked in her eyes. "Mommy." - "Yes sweetie." - "Baby?" She looked at me with a funny look. "Yep, mommy is having more babies." I saw her eyes just light up and she started sorta jumping around. I put her lil hand on my stomach and said "The babies are right here." She just hugged my stomach. I looked over at Norman with a smile. "I've never seen a prouder older sibling." He said looking at me.

I finished up my dinner and went to get ready for bed. "Mercy you want to sleep in your room or here?" - "Here!" - "Okay sweetie, but we need to get you into your pajamas come on." I picked her up. "You wanna walk to your room or me to carry you?" She got off the bed and grabbed my hand and sorta started walking and fell and started crying. I picked her up and carried her into her room and just looked around. I went and started getting her some pajamas out, and getting her dressed. I got her dressed and carried her into our bedroom and put her on the bed. Norman looked at me standing up and came over and just rubbed my belly. He helped me into bed and lifted up my shirt and just kissed my stomach. I grabbed his hands and put them on one spot. "They aren't kicking yet, but I can already feel them moving and they are right here." He smiled at me and asked Mercy "You wanna hold your siblings?" Mercy came over and put both of her hands on the spot where Norman's hands were. Norman quickly grabbed his phone and took a photo of the 3 of us with out hands on my stomach. "Mommy is already feeling 'Baby #2' move around. So looks like we're in for a long night." Mercy just made me smile. She was so eager for new siblings, I hoped this reaction would be a foreshadowing of events. I laid down and Mercy just curled up next to me. I kissed her little nose and said "I can't believe you're almost 1." I woke up at different points in the night and went back to sleep. I went to the bathroom and noticed a tiny amount of blood. I quietly went up to Norman's side of the bed and tapped him on the shoulder. He woke up and asked me what was going on. I told him about the blood and he asked me if I was okay or if I needed something. I told him I was really worried since spotting was a sign of miscarriage. He got up and picked Mercy up and put her in the car seat and grabbed the diaper bag and we went to the hospital. We got to the hospital and they ran all sorts of tests and did a full exam. They told me that it was most likely stress. They asked me what I was doing during the day, and told me that I needed to be put on bed rest immediately along with no sex. I looked at Norman. They gave me a discharge slip and sent me on my way. We got home and I just looked down at my stomach and up at Norman. "Maybe I'm not meant to have kids... every pregnancy so far had ended up the same way." - "Don't say that. They said that both babies are healthy. You just need to relax." - "And no sex." I looked at him with a look. "Yeah and that too.." - "You know they said twins don't normally wait til their due date to come into this world.. what if I go into labor early and you're not here?" - "Where else would I be?" - "Well, you do have that cruise happening my birthday weekend. It sucks you won't be here for it... but what if I go into labor? Remember what happened last time? I had faux contractions and then the real thing." - "If you want I can.." - "You're not going to cancel. I can't go with you because they most likely won't be able to immune me to the illnesses, plus Mercy shouldn't have to go through that." - "I can see if I can arrange someone to stay with you. Right now you have 2 or 3 choices." - "I am not having your son take care of me. Sean did 90% of it last year and I don't think his wife was happy him spending time with his best friend's girlfriend, even if I was pregnant. Who is the other choice?" - "My mom. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Plus you wouldn't really be intruding on someone else, I know she'd really be open to it.. since she doesn't get to see Mercy all that much. Plus I'm sure she'd like to be able to feel both of her soon to be grandchildren before they come out crying. Think about it. I don't want you left alone." - "That would be okay. But I don't want to impose, so if she sounds unsure don't pressure her okay? I don't want special treatment."

Norman called his mom and she said that it would be fine if me and Mercy stay for a little bit. Norman handed the phone to Mercy and Norman's mom asked her "You want to come stay at Grandma's house for a while?" Mercy looked at me and said "YES!" I looked at her get all happy and she handed the phone to her daddy. "Thanks mom. This means so much to me." I saw Norman put the phone down. "She's going to let you guys stay with her for a week. If you go into labor she said she'd hold your hand." I looked down at my belly and said "You hear that lil cuties... your daddy is leaving for a week so please cook a little bit longer." The three of us curled up and tried to recover some of our sleeping time. I woke up the next morning and Norman was in the living room. He had Mercy playing with something and got up to give me a hug. He stepped back and a looked at me. He put his hand on my forehead and looked into my eyes and said "Are you feeling okay?" I looked down at Mercy in the floor. "I'm not feeling to hot, but I'm going to live." - "If you want to get some more sleep you can, I've got everything covered. She's coloring and I can keep her busy." He put his hands on my belly. "How are these two doing?" I looked down at his hands, and said "They are fantastic. Moving around a bunch." I smiled. I kissed him and went over to see Mercy and she almost jumped into my arms. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" - "Hello sweetie." I said as a hugged her. I was sitting there looking at her coloring on a piece of paper. Norman sat down next to me and I just put my head on his shoulder. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up in bed. I got up and saw Norman trying to get Mercy to eat some food. I heard her start to get fussy, and I went and tried to help him. "Come on sweetie, you need some noms." She started to eat a little bit. I let her eat a few bites and then got her ready for bed. I put her in her crib and she started screaming and crying and being fussy as ever. I brought her into the bedroom and let her watch cartoons. Norman sat there and watched as she sort of fell asleep in my arms. I turned off the TV and went to bed, and I got woken up by her crying "MOMMA! DADA!" I sat up and looked at her "What's wrong?" - "Scary!" - "You have a bad dream?" and she shook her head. I held her and told her "Mommy and Daddy aren't ever going to let anything bad happen to you." I let her watch cartoons until Norman woke up and saw me sitting up holding her. He looked at his phone and saw it was about 4:00 in the morning. "What are you doing?" - "She had a bad dream. She's still awake. Sorta." He reached out his arms and offered to take her so I could get some sleep. I looked down at her and saw her look up at me. I went to go put her in her daddy's arms. She looked up at him and just said "Scary". He kissed the top of her head and said "Daddy and Mommy won't ever let anything bad happen." I laid down and she reached out her little hand and I grabbed it and fell asleep holding her hand.

I woke up the next morning and Mercy had her fist twisted in my hair. I looked and didn't see Norman in the bed, I picked my daughter up and carried her and tried to find her daddy, but didn't see him anywhere. I noticed a note on the counter that said "Hey you two looked so cute I didn't want to wake you up, but I noticed we were running low on certain things and figured you'd probably be craving them later." I smiled and went back to the bedroom and laid back down. As soon as I got into bed I felt something funny. I put my hand on my stomach and felt it again, this time a little harder. My eyes went wide. I heard the door open and put Mercy between two pillows and tried to get to Norman as fast as I could. I hugged him and he looked at me "You seem cheerful this morning." - "Guess what?! Guess what?!" - "What?" I grabbed both of his hands and put them on my stomach. He smiled at me and then kissed me. I just smiled like an idiot. "You're super happy. It's cute." I heard him say. "Oh.. I have bad news." - I looked up at him and whispered "You're having to leave again aren't you?" He shook his head. "Only for a few days, I've got some promoting to do for this new movie. I have to go all the way back to Canada again." - I just looked at him "I understand, but Mercy isn't going to take this well. You know how she freaked out last time. I just wish you could sorta slip out when she wasn't looking, but that wouldn't be fair." Norman had to leave a few days later, and Mercy gave him a hug and kept saying "No. Don't go daddy! Pwease." She had her arms latched around his neck. I went and got her a bottle out of the fridge was something I started doing if she was fussy at bedtime, because it would put her to sleep. I warmed it up and handed it to Norman and he started to feed her. She started to close her eyes and pretty soon she was asleep. I picked her up, and Norman hugged me and kissed me and bent down and kissed my stomach. "How are these two today?" - "Fine. Kicking. At-least they are healthy." He smiled at me "I'm going to hurry back as soon as I can. If anything goes wrong, call me and I'll be on the first flight home. Okay? Anything." - "I'll be sure to call you. Pretty sure we'll be on the phone the whole time you're gone cause as soon as she wakes up she's going to cry." He looked down at Mercy in my arms and kissed her again and then kissed my forehead. "I love you. Be careful." - "You too." Norman left and I started to cry. I just held Mercy and hugged her. A few hours later she woke up and wanted to go outside and play. I got her dressed and put her shoes on and went out and let her play for a little while. She came up and put her hands on my belly and kept pointing and saying "Play?" - "You want your little brother or sister to play with you?" and she shook her head. "They can't right now, but the next time we come out here you can play with them." She grabbed my hand and I got up and played with her. We played until she wanted to go inside and do something else. I posted some photos of Mercy outside so Norman could see them. "Our precious little girl is adventuring out into the world. Hard to believe in a few months she's going to be 1 year old." I went to go feed her and got her ready for bed. "Daddy?" she said when I put her in the bed beside me. "Daddy had to go to work. He'll be back don't worry." I saw her eyes swell up and she started crying. I decided to check my phone and saw that Norman saw my photos and commented and liked all over them. I went and decided to try to Facetime with him and I handed the phone to Mercy and when she saw her daddy. She got all happy. They talked and talked until she got sleepy. I took the phone and talked to him a while until we both decided to sleep. Days went on and on until the final day, and then Norman was on his way home.

I woke up on the final day of him being gone and the phone rang and I picked up the phone and Norman just wanted to tell me he was on his way home. Mercy tried to get the phone from me, and I handed it to her and she said "Hi Daddy!" and he started telling her that he was on his way home. All of a sudden she just blurted out. "Baby" I just looked at her and tried to hide the smile and gittyness. I took the phone from her and said "She's been telling me I'm having another baby." I hung up the phone and I put my camera on and filmed her "Mercy you have some news don't you?" She shook her head. "Well... you want to say what it is?" - "New Baby! Baby!" - "Are you excited?" - "YES!" - "Do you want a brother or a sister?" - "Sister!" -- I uploaded the video to Instagram "I guess the news is out... Me and Norman are having another baby and we have a request for a girl. #BigSister #Expecting" I was playing with Mercy and she was laughing and smiling. All of a sudden we heard the door open and bags hit the floor. "DADDY!" I heard Mercy yell as she ran over. He scooped her off the floor and loved on her. I took a picture of him crying when he picked her up. "This is getting cuter and cuter. Whenever she hears that door open after he's been gone, she runs to it. Yes, he's crying. You'd be crying to if you were away from your kids for a moment. #DaddyandDaughter #Family #RealMenCry" Mercy wanted to go outside so we took her outside and just watched her play. "So... how was she?" - "Eh. Same. She cried when she found out you were gone. She likes it outside, she wanted to stay outside all day. Of course she's amazed whenever she hugs me and feels the kicks and such. I think she's going to be okay with it." - "How did you handle it?" I felt him put his hand on my stomach. "I cried. It's not getting easier. I mean it sort of was, but when I found out I was pregnant again, I came crashing back down. It's better than when I was pregnant with her I guess." - "How so?" - "Because atleast now I have something to hold onto when I sleep, well when I was pregnant with her it was either a pillow or I almost squeezed Eye to death." I saw him smile. Norman went over and picked up our daughter up and said "Okay sweetie we need to go inside. Its getting dark." I saw her little face just drop. "Don't worry you can come back outside tomorrow" We ate dinner and afterwards I saw Norman picked up Mercy and cleaned her up and got her ready for bed. He brought her into our bedroom.

I woke up the next morning and started doing laundry and I was folding clothes and for some reason I started crying. Norman came running in "What happened?!" - "Nothing." - "Why are you crying?" - I handed him a shirt I was folding. "What's wrong with this?" - "Look at the tag..." He read the tag and looked at me. "I'm fat." He looked at me and said "You're not fat, you're pregnant." - "Either way I'm fat. Why the fuck do you love me I'm not skinny. I'm huge." - "I love you for you, you were full figured when I met you and fell in love you, size isn't what I care about. Either way, you're pregnant. You have two wonderful babies growing inside of you." I just sat there and cried as I folded the clothes. After a while Norman came in and I was still crying. "You've been crying for a good hour." I just looked at him and said "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to work through all these issues." - "Look, I know you don't think you're good enough. But trust me, if I didn't love you I would have never got into a relationship with you. If I remember correctly, I bought you coffee that day and we talked, and you came pretty close to losing that crap of a job you had. I couldn't get you out of my head after that. We met that whole week I was in Nashville, and I do believe I stayed an extra week just to get to know you better. I perused you, not the other way around. Even your family told you I wasn't good enough for you that it wouldn't last. But look at us, we're engaged and have 3 beautiful children. I love you more than you'll ever know." Just than I heard Mercy start to cry. I got up and went to go get her out of her crib and she hugged me. The hugs, were what gave me life every single day. Mercy was why I was here, I never pictured myself as a mom but the moment I got pregnant I made my life about her. My children were my life, and I would do anything for them. I got through the day and that night I watched Norman put Mercy to sleep in her crib. I walked back into our room and changed into a skimpy night gown and crawled into bed. I could feel myself growing wetter by the second. I couldn't wait for my wonderfully talented basically husband to return as I felt a hand slip underneath and I started just enjoying the moment. "Woah!" I heard as I looked at the door way. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I know the doctor said not to.. but I need it tonight. Please." He looked at me and said "Baby.. what if something" I went back to doing what I was doing before. Before I knew it Norman moved my hand away and replaced it with something else. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his mouth was all over my chest and neck. He was thrusting into me at a pretty calm speed, but for whatever reason he sped up and I let out "Fuck" I put my face into the crook of his neck and just listened to his animalistic grunts. All of a sudden I felt my release and I felt his. "Well, atleast I don't have to worry about getting pregnant." I laughed. Norman just sat there and looked at me "Atleast this time around you're not crying every time we do get to have sex." - "Trying to enjoy it. After these two get here we can kiss stuff like this behind." - "I don't want to sound a horrible dad, but we've got to get her to sleep in her room once in a while.. mommy and daddy need some alone time every so often." - "Yeah..." I sat up and kissed him. He placed both hands on the sides of my growing belly and felt the tiny kicks. "Gosh I can't believe we've created two lives this time around... and three so far. I love you." - "I love you too." I smiled.

I woke up to the sound of crying "Momma! Dada!" I went to go get up and run out of the bedroom and I remembered what happened lastnight. I quickly grabbed the nightgown I had on that covered, or barely covered my personal areas, that I only wanted Norman to see. I went in and saw that Mercy's stuffed animal she sleeps with when she sleeps by herself was in the floor. "You want this?" I picked it up and gave it back to her and she curled back up and went to sleep. I kissed her and went back into the bedroom. I curled back up next to Norman and I was almost asleep when I felt his hand creep underneath my gown. My eyes shot open. "Seriously?" - "What don't tell me you don't wanna do anything. We have a little bit of time come on I can already tell you're ready.. hell the way you slept I felt your wetness on my leg all night. I had to keep talking myself down." I blushed. We had sex for the 2nd time and I felt fantastic. I went to go shower and get dressed. I looked down at my belly in the mirror I had my pajama bottoms on and a tank top I noticed Norman was already dressed and I had him come over and do the infamous "Guy stands behind Pregnant girl and they take a picture together." Norman took one too and captioned it "My beautiful wife with my future child." I heard Mercy start crying again and went in and picked her up and changed her and got her dressed. "Outside! Outside!" I heard her shout as she held my hand walking out of the room. I opened the door and she ran outside. I looked at Norman acting suspicious and I went and walked to the door and asked "Is something wrong?" - "No. Why would you think that?" Just because of the way you're acting. I saw him pull a box out from behind his back. "Um I bought you this when I was gone. It was a reasonable price since you're always worrying about that." - "Well we have 3 kids now, so we need to budget not that we weren't doing that before." I went and opened the present outside because I needed to watch and make sure Mercy wasn't running off. I looked at it and pulled it out of the box. It was a cute summers dress, in white. "What?!" - "I knew you wanted a cute one that highlighted your belly, and I saw this." I hugged him and started to cry. I noticed something else underneath the dress, and noticed some sexy lingerie. "Uh.. I also got these." He pulled out a small bag with Mercy's name on it. "Mercy come here sweetie" I saw her walk over "Daddy got you some presents." I saw her sit down between us. She pulled out a few shirts that were super cute ones. Plus some stuffed animals. She hugged him and wanted him to go play with her. I just sat there and watched them play and saw the smile never leave Norman's face. I put a hand on my stomach and just let the babies kick. Pretty soon it was dinner time and Mercy came up to me and put both hands on my belly smiling. I carried her inside and cleaned her up and fixed her some baby food. Me and Norman ate together and both helped feed our daughter. We finished up, and got ready for bed. I got into bed trying to calm Mercy down who was jumping on the bed and doing normal kid things. I got her to calm down and she got in between me and her daddy. We fell asleep and about 3 in the morning I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I walked into the kitchen and remembered I wanted to make breast milk ice cream. I checked on how much milk Mercy had left and I measured it up and pulled up the recipe on my phone and went to work. I knew I had to be quiet not to wake anybody up. I heard what sounded like Norman get up and I just froze. I looked and saw Eye running out of the bedroom. "Shhh." I said as I started to pet him on the head. "Hungry?" I put some food in his bowl. I managed to make everything and put it in the freezer. I sat down on the couch and Eye jumped up in my lap. "You ready for 2 more humans to pull on your tail and ears?" He started meowing at me. I must have fallen asleep on the couch because I woke up to Mercy's pulling on my hair and saying "Mommy" over and over. The day went off without a single thing going wrong. Norman pulled something out of the freezer and I didn't notice what it was and I came back from the bathroom to him and Mercy eating whatever he pulled out of the fridge. "What cha eating?" - "Ice cream" I got nervous. "This is fantastic." - "What kind is it?" - "I don't really know it was just in a container in the freezer." I walked in and looked at noticed some of the ice cream was gone. "Umm.. Norman is this what you two are eating?" I held the container out "Yeah, that's it. Why? Saving it for something special." - "No. Um actually I made it." - "You made this? What are you magic? You should be a chef. This is fantastic. What did you put in it?" - "Um all the normal stuff you put in home made ice cream and um *coughs* breast milk. Norman's eyes went wide. "Seriously?" - I shook my head. "No wonder it tastes so good it came from you." I blushed. I got ready for bed and just laid there feeling the tiny kicks and just cried. I wasn't really ready to be a mother when I got pregnant with Mercy, but I jumped into it and loved every moment, even if this was way to soon to have more kids I was ready. With Norman by my side I knew I could accomplish anything.