Life Is Beautiful

Oh Love

It was already September which meant I was already 7 months along in my pregnancy. It also meant that I couldn't travel that much, which really sucked because for weeks at a time meant that Norman would be gone for work and I had to stay home, but it wasn't really all that bad while he was away my best friend and her boyfriend at the time stayed with me. It was fun for a while, up until a few weeks ago when my friend's sorry ass boyfriend up and left her alone with me and took off to go back home. I felt so bad for her, because after all this she had to stay with me, who really couldn't do to much because of my huge belly.

After about a week of just us girls here Norman came home and I explained the whole situation about what happened since he noticed one person was missing. He ended up siding with me on this whole situation and agreed that my friend could stay for as long as she wanted, because it wasn't her fault that her boyfriend took off. Plus we weren't going to let her go back knowing that it would probably get ugly or something else would happen and we couldn't let that happen.

As time when on, it was harder to get up and move due to my already extended belly. Technically I was supposed to be on bed rest since the last time we went to the doctor they said some complications came up. I tried my best to follow all of the orders, but sometimes if I saw something that was in my area I tried to help out, just because I was on bed rest I didn't think any harm could come from this. Every time Norman saw me trying to reach for anything he'd grab it up before I got the chance and hand it to me and said 'If you need anything I'll get it for you, you shouldn't be trying to strain yourself.' I looked up at him and said 'Thanks I'll try to remember that.' He bent down and gave me a kiss on the forehead and I gasped and he looked down at me with a worried look and I said 'Sorry this lil girl is kicking harder and harder every day.' and he rubbed and kissed my belly and whispered 'Hey daddy's lil girl. Take it easy on your mommy okay?' I giggled a little.

Later on that night as the sun was going down, I'd enjoy sitting out on the balcony and just soak in the last rays of the sun. When it got dark and the whole place was lit up, it was amazing. As a country girl, I was always amazed at the beautiful sights of NYC. Shortly after Norman would come out and say 'Dinners ready I know that little girl is hungry so come on.' I'd sit there for a little while longer and just stare into space, and the one thing that brought me out of my 'trance' was the hard kicks. Norman would come over and pick me up and I'd jokingly play hit him and say 'Put me down. I can walk. Trust me.' and he would say 'Nope, you know what the doctors said.' with a laugh.

During dinner I would always come up with new food combos that would gross everybody else out at the table. Tonight it was pickles and pudding. Norman would look at me and joke around saying 'You're cravings and stuff are getting weird.' I'd look at him with my mouth full of food and swallow the stuff down and say 'Well, I can't help what this cutie wants and I really can't deny her anything.' He'd just look at me with a weird look and say 'Whatever she wants and its safe I guess she can have.' I'd just smile at him. Shortly after we would get ready for bed and switching from my stretch pants to pajama pants was getting harder to do. Plus my shirts were getting tighter and tighter some nights I'd either just sleep in a bra or Norman would give me one of his shirts. Another area where it was getting harder to function in was during sex. Most nights I was just to tired to do anything and I felt bad because Norman really wanted to do something and I'd turn around and say 'Not tonight'. For the most part when in all the months we'd managed to keep a semi-active sex life.

As soon as I got into bed most nights I would try to find a comfortable place and go straight to sleep. Norman would get into bed and I'd curl into his side and he'd rub my belly and if I wasn't already asleep I'd drift off. During the night my shirt would come up and show my belly off. Plus I'd roll over onto Norman's side of the bed when he would get up in the middle of the night. Cravings didn't stop so occasionally I'd wake up and as per Norman's request I'd wake him up and ask for more pudding and pickles. He'd get up all groggy and sleepy and bring me some pickles back and a pudding cup. I couldn't picture having a baby with anybody else at this point.