Across a Million Stars

An Unlikely Friend

The world was burning. Ash filled her lungs making it impossible to breath. Smoke burned her eyes making her unable to see. Everything around her was in disarray. All she wanted was to see and all she needed was to breath but the fire made it impossible. Fumbling around in the dark world, her hands reached for something to grab onto but there was only air. Pushing her feet against the hard surface below her, the young woman maneuvered blindly, moving away from the scolding heat behind her.
Taking a step, she was greeted with a moment of weightlessness before she landed into a hard surface, sand filling her mouth. She sputtered the grainy material from her mouth, raking her fingers against her tongue trying to get out the what was left. She kept her eyes closed still avoiding the searing pain that would fill her eyes if she was to close to the smoke.
Crawling across the sand, the young woman finally opened her eyes only to be blinded by the blaring sun. Quickly closing and covering her eyes grumbling in annoyance, “You have got to be joking me…” She cautiously opened her eyes again and took in her surroundings. “Really? The middle of the desert that where I set the auto-pilot? I’m a genius. If I make it out this blasted desert they should give me a reward for the biggest dumb ass who has ever walked the galaxy.”
Finally standing up, a loud clatter filled the empty void—something that she had almost forgotten about. Heavy metal chains hung from her wrists and ankles a symbolism of her status, she wanted nothing more than to tear them off. Quickly casting a disgusted glance from the chains, the young woman began to look for anything could help protect her from the blazing gaze of the sun.
As soon a she took a dainty step towards the vessel, sand flew through the air in a long column and the ship slowly sunk into the sand. Blatant annoyance was the only thing that could be seen on her face. Today was not going as planned.
Looking once more where the space ship had disappeared she began her journey through the ocean of sand. She had traveled miles without any sign of civilization—her tongue was as coarse as sandpaper, a sign of her dehydration. The more she walked the more it felt like she was on an uninhabited planet. Her footsteps began to slow as she dug for the strength to continue onwards. Reaching the peak of a massive sand dune the sand shifted below her feet and she screamed.
There was no other side to this particular dune only open air and a slight curve. Her stomach dropped as she feel, her heart beating wildly in her chest. Her body slammed against the hard sand but that wasn’t the end to her descent. She continued to roll down the slight curved sand until she finally slowed to a stop. Facing the open blue sky, she peered at it in wonder. Was everything her parents sacrificed for nothing? Was this the end? She lay unable to move at the bottom of dune, all strength left her body as she fell into a dreamless sleep.
A soft bump on her left leg awoke her from her sleep, she turned to see what was touching her to find a small droid. It was round, orange and white. She racked her mind trying to put a name on the robot—a BB-8. What was it doing out in the middle of the desert?
“What are you doing out here?” She croaked her mouth dry. The small robot made its regular beeping noises, “You’re on a top secret mission, well that was informational. Well since thats all you’re going to tell me, do you know where a town is?”
“Well that’s dandy.” She replied in fustration the small droid not knowing where a settlement was, it began to beep at her again, “You want to join me? Well if you couldn’t tell I’m not doing so well myself.” BB-8 went on another tangent of noises, with a sigh she replied. “Fine, I’ll help you. I have nothing better to do anyways besides wait for the heat to kill me.”
Climbing to her feet, the young woman stumbled as her head spun. She needed water or she was not going to survive. “There isn’t a chance you have water do you?” BB-8 looked towards her shaking it’s head in reply. “Well then, I’ll help you till I die of dehydration.”
The pair human and droid traveled side by side through the desert only stopping when the young woman had to give herself a moment of rest. She looked down examining her feet the sandals she wore were not the best shoes to be wearing to walk around the desert but they were better than nothing. The blisters was also something she would gladly live without but she didn't complain only continued to walk through the ocean of sand.
Another massive sand dune stood above her and all she could do was groan before beginning the climb. She had thought the other hard to climb but that one was looking more like a tiny hill with every step she took. When she finally reached the top, she could have jumped for joy if she wasn't so tired.
BB-8 beeped and squealed excitedly next to her, “I don't see any…settlement…” She began but slowly the words disappeared as she stared at the settlement in the distance—maybe a mile or two away. She was about to start running towards it but she already knew that she didn't have the energy for it, instead she slide down the sand dune and walked with a bit more speed towards it.
Water. That was the only thought on her mind as she plunged herself into the water that was used for the animals. She didn’t care—it tasted the same as the water she drank as a slave. She splashed it on her face, taking delight in the cooling of her skin. It was bliss. She drank water until her stomach was full and sat smiling, never thinking she would be so grateful for such a simple thing.
The day turned to night and she lazily moved herself to cover having no place to sleep. She hid away from all civilization in a small corner she believed no one knew about. Resting her head on the coarse sand, she greeted sleep.