Across a Million Stars

Dancing Nights

Looking in the mirror Kaya barely recognized herself. Maz had her take a shower and showed her into a room with a massive array of clothing. She had told Kaya to wear what she wanted and left leaving her with many choices.
Kaya wore all black straying away from anything that was white or nude—the colors reminded her to much of the clothes she used to wear. A black pair of black pants hugged her legs with a matching pair of boots. A shirt was wrapped around her chest revealing her midriff— a well toned stomach. A belt hung around her waist with many compartments along harness that slid over her shoulders that held up to two blasters.
Walking down the stairs back into the lively cantina. Some of the noise quieting as she walked past the other people. Kaya could feel eyes upon her as she walked through the room back to the table where her friends were sitting.
Poe barely recognized Kaya as she walked towards her table—he had been used to seeing her wearing the flimsy dress that was almost just rags. Now she looked powerful and even more beautiful than he thought possible. Her hair hung down in her back in waves like a waterfall that bounced lightly with each step she took.
Kaya slid back into her chair hesitating slightly before grabbing a piece of food and take a bite. Flavors exploding through her mouth making her groan—it was the best thing she had ever eaten. She could still feel the lingering eyes upon her but from the corner of her eyes she could see Poe watching her and it made Kaya smile.
“Feeling better?” Maz asked looking towards Kaya with a smile which she returned with a nod of her head—food in Kaya’s mouth not allowing her to reply.
The day passed by quickly, the cantina filling up as the night came upon Takodana. Music pounded through the air and light-hearted conversation had dwindled into lively dancing and drinking. The tables had been moved closer to the walls to allow the guests to move and dance through the halls easier in their drunken state.
Five sat at the table, Chewbacca had finished repairing the Millenium Falcon and was now trying to avoid the advances of Maz—which he didn’t seem to really mind. Han looked around the room, his eyes showing his exhaustion. “I think I’m going to call it a night—this is a bit to lively for me.”
Maz looked towards Chewbacca before turning her attention towards Kaya and Poe. “Drink as much as you would like, they’re on me but I’m going to retire for the night.” Maz said kindly before turning her gaze back to Chewbacca who nodded his head at the small woman. The three pushed back their chairs and retired from the room leaving Poe and Kaya sitting together awkwardly.
Kaya turned her head to observe the handsome pilot sitting next to her. His head was turned away from her as he was watching the couples on the dance floor, he looked as his handsome face, his chocolate eyes so warm. Her gaze flickered to his lips, they looked so soft…so kissable.
Poe locked eyes with Kaya as if he knew what she was thinking. Heat filled her body and it seemed electricity was bouncing between their two bodies. Neither able too look away from one another. The room seemed to blur—both ignoring everything around them except for one another. Kaya’s mouth goes dry, opening to regain her breath. She can see that Poe is having the same reaction.
Bitting her lip, Kaya breaks eye contact with Poe. The desire to press her lips against his was almost to hard to resist. Poe continued to look at Kaya unable to keep his eyes off of her, the thought of her lips was teasing his willpower. The thought of them going lower and lower till the point of no return was beyond what he could take right now. Poe’s breath was heavy as he turned away from her. Sneaking a glance at Kaya, Poe saw that she was peering back at him. A humble smile took over his lips as he knew that she was feeling it too.
“What do you recommend to drink?” Kaya asked suddenly wanting to break the tension between the two.
“Corllian Rum.” Poe said, thinking of the smooth liquor and it’s bitter sweet taste. “Would you like to grab one?”
“I would.” Kaya replied pushing back her chair and heading towards the bar with Poe following closely on her tail. The bartender was interesting to look at, he talked in a different language that she had learned in her years as a slave. Poe easily maneuvered through the language ordering the two drinks.
The liquor slid down her throat burning her throat causing Kaya’s face to twist in shock at the bitter-sweet taste. Poe laughed lightly, “Wasn’t what you were expecting was it?”
“Not at all…” Kaya said observing the leftover of the liquid in the glass, setting the glass down she monitored towards the bartender who refilled the shot glass quickly. “But it’s still pretty good.”
After countless glasses of the Corllian Rum, the pair found themselves among the other bodies dancing rhythmically to the beat of the music. Poe watched as he danced next to her unable to keep his eyes away from her body as it moved to the music. Watching her move her hips to the music, Poe could tell that she was an excellent dancer.
Kaya’s eyes were closed as she moved to the music having the most fun she had in a while. Hands slide around her waist, causing Kaya to stiffen before she looked up to find Poe behind her dancing with her. Kaya’s skin tingled where his hands touched her bare skin—her stomach dancing with butterflies.
The night passed in a blur of dancing bodies, the music began to die down and the noise around them began to thin as people began to clear the room and retire for the night. The music was low and slow, Kaya’s head resting against Poe’s chest. A peacefulness settling between the couple entangled in each others’ arms.
Poe pulled away from the young woman slightly, Kaya peering up at him curiously. His gaze glanced down to her lips and he couldn’t help himself any longer. He pressed his lips against hers softly, the kiss was gentle. Kaya looked at him shock, her eyes slowly closing as she returned the kiss enjoying the feeling.
Pulling away, Poe felt out of breath and saw that Kaya was the same. Kaya reached up a hand weaving in his hair as she pulled his face back towards her—their noses brushing against each other but neither seeming to care. They were entranced in each other, Poe’s hands reached down to her lower back pulling her closer to him as they held each in their arms not wanting the moment to end.