Across a Million Stars

Junkyard Station

Two days passed and she was nearly at the point of eating her own leg. Her stomach constantly growled and she had moments were she nearly passed out from lack of energy. Mainly she had watched the people who ran the junkyard station or at least that’s what she called it.
It seemed the only way to get food was in return for scrounged parts. Something that she had no idea where to find or even where to start looking. She made a small walk to the not very pleasant creature who controlled the rations. Standing in the line, she could feel the watchful eyes of others upon her. When she finally reached the counter the man looked her up and down unamused, “What do I have to do to get food?”
“Bring me parts and I give you rations.” He replied simply, already bored of their conversation.
“What if I don’t have any parts?”
“No parts no rations.” He spelled it simply, “Next!” He called leaving the conversation.
“Come on BB-8 lets go.” She replied in annoyance beginning to walk away.
“Wait. That droid you have there is worth….52 rations.” The man said beginning to place ration after ration onto the counter. She looked at the counter hungrily about to take the man’s offer but stopped herself.
“I don’t sell friends.” She replied before turning the heel of her foot and walking away from the greedy man. BB-8 sent another series of beeps towards her, “Yes, you’re welcome but how is that going to help me get food? I’m starving.”
As the walked through the small market, BB-8 released an ear-piercing screech and she turned around to find a bag over the small droid as they were trying to take him either way. Two aliens stood in front, a species she had never seen before, two long wooden staffs in their hands as they got into a defensive position.
Sprinting up to one of them she grabbed hold of the staff, twisting it sharply the end of it hitting the side of it’s head. A small cry of pain escaped it as she turned around to face the other with staff. It sent a flurry of attacks towards her which she blocked easily. The alien whom she taken the staff from came from behind her, wrapping it’s arms around her chest lifting her from the ground.
The other approached her from the front, kicking out her leg she felt her food connect with his jaw sending him flying backwards. Using the momentum from the kick she flipped the pair to the ground, the arms which had ensnared her letting go in surprise. Kneeling above him, she lashed out with her staff knocking him out cold. Standing up she saw that her two attackers were now on the ground unconscious.
She smiled to herself wishing her father was here to see that she remembered everything he had taught her. Turning her attention back to BB-8 she dropped to a knee pulling the bag off of the droid. The droid didn't even seem to notice her as it charged away from her in a near sprint, “Wow…that’s the thanks I get. Should have sold you for the food…”
Following the path of the droid, she quickly found BB-8 next a man that took her breath away. The man had dark brown hair with a matching set of eyes his skin was fair. He had a strong jawline and basically what was described as every girls dream. Taking a stance in front of him, “That’s my droid.”
“Actually he is mine.” The man said giving her one of those pretty boy smiles, “I lost him for a period of time and now he is back. Thank you for taking care of him. That was a nice fight you had back there.”
“So I’m guess you’re part of the rebels too?” She asked holding back a laugh as the man turned to look at BB-8 with questioning eyes. “And you’re also part of a top secret mission.” The droid looked the other way making small whistling sounds. “I’m joining you by the way.”
The man did a double take looking back at her, “No, you’re not..”
“Well you should have thought about that before you lost your droid.” Looking at the man again she could see ash covering his face, “Did you just crash your ship or something?”
“I’m the best pilot…”
“You crashed your ship.” She said again smiling when she knew she was right.
“Well to be fair it was because the First Order shot us down.” The man replied in annoyance, she could see she hit a spot in his ego.
“Oh, that’s wonderful. A rebel with a top secret mission being hunted down by the First Order. Is you name perhaps, I attract danger.” She asked sarcastically unable to stop herself.
“My name is Poe but that’s a close second.” Poe said flashing another one of his pretty boy smiles. “What’s yours?”
“Alright, Kaya. I like you so I’m going to let you tag along with me.” Poe said his eyes darting behind her before he tackled her to the ground. The sharp sounds of blasters filling the air.
“Get off of me!” Kaya grunted shoving Poe away from her.
“A simple thank you would suffice.” He retorted as he climbed to his feet pulling Kaya up with him. “The First Order is here.”
“Follow me.” Kaya yelled beginning to weave herself through the market, followed quickly behind by Poe and BB-8. The three hid behind a counter full of random parts. “Just outside the gate is a small cruiser we get there, take it and get off this blasted planet.”
“We found the droid with the escaped prisoner and a girl.” A voice said from behind them.
“Hunt them down and bring them all to me.” A voice replied through the Stormtrooper’s com. The voice sending chills down Kaya’s spine. A few moments later the loud sound of TIE fighters fights filled the air coming dangerously close to the ground.
“It’s an airstrike.” Poe whispered frantically as he grabbed Kaya by the hand pulling her away from the stall they were hiding. The fled through the market feeling the ground shutter below them as the TIE fighters’ followed their orders.
They quickly reached the end of cover from the market and now were sprinting through the open, blaster fire flew past them and another thundering sound of the TIE fighters made the ground behind them explode sending all of them flying forward.
Another mouthful of sand had taken its place in Kaya mouth. She sputtered coughing as she tried to get the nasty dirt from her mouth. Kaya climbed to her feet seeing Poe do the same. They were only feet from the small cruiser when the TIE fighters swooped down quickly destroying the aircraft in ball of fire.
“This one over here!” Kaya yelled sprinting towards the one that seemed more like a piece of scrap metal than anything else. The ramp was already down and they sprinted on board.
“I’ll fly it. You shoot.” Poe said not leaving it up to question. The two split off Kaya quickly finding the gunning system. Dropping down into the small hole she sat in the chair looking at the controls quizzically. She had never seen a firing system look this complicated. “Well this should be interesting…”