Across a Million Stars

The Unfinished Map

“OW!” Poe cursed, “That was my head!” His hand reaching to the spot that Kaya had just hit with the wrench.
“Well I’m so sorry I couldn’t see.” Kaya said sarcastically, “Would you like a band-aid?
 “I would!”
“Lovers spat?” A voice questioned from above. “Get out of there.” The man looking down at them had white hair and was defiantly an older man. The creature standing beside him was a species called the Wookie. Kaya quickly crawled from the compartment using Poe’s shoulders as a boost.
“Was that necessary?” She could here the light grumble from below and she smiled to herself—it was.
Standing in front of the man and the Wookie, the older man began his questions. “So tell me is this honeymoon gone wrong?”
Kaya scoffed while Poe replied, “Hardly.”
The man turned towards the Wookie, “Looks to be some unusual tension between these two.” The man looked at the pair again and at the droid, “Well you were defiantly not were expecting.”
“What? Not evil enough?” Kaya asked her arms crossed still annoyed at Poe.
“No, not at all.” The man with the white hair smiled, already liking the girl more and more. “What’s your names?”
“I’m Kaya.” She said uncrossing her arms.
“And I’m Poe.” Flashing one of his smiles, his eyes looked at them calculating. There was something about the pair but he couldn't place it. “Thats it. You’re Han Solo and Chewbacca.”
Kaya turned to Poe momentarily forgetting her anger towards him, “Are you serious?” She asked turning the question back to the two men who had found them, “Are you Han Solo and Chewbacca?”
“The one and only.” Han Solo replied giving one of his signature smiles.
“What happened to you guys? You just disappeared.” Poe asked looking for some answers for their disappearance at base.
Han became quiet. A looked took over his eyes of pure remorse before he quickly went back to his normal self. “Well that is a long story. Follow me, lets find us a place to sit.”
They followed the legendary pair through the halls of the ship and to the mess hall that they had been removing the chains in—which were now laying on the table. “What are these chains from?” Han asked picking up looking at their weight. “Somebody wasn’t messing around when they made these.”
“Anyways that’s besides the point. I’m guessing you’re familiar with the name Luke Skywalker.”
“Yes,” Kaya and Poe said simultaneously waiting for Han Solo to tell his tale.
“Well he began to try to rebuild the Jedi Order. He was training many he felt the force in but he went into exile after one of his students turned dark. This particular student slaughtered all the other students and destroyed everything that Luke had been trying to rebuild.” Han said leaving out some particular details, “Chewy and I have been looking for him ever since.”
“Are you sure about that?” The bronzed hair girl asked, “Based on where we are now, it seems like you have gone back to your smuggling ways.”
“It fills in the time we didn’t find any information.” Han said shrugging knowing the girl saw through his lie.
Poe pipped in than, “I have something that could be very useful to your search.” He looked towards BB-8, the robot nodded it’s head and projected an image into the middle of the room. “This is the map to Skywalker’s location.”
Han looked at it for only a moment, “It’s not complete.”
“What do you mean it’s not complete?” Poe asked looking back towards the map beginning to realize there was now start or finish to the map—it simply ended.
“So where is the rest of the map?” Kaya asked looking at it seeing that they were missing pieces to the puzzle.
“That is an excellent question.” Han sighed he looked back at the two sitting in front of him. He could see their features showing their tiredness. “You two go get some rest, we can discuss this more later.”
Kaya moved from the chair thankful for some shut eye, it had been a very long day. Poe followed as she dragged herself through the ship. He was watching her energy drain from her with every step she took. Without a moments hesitation, Poe lifted Kaya into his arms. He felt a light push as she tried to resist but the fight didn’t last long. She was asleep in his arms a moment later. Poe smiled down at the stubborn woman in his arms, unable to keep it off his lips.

The room was dark, not a sliver of light shown into the room. A door opened illuminating two figures huddled in a corner together. A black silhouette of a man standing in the doorway. The people in the corner clung to each other desperately whispering words of love to one another—their faces covered in grime.
“I want to know how you did it.” The voice, it was the voice of her worst fears. “Somebody is going to need to start talking.” The couple huddled in the corner said nothing to the man only held each others hands. “I will get the answers I need.” The silhouette of the man walked into the small cramped room grabbing the woman by the hair, pulling her from the room as she cried out in pain.
As the light shown across her face, terrified blues eyes streamed tears. Her small frame now thinner than ever. Her dark brown hair a pile of knots and dirt.

“Mom!” Kaya screamed her body covered in cold sweat as she shot up in fear. The dream still fresh in her mind—it wasn’t like anything dream she had before. Everything she saw was clear and deep down in her heart she knew that it wasn’t a dream, it was reality. The other figure in the room had to be her father, they were being tortured for information because of her.
Her body trembled as she lost control of her emotions, the sobs raking through her. Kaya wrapped her arms around herself rocking back and forth trying to comfort herself. She had never felt so alone in her life. It was selfish of her but Kaya was glad her parents were alive. There was a chance, a small one at that, she could save them. Wiping the tears from her face, Kaya knew what she had to do.
She had to kill the monster that has haunted her dreams ever since she was a child. She had to kill Marius Forte.