Across a Million Stars

Go Away

The small yell had awoken him from his light slumber, worry filling him. Worrying that something was happening to Kaya in the room next to his own. Throwing the covers from the bed, he sprinted to her door only to hear the soft sounds of her sobs barely audible through the doorway.
His heart sank in his chest at the sound, he didn’t know what to do. He stood their debating wether to knock on the door or just go back to sleep. Poe didn’t know what Kaya wanted him to do.
The small tap seemed to echo through the ship, “What?” Kaya asked her usual strong voice sounding weak and tired.
“Let me in.” Poe said through the doorway already knowing what her response was.
Not a moment later, she spoke the words he knew Kaya would say. “Go away, Poe.”
“Afraid I can’t do that. Not until you tell me whats wrong.” He replied knowing that she needed someone to talk too wether she liked it or not.
“Go away…” Her voice was even softer than before she sounded broken. He couldn't stand it. Without thinking he opened the door to find, Kaya sitting in the middle of the bed, her back towards him. She peeked over her shoulder, one blue staring at him before she looked away. “I told you to go away.”
“You see that’s the thing about me, I don’t do as I’m told.” Poe said walking toward the bed sitting on the corner, looking away from the grieving woman. The two sat in complete silence neither speaking a word. The young pilot trying to come up with the words to say.
“If you’re going to stay can you at least put on a shirt?” Kaya asked her voice still quiet.
Poe chuckled, “So the First Order is chasing us down and all you can worry about is if I’m wearing a shirt or not?” He heard something between a mixture of a laugh and a cry come from Kaya.
“My parents are still alive.” Kaya said needing to tell somebody and Poe seemed like the safest person to tell.
“Well that’s good news.” Poe said thinking it was good news.
“No because now all they feel is pain.” Kaya whispered, “I could feel it…it was so painful. I just want them to be free and happy.” Poe sat there unable to speak it was not what he had expected her to say but there was little about her life that he knew and understood. “Poe, I have to kill him.”
“My nightmare.” Poe didn’t know of who Kaya spoke but knew that whomever the man was had been instrument of her fears for a very long time. “The problem is… I don’t know if I can do it…I’ve been afraid for so long…”
“You’re safe now,” Poe said trying to comfort Kaya’s troubled thoughts.
A bitter laugh escaped her. “I’m not safe. He is out there looking for me, torturing my parents for information but thats the sick part—they don’t know where I am and he knows it. The sick bastard is doing it for fun.” Anger began to take over Kaya, a darkness filling the room. It quickly faded as Kaya leaned over her, her head in her hands. Her shoulders shook from silent sobs, “It’s all my fault.”
Poe didn’t hesitate then. He pulled Kaya into his arms, her head resting against his chest, tears making his skin damp. She shook in his arms but Poe did nothing but hold her, combing his hand through her hair—not a word escaped him because they would not help. Her soft cries turned to sniffles and than to silence.
Kaya didn’t know when it had happened but her arms had slowly wrapped around Poe, his chest slick with her tears. One had combed it’s way through her hair while another held her loosely. “Didn’t I tell you to put on a shirt?” Kaya asked a small sniffle escaping her.
Looking up at Poe, she offered a small smile. She had kept all those emotions in her for so long it was only a matter of time before they were released. Poe smiled down at her, a smile free of judgement. “I told you I don’t do as I’m told.”
“What about when the rebels tell you to do something?” Kaya asked finding a loophole to his words.
“Well…besides that.” Poe said laughing lightly, something Kaya really needed to hear.
“Are you their little errand boy?” Kaya asked smiling at him, still in his arms. She didn’t feel like moving—everything seemed to be extremely peaceful in this moment.
Poe scoffed at her, “I am no errand boy. I am—“
“—the best pilot the rebels have.” She replied mocking him playfully. He gave her another one of his charming smiles. “It’s probably time to go.”
“It probably is,” Poe sighed enjoying have her in his arms. He released her and Kaya crawled away from sitting on the bed looking slightly embarrassed. Poe stood from the bed heading towards the door, “Kaya, nothing is your fault.”

“Now that you two have gotten your beauty sleep, I think its time to introduce you to my new ship.” Han Solo said as he escorted them from the familiar ship, “Though I do thank you for finding my long lost ship.”
“What you mean this piece of junk?” Kaya said looking back at the scrap.
“That is not a piece of junk.” Han said his voice giving away his offense to the comment, “That is the Millenium Falcon.”
The ship was very dark and very large. Most of the lights were red which gave an eerie glow to the ship. A loud roar echoed through the halls. “What was that?” Kaya asked looking around the vessel in concern.
“Oh that was a Rathtar.” Han said before he continued to guide them through the ship. “This beauty is called the Eravana.”
“A Rathtar?” Poe said stopping in his tracks, “You’re joking right?”
“Not at all, I have three aboard with us.” Han said laughing lightly to himself.
“I want off this ship,” Poe said completely serious.
“What’s a Rathtar?” Kaya asked confused by Poe’s reaction to the mention of the creature.
“You’ve never heard of them?” Poe asked looking back at Kaya, “They were the involved in the Trillia Massacre.”
“Ohhhh so scary.” Kaya said trying to feign a scared voice. “What do they look like?”
“Do you want the scientific description?” Han asked, “They’re big and dangerous and ugly.” A loud thud sounded outside of the ship, the old man looking around already seeming to know what was happening. “We’re being boarded.”