Across a Million Stars

The Falcon

Steam blasted in front of her face causing a small squeal to escape her lips, a hand slamming over her mouth. Kaya slapped away the hand sending Poe an annoyed look. A door slid open, footsteps echoing through the lower corridor of the ship.
Through the grates of the floor, Kaya could see a man standing his posture radiating his authority. Four men stood behind him adorned in red armor. “Han Solo, you’re owning us a pretty peen.” The man bellowed across the hall.
“Bala-Tik, it’s nice to see a friendly face.” Han replied, “Tell your boss that I almost have all the that i need you.”
“I don’t think friendly is the correct word.” Bala-Tik replied, “How can you pay your debt to us when you owe so much to the Kanjiklub?”
“Well now that you two are on talking bases, you can tell—“ Han began before Bala-Tik stopped him mid-sentence.
“You can tell them yourself.” Bala-Tik replied a smile on his face. Another bay door opened and their images were hard to see but another group of men now entered the ship corner off Han Solo and Chewbacca. “I don’t recall that droid in your company in the past.”
“Just recently came to own him.” Han said trying to use his charm to get out of the situation. The men on the other side yelled at Han in a language that Kaya didn’t understand.
“Well did you recently come to stubble upon two fugitives? A young woman and man that were last seen accompanying that very droid. The first order is praying a pretty penny for those three.”
Kaya crawled through the lower corridor finding exactly what she was looking for she began to mess with the components. “Do you know what you’re doing?” Poe whispered beside her watching as she worked.
“Yes I just need to reset these fuses and it should close the blast doors allowing Han and Chewbacca to escape.” Kaya said as she finished the reset just waiting to place the fuses back in.
“Well do it already!” Poe whispered frantically, seeing as things weren’t going to well up there, “He’s not going to be able to talk himself out of this one.”
Plugging the fuses back in, something happened but it wasn’t what she had been expecting. The blast doors didn’t close but something else opened. Loud screeches echoed through the halls of the ship.
“Please do not tell me that you just released the Rathtar. Please don’t tell me you released them.” Poe mumbled beside her. Another roar echoed through the hall this time louder. “Oh no, you released them.”
“Come on. We have to move!” Kaya exclaimed grabbing Poe by the hand pulling him towards the grate that allowed them to hide in the lower corridor. Quickly pushing it up, Kaya checked the halls not a soul was to be seen wandering the halls.
The two walked cautiously side by side through the hall. Checking every corner, never swaying from the scrutiny. Her heart beat painfully in her chest, sweat dripped from her, every nerve standing on end. Sounds of strangled cries and beastly roars echoed through the hall in all directions, not giving a hint to where the creature was.
Sounds vibrated off the wall, whatever it was getting closer—fast. A roar sounded filling the room with the sound. Kaya jumped, her heart spiking in her chest. Not realizing it, her hand was now firmly in Poe’s. Each holding on to one another’s hand for dear life.
A tug pulled at Kaya’s arm sending her flying to the right—her hand still interlocked with Poe. Slamming against the metal ground, she looked into Poe’s eyes seeing the fear as he yelled, “It’s got my leg!”
“I got you!” Kaya yelled back her heart feeling as if it was about to burst out of her chest. If Poe died it would be all her fault, she had released the Rathtar and now three were hunting the few on the ship.
Taking a sharp turn, she was thrown against a corner at an intersection in the hallway. Kaya’s side slammed into the wall—pain spiking through her side as the corner dug its way into her skin. Using the adrenaline pumping through her veins, Kaya ignored the pain radiating from her side and followed the cries of Poe.
Beginning to run past a set of controls, in her peripherals Kaya saw many screens showing security feed. A clear picture of Poe’s terrified face, flashed across one screen, his body being dragged in another. Stepping in front of the console, Kaya looked down at the buttons on the side, A list from 1-20 appeared showing the twenty screens displaying the interior of the ship.
13 seemed to glow at her. The number radiating a light, brighter than the rest of the numbers. Barely thinking, Kaya followed her instincts. A moment later the button was firmly pressed below her finger. Watching the screen, the door closed upon the tentacles of the Rathtar, Poe safely separated from the beast.
Joy and relief fluttered through her chest seeing that Poe was safe. Running towards where she believed camera 13 was pointed, Kaya quickly found Poe. He kicked furiously trying to get the separated tentacle that was still attached to his leg off. “It’s still alive get it off!” Poe yelled.
The tentacle finally released it grip flying into the corner the massive thing, convulsing uncontrollably. Poe started to his feet running up to grabbing Kaya’s hand and pulling her through the hallway. The pair weaved through the hallways finally finding the compartment that held the junk that was called their ship.
Running straight for the ship, a door opened from the opposite end of the room. Han Solo and Chewbacca sprinted through the door a Rathtar right behind them. It was a nasty looking thing even from far away. It was a red mucus ball with tentacles sprouting from all around. The Rathar had the largest mouth she had ever seen with the pointiest of teeth.
Running into the ship, Han and Chewbacca followed quickly behind them closing the hatch door immediately. A crash sounded against the hatch door, making the ship rock to the side.
“Poe help Chewbacca he was shot. Kaya you’re with me.” Han Solo said already giving directions.
“Technically this is Poe and I’s ship.” Kaya stated following Han to the cockpit.
Han let out a laugh at the young woman’s words. “Sweetheart this is the Millennium Falcon—this is defiantly not your ship.