Across a Million Stars

The Falcon

Kaya sat in the chair completely at a lose for words. Had Poe been about to kiss her? Confused thoughts cluttered her mind as she sat there unable to move. There were to many questions running through her mind and not enough answers.

She could hear the ship coming out of light speed which meant they were almost to Takodana. Standing from the small table, Kaya made her way to the restroom. Once there she splashed water onto her face, cooling off her heated skin.

Water poured into the sink, filling the bowl. The soft movement of the water relaxing Kaya completely—her mind wandering back to the dreams she had often. A cluster of islands surrounded by nothing but the ocean.

"Kaya are you coming?" Han voice echoed through the ship, snapping Kaya from her thoughts of the ocean.

"Yeah, I'm coming." She replied leaving the restroom and heading towards the cockpit. Kaya brushed past Poe he stood by the door avoiding any sort of eye contact with her, she rolled her eyes as she took her seat in the co-pilot's chair.

Her eyes widened as she they descended towards the planet—everything was green or blue. Where she used to live, Kaya was lucky to see outside a window. The other slaves and her were either in the house or underground working on their master's ships. Sunlight and the outdoors was something that they had barely seen.

"I've never seen so much green.." Kaya mumbled leaning forward in her seat in awe. The amount of lush green that filled her vision seemed almost unreal. Poe and Han glanced at Kaya hearing her comment, a sadness filling their hearts.

Han gently landed the Millennium Falcon on the lush, soft green grass. Kaya not waiting a moment as she flew from her seat. As the hatch opened, Kaya walked onto Takodana taking in everything around her.

The air was clean and fresh filling Kaya's lungs. So many smells filled her many she couldn't describe. Trees stood up towering over her, a lush forest full of life. Sounds echoing through the quiet air as the creatures roamed through the forest filling the planet with life.

Han and Poe stood next to each other both watching the young beauty as she took in the planet. "You do care about her don't you?" Han asked suddenly breaking the silence between the two.

"Is it obvious?" Poe asked back looking at Han Solo.

"Well at least to me it is." Han replied with a smirk, "You going to do anything about it or are you just going to wait for someone else to snatch her up?" Poe stood next to Han pondering the question, he didn't want to see her with someone else but he didn't know what to do. "I do have a question though."

"What is it?" Poe asked looking at Han curiously.

"What are those chain from?" The older man asked giving Poe a serious look, not wanting an lies to come from him.

"They were Kaya's." Poe sighed thinking back to removing the chains from her wrist and ankles. "She didn't tell me anything. All she said is that he was her nightmare."
Han looked sadly towards Kaya, who now had slipped off her sandals and was now walking round on the soft grass. "Do you know the man's name?"

"No, she didn't tell me anything." Poe replied looking back towards Kaya.

"You should know that she cares about you too." Han said looking back towards Poe now who meant his eyes, "Don't let this one get away." With the last comment, Han walked away from a thinking Poe towards Kaya a blaster in hand.

Kaya could hear someone step next to her and she turned to see the silver hair of Han Solo next to her, "Here you might need this." The blaster was placed into her hand and Kaya looked at it happily—she finally had something to protect herself with. Holding up she looked down trying to see how she would aim the weapon. "Do you know how to use this?"

"I shoot it." Kaya said pretending to mimic firing the gun. Han Solo chuckled next to her.

"It's a bit more complicated." Han Solo said pointing out parts of the gun, "This here is the safety and if you want to shoot someone you need this off but other than that you just have to point and shoot."

"Go it, Solo." Kaya said holding the blaster in her hand trying to get the used to the weight.

"Solo?" Han asked looking at Kaya, he had been used to her calling him Han but she replied with just a shrug of her shoulders. "So I could really use another member on the Millennium Falcon."

Kaya's eyes light it up with excitement as she turned to look at the smuggler, "Are you offering me a job?"

"Well it wouldn't pay well and sure as hell won't be easy." Han Solo said, "But it's yours if you want it."

"I'll take it." Kaya gleamed happiness pouring through her. She had always wanted to travel the universe and now she could.

Han gave her a big smile before turning to Chewbacca who had finally made his way off the ship. "Chewy, stay here and repair the ship. We're going to go talk to Maz."

A castle made out of stone revealed itself through the tree of the forest. The palace was massive a statue of an alien with open arms stood above it all, Kaya assuming it the famous Maz. As they entered the courtyard, thousands of flags hung above them each from a different race or culture. It was enchanting to look at.

The three including BB-8 entered the cantina everything was loud with music so many different species interacting with one another. Everything became silent as a woman's shout filling the rooms, "HAN SOLO."

A small light orange skinned alien walked up with a pair of massive covering her eyes, "I was wondering when I would see again." The woman asked walking up into Han's waiting arms—the two having been friends for a very long time. "Where's my boyfriend."

"Chewy is back at the ship working on repairing it." Han replied motioning towards the door.

"I like that Wookie," The small alien mumbled her skin was wrinkled showing that she has been alive for a very long time. "So who are your friends."

"I'm Poe Dameron." He said holding out a hand to shake Maz's hand. She looked at him questionably, her eyes taking in every detail.

Kaya looked nervously at Maz watching as her penetrating eyes landed on her. "I'm Kaya and you must be Maz." Kaya held out her hand to the alien with a friendly smile. She took her hand offering the same.

"Follow me, let's get some food in your system." Maz said leading the trio to a round table that was pilled with a massive amount of food buffet. They sat at the table, everyone grabbing at the food except for Kaya.

Reaching for one of the unique pieces of food, Kaya stopped herself. A small hungry girl with unkempt hair dirty hands reaching for a piece of the savory food. She took a bite from the sweet roll and was instantly hit from the top of the head sending her small form to the ground. Pain radiating through her body as the hits kept coming. Kaya's hands now firmly in her lap as she looked down avoiding eye contact with the people around her.

"Eat child, you can have whatever you would like." Maz said seeing that Kaya was not touching the food. The food looked delicious and it made her mouth water just smelling the aroma but the old fear kept her hands firmly in her lap.

"Kaya are you okay?" Poe whispered from next to her a look of concern crossing over his face.

"Yes, I'm fine." Kaya replied feeling her face flush in embarrassment, she looked down at her hands wanting to hide from the world. Looking at her clothes she could see the familiar outfit the man of her nightmares had always made her wear—the clothes of a slave. She wanted to rip the dress to shreds everything about it made Kaya sick to her stomach.

A small light orange hand was placed softly over her own, "Come with me."