And We All Have a Hell

The Damned Beginning

I threw my things onto the bed, grabbing my backpack off the floor and shoving it all in there. I messed my hair up and turned my A7x ballcap on backwards. It was the first day of high school and I couldn't wait to get there and see my friends. I was more than anxious after a long summer filled with family gatherings, that no one ever pays any attention to, and in which I usually sit in the back, listening to my ipod, and grabbing a cup of coffee every minute or two.

I ran out the door, yelling an obnoxious bye to my mom and dad. The bus wasn't there yet, so I sat on an unusually placed tree and tapped my feet to the tune of my favorite song. My candy blue fingernails tapped on the tree bark at a rapid pace. I thought about Sierra, whom I haven't spoken to since June, when she left for her Aunt's house down in Texas. I wondered how she had been doing, seeing as she seemed to always be 'Looking for Love'. And Allison, whom had been suffering anxiety attacks.

My thoughts were interuppted by the screeching sound of bus brakes. I pulled myself up off my strange tree bench and onto the vacated bus. Only two or three people were riding and I wondered how many were skipping. I sat in the third seat from the front, staring out the window, and continuing my thoughts.

The passing trees seemed to be running from something we were heading towards. Have you ever noticed how that is? The trees are part of nature, and are far more intelligent than humans, however, they have no way of showing it. I wondered what could possibly be awful enough to awaken the trees like that. As if we were moving in the direction opposite of the world, no matter which way you go. What if there is something out there strong enough to do just that? We are just too arrogant to notice.

The bus pulled up to the school, and opened it's doors to let us out and onto our new territory. I pulled my bag up off the ground and jumped the stairs, letting my feet impact the cement together. I could hear the scratching of my feet against the ground as I pulled closer and closer towards the building entrance. I glanced at my watch and read 7:45. Class doesn't start until 8:30. I wondered how much time I could knock off, considering it was the first day.

I approached the doors with an open mind and an anxious heart. I pulled one open and let it slam behind me as I scanned the area for any trace of my buddies. My eyes searched quickly, but found nothing. I sighed and took a seat at one of the tables provided for us. I was just about to sink into my thoughts until I heard a loud voice.

"Cassie! Cassie, is that you?!"

My head jerked up quickly to see a girl with a glowing face, freckles lining her skin under her eyes, bleached blonde hair, hot pink tights, a silver mini skirt, black hi-hightop converses, pink eye shadow and a low cut black shirt with crossed guitars...Sierra. How could I forget her face?

"Sierra!" I yelled, jumping up to hug her.

"How long has it been? Wow. You've changed, girlie."

"Me? Look at you! Blonde hair? I like it!" I replied, hugging her once more. "How was Texas, babe?"

"It was fun. Only there were no hot guys there..." She said, putting on her pout face.

"Oh, poor you. Guys are stupid, anyways," I mocked, putting on a smirk.


We sat down somewhere near the door, so we could see if anyone else we knew came in. And as we watched the people, it struck me. I was going to have to see her... and there was nothing I could do about it.
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This is the first chapter. I'm trying to show the character's personalities as best I can until the story line starts up. Comment, Subscribe and Rate, Please and Thank You.