And We All Have a Hell

Falls Apart

"Cassie? Cassie? Hello...?" Sierra said, waving her hand in front of my dazzled face. "Hello?!"

"Huh? What?" I shook my head to snap out of my trance. She just stared at me.

"Hun? What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." I whispered, letting her know the issue wasn't to be discussed.

"I should've brought it up sooner, should I?" She asked, resting one of her hands on my shoulder.

"No. I still don't want to think about it."


The silence was broken by the sound of the bell ringing. I guess most of the students are knocking off their time, like I had been guessing. I looked at my schedule. First period was Mrs. Brown. Crap. I heard she wasn't so nice. I sighed and stood up, hugging Sierra and muttering a quiet goodbye before stumbling down the first hall I could see.

I had no idea where I was, and even if I was going in the right direction. I wasn't too worried, though. I saw the big 609. That was my first period. I slowly creeped into the door, sitting in the back and letting my backpack drop to the floor. My shoes squeaked against the metal bars I had my feet set on. I tapped my pencil on my desk to a tune that I wasn't quite sure of, letting my thoughts scramble.

I had really hoped I wouldn't have to see her again. Maybe she moved like she said...or not. Her sister would have called to tell me. I know she would, because we were best friends for a while until we lost touch a few weeks ago...crap.

We had some bad and her. We used to be friends, I guess you could say, until everything fell apart for us. Since then, she sort of ignored me. But it was for the best. For both of us.

"Hello, class. I'm Mrs. Brown. Pleased to meet you. You WILL be using manners in my class. You will respect eachother, no brown nosing, no horse playing, and no smart comments. I WILL write you up," A young woman said sternly, whilst walking into the room, inturuppting my thoughts once again.

Many kids had already become bored, seeing as the teacher had already jumped into the curriculum on the first day. I was actually supposed to be taking notes, but I ignored her and dazed off once again. The clouds were starting to gather and condense. I hoped it would rain. My feet tapped to the beat of "Waking the Demon", seeing as I had been listening to it that morning.

I stared out the window, midlessly, until I heard the clicking sound of a door shutting. I didn't bother to look up, thinking it might just be another person that came in late. I heard someone shuffle into the desk next to me. Still staring out the window, I heard a whisper that was barley audible. I turned to my left, where the person was sitting, to face Allison smiling at me.

"OH MY GOD, ALLISON!" I shreiked, mindlessly. The teacher's head shot up from what she was scribbling on the board and she faced me with aggravation lacing face.

"Is this going to be a problem? Because don't think I won't move you."

I just shook my head, and took out a piece of paper to write a note. Getting called out by teachers didn't bother me at all anymore. be you? :)

I wrote, and swiftly tossed it on her desk. She smiled at me and my overexaggerated stealth.

gOoD I guess. Stupid meds. I was late this morning b/c I couldn't wake up. X[

Oh, taht must just suck majorly. Hows moma? (lol)

Shes good. pops isnt realy busy much anymoe. you havent really caled much. y?

i wasnt sure ifi should. ya no. with ur cozins stayin over n stuf. im sory

its ok. just dnt do it again.

i wnt. pinkey swer.

I leaned over, and we interlocked our pinkies, earning a dirty look from the teacher. We just grinned and acted as if we were concentrating on her. I glanced at the clock and read 9:55. 5 more minuets until second period. I wondered how that would work out.

The bell shrieked, and everyone practically ran to the door, anxious to find out who was in their other classes. I got up slowly, wondering who would be in mine.
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