And We All Have a Hell

Falling Down

Second period dragged on slowly, making me wish I could just slap the teacher, grab her lunch and scramble off to a small tree to munch on the stolen goods and chat with some friends. But I couldn't, naturally.

I tapped my feet as usual, trying to find some natural rythmn, but nothing came. The birds were flying south, trying to avoid a storm, I guessed. I attempted to plan my day ahead, which was rather difficult, considering I had no idea what my classes were like. The rain pitter pattered onto the roof, making me slightly drowzy.

I had almost acheived sleep when someone poked me in the arm. I sleepily glanced up at a chick who was slender, had blonde and black hair spiked into layers, was wearing all black tripps, purple and black vans, and a purple and black corset. A bat necklace was laced around her leck.

"Can I borrow a pen?" she asked, her voice was lighter than I thought it would be.

"Sure." I pulled the pen out of my backpack and tossed it to her. She caught it perfectly and clicked it out.


I smiled at her, hoping she would be one of my future friends, considering I would need to make some to fill in the 'lonely classes'. I started to jot down notes that were written on the board, deciding grades were all more than important this year.

After class, I walked into the hall and noticed some more of my friends who appeared to be searching for their friends. I pushed my way through the crowd, making my way to the small group that was being bombarded with people. Nigel, Tylar and Megan stood there, looking around blankly.

"Hey guys!" I said, barely heard over the roaring crowd.

"Hey!" Tylar squealed and jumped on me.

"Hey," Nigel (Shino) said, giving a small wave.

"How's it going, Shino?"

"Pretty good. Like meh contacts?" he replied, throwing his hand towards his face.

"Look pretty sharp, bug man."

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sorry so crappy on the end but i cant type anymore i have serious writers block AND i have to clean mah room. have a nice day! :D