And We All Have a Hell

So Cold

"So how have you been?" I asked, pushing past a few people.

"Good. Summer was awesome."

"Really? Mine sucked. I missed you guys."

"Oh, yeah. I missed you, too," he replied.

"Oh, Grandma!! I missed you sooo much!!" Tylar yelped, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you, too. Oh, so very much, I did," I said and grinned. Tylar squeezed me harder.

"So how was your summer, Tylar?" I asked, pushing my bangs out of my face.

"Not too shabby. I missed all my friends!! Especially you!!" She squeaked.

The bell rang, making us all jump. We were already late for class, and I had absoluteley no idea where my next room was supposed to be, either. We all scrambled to find our classes, and I found myself in an art class, scribbling on a piece of paper.

The teacher was what I would call 'Fat and Happy'. I liked her, though. She seemed as if she was actually interested in what we had to say through our art and not just some cranky old woman.

I sat at a table with Sierra, a dark haired boy, and the same girl from my second period. The dark haired boy introduced himself to be David, who was a junior. He had piercing blue eyes that really stood out against his features. The mysterious girl introduced herself to be Christie, but her nickname was Kitty.

Halfway through class, I looked at my drawing and noticed it looked absolutley nothing like what I thought I had been drawing. The picture I sketched was a open scene, lit by a full moon overhead, featuring a misty wolf, with piercing blue eyes. I was mesmerized my the sketch. It was gorgeous. Where had it come from? My imagination must have been running wild.

Kitty snuck a peek at what I drew. A smirk appeared on her face and she locked her eyes with mine.

"Werewolf?" She asked, with an undescribable look on her face. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just stared at her. She knew something I didn't know. She knew why I drew what I did. I wanted to ask, but once again, nothing came out. She looked back down at her work and continued drawing. My eyes shifted back to my paper. Werewolf?

David glanced over, curious to see what was happening. Sierra was too busy staring at David to notice anything. His face dropped when he saw my paper and he gave Kitty a dirty look. Kitty just smirked and paid no attention to him.

I had no idea what either of them were saying, but they were communicating through their actions. I could feel it...something suspicous. My mind mixed together, thinking of the senario. I had aboslutley nothing. I could only stare at the wolf on my paper, who stared back at me. What did all of this even mean?
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Update coming your way!! I got lots o inspiration!! RCS !!!!