And We All Have a Hell

Walking With Strangers

The bell rung, causing me to jump from my seat and run out the door, just to keep from facing David, Kitty or Sierra. I had behaved rather strangley. I wondered what caused it as I strode down the hall, hoping I would meet some more of my friends.

As I passed an empty class room, I saw a shady figure glaring at me. I squinted my eyes and rubbed them, but I couldn't make out what it was. Before I could figure it out, I was swept away by the crowd. My head was so mixed up. Who were these new people? And what exactly did they have in store for me? The questions made me slightly tingle. Not nessecarily from fear, but confusion, curiostity.

I felt swift, more aware. I walked down the empty halls, not caring where I was supposed to be. Not caring wether I was late or not, just not caring anymore.

By the end of the day, I could swear to you I felt like a completley different person. I hadn't seen anyone familiar the remainder of the day. No Kitty, no David. I was happy I didn't see her. The one I was worried about. The fear had vanished. I didn't fear anything anymore. That was one of the changes I had witnessed through the course of the day.

I opened the door to my dark room, throwing myself on the bed and falling into a deep slumber.

I awoke in a field, next to a strange forest. The moon was full and bright, hanging over the trees, intimidating them...shrinking them. Everything seemed so eerie, but it was ever so beautiful. The grass blew slightly in a constant gust of wind that touched my face gently. I sat up, not willing to pull myself to my feet. I felt so light, so absent in the moment.

A dark figure slowly emerged from the forest line directly in front of me. I saw blue eyes piercing through the pitch black wall. I felt startled, but not afraid. It stopped a few feet away, revealing it's identity. It was the wolf I had drawn in art class.

I opened my mouth to speak, but only silence flowed out. The figure glared at me, not sternly, not angrily, but as if it were inspecting me. It was amazing. No words could describe to you how gorgeous this creature was. It was perched in an aware postion on all four legs, It's beautiful black fur swaying gently, It's tail laying perfectly behind it. The creature's eyes seemed as if they could see through my soul, pierce my mind, read my every thought.

It turned and slowly backed into the forest wall once again, leaving me alone in the grass. I was shocked and awoke, appearing to be in my bedroom once again. A dark figure stood above me, however, it definatley wasn't the same one as before. This creature didn't offer the same type of peaceful demeanor. This one seemed eerie, suspicous, and altogether hostile.

It leaned in towards me, revealing it's face. Piercing golden eyes stared at me, accented with bright red hair.

"Hello, love. I would advise you not to make the wrong choice. Mmkay?" It whispered in a grunged voice, before it smirked and dissappeared. I breathed in deeply, calming myself from my anger. I fell back asleep, into a dreamless slumber.
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