And We All Have a Hell


I woke to the morning light shining in my face. What's going on? I raised my head up to see I was lying in a meadow next to the school. How'd I get here? I stood up and noticed a shadowy figure in the distance, but it vanished in a matter of seconds. My backpack was on the ground next to me, filled with all the materials that were in it before. This is getting rather strange.

I walked to the entrance, and noticed it was just a few minuets before the bell was scheduled to ring. I hurried off to my first period, mixed emotions racking my brain. I sat through first period, Allison didn't say much, she seemed sleepy and irritated. I left her alone and doodled on a paper, wondering about David and Kitty.

The bell rang all too soon, leaving me behind on my schoolwork. Wow, this is a great way to start off the new year. Kitty was in my second period. It was a good time to ask her some questions I knew she knew the answer to.

I found myself in the back row during second period, talking to Kitty about the dream I had.

"So Ceiphyr came to visit you?" She whispered, raising her eyebrow.

"Ceiphyr? Who's that?" I asked, curious to know who this stranger was.

"The wolf. The black wolf you told me about. His name is Ceiphyr. He's the leader of the Werewolf clan. The british man is Gage. He's the leader of the Vampire clan. There is an ancient rivalry between the two sides. Gage appears to be only 17, however he is hundreds of years old. You have werewolf in your blood. They've recruited you to be on their side."

"And if I refuse?" I asked, hoping the result wouldn't be too horribly awful.

"Not possible, hun. You're already enrolled. Notice any changes in yourself? That's the werewolf gene. You feel it now because it's just recently engaged itself into your bloodstream. You might transform tonight or sometime within the next month," She said matter of factly, making me curious once again.

"So what side are you on?" I sighed, putting my hands over my face. She just smirked at me.

"I'm not. I'm both but we have to play secrets. You see, my mother was a vampire and my father was a werewolf. Their love was forbidden, and Gage killed them both. I'm not supposed to be alive, but I am. My mother gave me this necklace to make it appear as if I am a vampire, but I still have werewolf in me. I knew you were the first time I saw you. I could smell it. Vampires smell sweet, you see? And werewolves have a very peculiar, complex odor."

"So you're the enemy?" I asked, and raised my eyebrow.

"Not quite. I like to think of myself as a peace-keeper." She smiled at me, sweetly. I smiled back. Nice to know. I'm a werewolf, about to be engaged into a war that I knew only breifly about.

The bell rung for us to proceed to third period, and that's what I did. Me and Kitty walked together in silence, taking our seats slowly when we reached our art class. David gave Kitty a look. They were communicating again. I noticed David's eyes looked very similar to Ceiphyr's. He had to be werewolf.

David nudged Kitty and smiled. Kitty then smiled at me and I smiled at her and smirked at David.

"Partner," He said and winked. I laughed a little.

"I"m gay."

"Oh. That's not what I meant, but okay. Haha. So is Kitty. It's cool with me." Kitty is gay? Oh, so very nice to know. She was pretty cute. I looked at Kitty and smiled. She smiled back.

"I'm not gay!" Sierra said, and smiled innocently at David, who smiled back.

I just knew this couldn't end up good...I looked at Kitty, curiously, wondering if she knew what I was asking her mentally. She mouthed the word vampire to me. Great. Sierra was a vampire.