Eternal Thirst

Chapter Ten;

Skylinn sat in the passenger seat of the car, her hair flying in a curly blonde mass due to the convertible top. She turned, gazing at Matt in the drivers seat. She had to admit he was quite good looking, but maybe that was just because he was a vampire. He glanced over at her, his face breaking out in a small smile. "See something you like, love?"

Skylinn shook her head quickly, "Where are we going again?"

Matt turned the car off the road, turning down a small dirt path. "It's a surprise."

The continued down the dirt road for another twenty minutes, the trees seeming to grow closer together as the went further and further into the forest. Suddenly the trees cleared and a huge two story farm house loomed in front of them, the entire surrounding yard filled with soft green grass.

"Whoa." Skylinn took in the surrounding area, her eyes growing wider by the second. Matt chuckled, pulling the car right up to the front steps, switching it into park and opening his door. He walked around the car, opening up Skylinn's door for her and offering her his hand. She took it, gazing at the house in front of her. "What is this place?"

"This," Matt led her up the front steps, opening up the front door. "Is one of my many homes."

Skylinn gazed around the house, taking it all in. It had a very modern feel about it with a touch of home. She walked into the living room, revealing two large brown leather couches facing a flat screen T.V, a small bar in the far corner.

"May I offer you a drink?" Matt asked, rounding the couch and walking behind the bar and leaning below the counter.

Skylinn sat on one of the couches, "Please."

Matt walked over with two wine glasses filled to the brim with a dark red liquid, a bottle in one hand. He handed Skylinn her glass, sitting down on the coffee table in front of her. Skylinn lifted the glass to her lips, taking a long sip. Her mouth filled with the sweet taste of blood and she could feel her fangs extending. She pulled the glass away, glancing down at the red liquid and back up at Matt. "T-This is blood?"

Matt nodded, taking a long sip from his own glass, "Good isn't it? It's from a man around mid-thirties. Perfectly aged."

Skylinn's hands started to tremble, "I-is he?"

Matt raised an eyebrow at her, "Dead? Oh, darling no." He took another sip, "From a blood bank. I own about three in this country."

"Oh," Skylinn glanced down at blood again, bringing it up to her lips. She took another sip and she felt her entire body flush with it's contents, as if ignited by a warm, soft flame. She closed her eyes, draining the entire glass within seconds. She let out a dreamy sigh, setting the now empty glass on her knee. Matt chuckled, taking her glass and refilling it. "It's riveting, isn't it?"

Skylinn nodded, taking her glass back from him, sipping at it's contents. "Like, a rush of adrenaline but it's also pleasurable. Kinda hard to explain."

Matt sipped at his glass again, "No need." He leaned forward, "I know exactly what you're talking about."

He winked at her and Skylinn grinned, lifting her glass to her lips. "So, what's your story?"

Matt raised an eyebrow at her, "My story? That could take awhile, love."

Skylinn leaned back on the couch, "I've got time. I'm not getting any younger." Skylinn pursed her lips, "Or older for that matter."

Matt chuckled, setting his glass down on the table. He leaned back, folding his arms across his chest. "Alright, you asked for it."


Zach closed his book shut, causing a small dust cloud to form. "I can't believe it."

Sam was pacing around the room, biting at his nails. "It's not real." He turned towards Lyra, who had been sitting on his bed, an open book in her lap. "Lyra, please tell me it's not real."

Lyra looked up, coughing slowly and looking back down at the book. "The curse of the sun and moon. It says that back when vampires and werewolves were first created they used to roam freely, killing and turning at will. But then a Shaman put a curse on them, since then werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun."

She paused, taking a breath before she went on.

"It says here that the curse was created to set everything back in balance." She was cut off by Sam groaning, tugging at his hair. She glanced over at Zach, locking eyes with him and nodding slightly. Zach turned his gaze to Sam, "You okay man?"

Sam didn't even look at him as he began pacing the room again, motioning for Lyra to go on. "I'm fine, what does it say about werewolves?"

Lyra pursed her lips, scanning a finger over the pages. "Well, they are actually called Lycans. Werewolf was a term the people came up with because they changed into wolves.”

“Werewolves can’t only change during a full moon.” Dean spoke for the first time since Lyra and Zach had arrived, pushing himself off his spot on the wall. “I fought a few with Dad a few years ago. They’re some evil bastards."

Sam continued to move around the room, "Okay, what does it say about the curse? Like do you have to be bitten or can it be passed down through the bloodline or what?"

Lyra flipped through the pages again, "Ah, here it is." Her eyes scanned the page, turning slightly wide and glancing up at Sam. "Are you sure you wanna hear this?"

Sam stopped, turning to face her. His eyes scanned her face for a moment before he sighed, "Yeah, go on."

Lyra cleared her throat, looking back down at the book and beginning to read. "A werewolf has to kill a human in order to trigger their werewolf gene. It does not matter if the kill was accidental or intentional-- if a werewolf causes the death of a human, the werewolf gene will still be activated. After the gene is triggered, the werewolf's eyes will turn yellow and their latent powers will activate instantly."

Sam's eyes went wide, "Wait what did you say? I have to kill someone?" He leaned back against the wall. "Oh my god."

Zach raised an eyebrow at him, "What? What's wrong?"

Sam leaned back, banging his head on the wall. "That explains it."

"What?" Lyra asked, "What is going on Sam?"

Sam looked over at Dean then back to Lyra. “The car crash. The people in the other car? Dean came up and told me they didn't make it."

Lyra gasped, "And that's what triggered the curse…"

“How come you don’t have it? You’ve killed hundreds of creatures being a hunter, why didn’t it activate in you? ” Sam asked Dean, gaining his attention. Dean ran a calloused hand down his face, “I don’t know. Maybe it skips a generation? Dad didn’t have it either."

Sam suddenly turned, kicking the side of his dresser hard, letting out a pained cry. He leaned back against the wall, dragging himself down it till he was sitting. He glanced up at Lyra, "Continue."

“Sam we don't-"

"Continue." He said sternly and Lyra sighed.

"There is still very little known about the genetics of werewolves and their early history, including who or what created them, why they were created, and how they were created. All what is really known is that they existed before vampires, who were known to be created a little more than 1,000 years ago. Since they call their supernatural condition a curse, it may very well be that werewolves themselves were made by Nature, and the curse itself was magically placed on the original members of their species by witches."

Lyra sighed, closing the book. "Did you know anything about this? Has your dad said anything?"

"Do you think that if I would have known something I would have called you?" Sam snapped causing Lyra to narrow her eyes at him. With a sigh, Zach stood, placing a hand on Lyra's shoulder. "Can I talk to you out in the hall please?"

Lyra nodded, setting the book beside he on the bed and standing up, following Zach out into the hall. Zach closed the door behind him, turning back to face Lyra. "I think you should go, he's learned enough for one day."

Lyra pursed her lips, "Are you going to be okay with him? He’s off the rails, he doesn’t realize his new strength and-"

Zach held up a hand, cutting her off. "I'll be fine, I can handle Sam. And Dean’s here, we’ve got him. Go see what's going on with Emma or something."

Lyra nodded slowly, turning and walking down the stairs. Zach watched her go before he turned, taking in a deep breath before he opened the door again. Sam was leaning against the end of his bed, his face in his hands. Zach closed the door behind him, leaning up against Sam's dresser. "You okay, man?"

Sam glanced up, smirking. "Lyra left, huh? Not safe to be around the 'Lycan' I take it."

Zach shook his head, "No. She left because she wanted to make sure everything was fine with Emma.”

Dean scratched the back of his head, “I’m going to make a couple calls…see if there's anything else I can find out.” And with that he exited the room, leaving Zach and Sam alone.

Sam leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling. "Things are going to be different now, aren't they?"

"Only if you want them to be." Zach folded his arms across his chest. "Things haven't changed for us, with Skylinn, and they won't change with you."

Sam's face twitched at the mention of her name, and he dropped his head back between his knees. Zach sighed, "Why are you ignoring her, Sam? Look, we all know how you feel about her but that doesn't explain-"

"Because she's not the same." Sam snapped, "You know how my family is. With what happened to my dad and with Dean being a hunter and all. And now she's...she's one of those things and... I just can't."

Zach pursed his lips, "But what's wrong with just talking to her Sam? She's your best friend, you need her."

Sam ran his hands through his hair, "I just can't. I don't want to see her again."