Eternal Thirst

Chapter Eleven;

*Two Weeks Later*

Skylinn sipped at her soda, twirling her fork in her salad. "So what's the plan then?"

Zach, who was sitting across from her, pursed his lips. "He say's he's just going to lock himself up somewhere. Chain himself to the floor and wall. Dean and Lyra got him an herb that's supposed to be like vervain. It’ll stall the change at least."

Skylinn licked her lips, "That sounds painful. Is someone going to stay with him?" When Zach didn't answer she let her mouth drop open. "Are you serious? None of you are going to stay with him? What the hell is wrong with you guys?" She gave him an exasperated look which he only shrugged at.

She brought her fork up to her mouth, speaking through a mouthful of lettuce. "Someone needs to be with him. Sam can't do it alone no matter how much he says he can, he's lying."

Zach pinched the end of his nose, "Yeah, you're right. But, he won't let any of us help him. Not even Dean. Though I think Dean’s going to be around anyways. Why don't you stay with him? I mean, he can't hurt you."

Skylinn let her eyes fall to the table, "He won't return any of my calls or texts. He doesn't show up to school anymore I think he switched to where we would have no classes together." She looked up at Zach, "He's avoiding me. He doesn't want to see me and I don't know why. He was so cool the night you guys found out. Then all of a sudden he's...different."

Zach ran a hand down his face, "He's just not used to it like we all are. He'll come around."

Skylinn shrugged, bringing the fork back up to her mouth again. She glanced up, noticing Zach was giving her a strange look. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just...that's your third salad."

"Are you calling me fat?" Skylinn accused, narrowing her eyes at him dangerously.

Zach held up his hands quickly, "No, no. It's just, you've never really been much of an eater. You hardly ate lunch at school, you just always drank those veggie smoothies and crap."

Skylinn chewed another mouthful of lettuce, "Yeah I know. But if I don't eat, I get those 'kill innocent people urges'." She swallowed,Plus Matt say's it's a great way to deal with the cravings. That and drinking, but I can't be drunk all the time. So food it is."

Zach chuckled, licking his lips. "You've been spending an awful amount of time with Matt lately."

Skylinn didn't look up as she poked her fork through her salad. "Yeah? So? He's teaching me the ropes. Though I've got most of it down, he says I'm surprisingly extra strong for just being turned, he thinks that may be a reason why Clarence and them wanted me." She glanced up, raising an eyebrow at the look Zach was giving her. "What?"

Zach leaned back, folding his arms across his chest and giving her a small smile. It clicked in Skylinn' brain a moment later and she crinkled up her nose, "Ew! No! Zach!" She tossed a bawled up napkin at him.

Zach ducked, laughing. "It just seems like it! Plus he does like you y'know."

He gave Skylinn a look and she rolled her eyes, "So? That doesn't mean I like him back." She finished her salad, tossing some money onto the table and grabbing her phone. "C'mon, we were supposed to meet Lyra ten minutes ago. She's going to be pissed."


Sam pulled at one of the chains, testing its strength. When he was satisfied he let it fall to the floor, wiping a hand across his forehead, a thin layer of sweat on his brow. He walked over towards the small desk in the far corner, picking up a water bottle he had placed on it earlier. He lifted it up to eye level, gazing at the leaves that were floating around inside. The herb that was in the bottle was called 'Wolfsbane'. It would slow down the transformation and weaken him. At least, that's what she had told him.

He sighed, screwing the top off of the water bottle. He took a deep breath before he brought the bottle to his lips, taking a huge chug of it. The water ran down his throat burning like battery acid as it went. Sam sputtered, spitting out the water and yelping as it ran down his chin and neck, burning his skin.

After a few minutes the pain subsided, leaving Sam gasping for breath. He felt a sharp pain in his left arm and he cried out as it shot up, bending at an unnatural angle and then snapping back into place. He cried out again as he felt his muscles writhing beneath his skin. He half limped half dragged himself forward, only able to snap on one of the chains before he felt another searing pain in his leg and he felt the bone snap and moved before going back into place.

He stayed crouched on the floor, regaining his breathing. After about ten minutes of nothing Sam pushed himself to his feet, groaning at his sore muscles. Lyra had said that he wouldn't fully change until the moon was at its apex. Until then, he would only have mini transformations.

He sighed, grabbing the water bottle again and bringing it to his lips. This was going to be a long night.


Matt tried to throw Skylinn to the ground, but she was too fast. Skylinn dug her nails into his skin and twisted his arm behind his back. Matt yelped in pain, cursing as he tried to move. Skylinn tried to keep the smirk off her face as she kicked the back of his knee. He collapsed into a kneeling position. As if in slow motion, he spun his body toward hers, grasped her with his free arm and hurled her into the air in a single deft motion. To his surprise Skylinn landed daintily on her feet before him.

Then he was up again, swinging punches. Skylinn danced out of the way, she swept her leg behind his, knocked him to the floor. Taking her chance, Skylinn straddled him, pretending to drive an invisible stake into his chest.

Matt chuckled, staring up at her. "Good job, love. You got me."

Skylinn gave him a sly smile, getting to her feet and wiping the dirt off of her shirt. "Told you I could beat you."

Matt smirked, pushing himself to his feet. "Alright gorgeous, race you to the house?"

Skylinn arched an eyebrow, "You're on."

Skylinn took off quickly, moving at an unnatural speed. The house was five miles away, but in only a matter of seconds she was at the porch. She took in a deep breath, glancing up to see Matt leaning against the door, two glasses of champagne in his hands. "I win."

Skylinn pursed her lips, "How'd you beat me?" She accepted the glass he held out to her, pressing it to her lips and taking a small sip. "I'm an original, sweetheart. Which means I'm stronger and faster."

He gave Skylinn a dazzling smile before he took a mouth full of champagne. They both drained their glasses in a matter of minutes, Matt sighing. "I think I'm ready for an actual drink." He offered Skylinn his hand, "care to join me, love?" He gave her a wink.

Skylinn rolled her eyes, taking his hand as he lead her back into the house. Matt walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out two blood bags. He handed one to Skylinn, ripping the top off of his. "You've really made some great progress this week, love."

Instead of ripping the top off of the bag, Skylinn found a straw, stabbing it through the thin plastic and taking a long sip, savoring the taste. "Thanks. Any ideas on why Clarence would have wanted to turn me, yet?"

Matt paused, shaking his head slowly. "Not yet, darling." He licked some leftover blood from his lips, looking Skylinn up and down with lustful eyes. "So, would you like to-"

But he was interrupted by Skylinn's cell phone going off. Skylinn set her blood bag down on the counter, fishing her cellphone out of her pocket. She spotted the picture of Zach flashing across the screen and she clicked the answer button, "Whuddup."

"Skylinn! Where are you?!"

"At the farm house with Matt. What's wrong?" She could tell by his voice it was something urgent.

"You need to get back to your house. Now."

Skylinn arched an eyebrow, licking her lips before answering. "Why? Zach what's going on-"

"We lost Sam."

Skylinn froze, her eyes going wide. She glanced up slowly, spotting Matt giving her a curious look. "How'd you lose him?"

She heard Zach breathing heavily, as if he'd been running. And she could hear Dean cursing loudly in the background. "He wasn't in the shed he had told us he would be in for the change. And the side of it is busted open."

"Where was the shed at?"

"The edge of the valley," Skylinn felt her throat tighten, that was really close to her house. "The moon will be at it's apex in less than two hours, we need to find him."

"I'm on my way."

"Skylinn, wait-"

She hung up the phone quickly, turning to Matt. "Sorry I-"

He held up a hand, "No time for that. Now go help your friend."

She gave him an apologetic smile before turning and running out of the house, her hair flying behind her.


The moon shone brightly across the forest, illuminating a small clearing as it reached higher into the sky. For a moment everything was still and silent, a soft breeze rustling through the trees. In the cleared circle between the trees two men appeared, their arms folded across their chests. "We've done everything you've asked, what else are we supposed to do?"

They stayed silent for a moment, their gazes fixed on the opposite side of the clearing. After a moment a hooded figure emerged, only his lower face visible in the pale moonlight. "I told you to wait for my call."

One of the men threw their hands up into the air dramatically, "We had no choice! The girl would have died and you would have lost your chance." He turned to face the man beside him, "Tell him, Adam."

Adam folded his arms across his chest, giving the hooded figure a hard glare. "We had no choice. The girl would have died, even with vampire blood in her system her injures where to severe. It was now or never."

Clarence sighed beside him, turning to face the figure again. "You asked us to watch her and to turn her and we did. We've done our part to the order, what more do you want from us."

The hooded figure in front of them was silent for a moment before speaking in a low, gruff voice. "I want what I came here for. You've only given me half of what I asked."

Adam ran a hand through his hair, groaning. "We can't do anymore as soon as you want, we don't have a lycan and-"

"One is changing for the first time in these very woods."

At the dark figure’s words, Clarence paled, sending a frightful glance towards Adam. "We have to get out of here."

Adam glanced down at him, his eyes softening slightly before he turn to face the figure again. "We are done with this. We're not risking our lives anymore."

The hooded figure was silent for a long moment before he waved his hand casually at his side, surprising both Clarence and Adam. "You may go."

Clarence left out a breathy laugh, his shoulders relaxing. "Thank God, we almost did not make it out with our lives."

The hooded figure gave them a toothy grin, biting his bottom lip before he spoke in a harsh whisper. " had paid with them."

Clarence eyes widened and he barely had time to reach out and grab Adams hand before the hooded figure sprinted forward, plunging a well carved wooden stake into Adam's chest. Adam gasped, glancing down at the stake protruding from his chest. His skin began to turn a sickly grey color and the veins in his neck and face turned black. His hands gripped onto the stake and he collapsed forward onto his knees, staying like that for a moment before he fell face first into the ground.

Clarence let out a choked sob and he fell to his knees beside Adam's body, pulling his head into his lap, tears streaming down his face. He glanced up at the dark figure in front of him, his lips trembling as he spoke. "Why?"

The figure lifted up a hand, pulling back on their hood until it fell behind them. "Because, love, he was a loose end I had to tie up."

Matt grinned down at Adam's dead body wrapped in Clarence's arms, leaning forward and licking his lips. "Now, here's what you're going to do for me."