

The fight has made things much more tense than usual causing Laura to go to bed earlier with the dogs taking up the space that Oliver takes much to his dismay. Laura knew how much he disliked the dogs being on the bed and she knew how difficult it would be to move the dogs from the bed. So for the past few weeks they haven’t been speaking or even sleeping next to each other.

“So you guys haven’t even spoken to each other since then?” Sofia asked as Laura were walking the dogs at the park keeping her busy. “Shit thats bad.”

“Yeah I know, it’s ridiculous. I can’t even think of what tonight is going to be like…hopefully he’ll have his head outta his ass.”

“I agree. He’s lucky you didn’t get the police on him, he completely overpowered you that night. Scary thought.”

“I know, I gotta get back to working out so he doesn’t have the strength to do so.”

“What are you going to be; wonder woman?”

“If I have to be.” She said as she rolled her eyes walking down the park avoiding joggers as Bowie took up much of the room. “I just think he was acting crazy cause I flipped out in front of you guys.”

“So what. We’re all family, I saw him drunk outta his ass that one night and he stripped down naked. I saw your husbands dick! I mean if that isn’t something to be embarrassed about than I don’t know what is.”

“He’s pretty big.”

“I am gay I have bigger dildo than he is but I guess you are right after all for a mere man he is big.”


Laura rolled her eyes at the fact her sister has a dildo and she uses it. She didn’t want that image in her head because then she would have to think of all the nastiness she does with it. Also if she could take a big dildo that means she could take a huge dude and that alone is scary. It took Oliver and Laura a few times for them to have sex for her to even get used to his size. She was a virgin when she met him and it hurt the first three times they had sex until he finally got it right and bought lube. Then it was breezing through sex any time they did it. As she was in her thoughts and sofia was still speaking she wasn’t paying attention to what was around her.

“Oh no Lela! Wait you’re gonna-“ She heard a male voice say until she tripped over her something and landed on a few dogs and a puppy yelping.

“Oh fuck.” She yelped out “I’m stuck! I’m stuck.” she felt a tightening around her fingers as she tried to let go of her dogs leashes. “Ow! ow! ow!” the leashes started to burn into her fingers.

“Stop and sit!” the voice above her said in a stern voice causing the dogs to stop moving and letting the burn stop on her fingers as she kept her teeth buried in her lower lip.

“Good dogs.” She thud onto the floor now the dog under her was away, and she felt hot puppy breath on her face. She would have smiled if her fingers weren’t on fire from the leash digging into her skin. “Lela stay.” She heard the voice above her in a stern voice.

Her sister was buzzing in her ear asking if she was okay and if she needed her to call 911 but she didn’t want to answer because her fingers were screaming in pain as her hand were wrapped in the leash which pulled down to her fingers tighten a vice grip cutting off all blood running to them and leaving a burning feeling as the dogs steady but wagging their tails tugging at the leashes some more. She felt a lick from the dog causing her to smile through the pain, she felt a warm and soft hand wrapped around her wrist slowly moving up towards the leashes.

“I’m just going to take the leashes off of your fingers.”

“Thank you, I just- ow!”

“What is going on Laura! Fucking tell me you’re scaring me!” Her sister shouted in her ear making Laura growl out in pain. “Laura”

“I’ll call you back. Bye.”

“I am not hanging up!”

“Then shut up!” She hissed out in pain as the leash dropped to the floor and the man extended her fingers making her whine. “Ow fuck.”

“You got leash burn.” He said as he let go of her hand to work on the other one. “And some great dogs, they are staying put, minus your frenchie but I am stepping on his leash so he won’t run off.”

“Yeah he’s a stubborn ass.”

“It’s okay Lela the one you fell over is a puppy and was excited to see’s my fault should have had her in a stronger grip.” He said as Laura was still looking down so she won’t look at this guys crotch. “And there goes your other hand not so bad this one.”

“Thank you. How did I even fall?” Laura asked pushing herself up wincing in pain as she looked up to see a very handsome man causing her heart to skip a beat, his face was a little red but she’s not sure from embarrassment or from the wind that was whipping through. He looked like he could be royalty, strong face; almost a sleepy look in his eyes but laser focused a deep brown enough to settle the soul; nice lips with a beard with sliver patches in it; He had a strong hair and beautiful carted curls on his head causing her to smile over to him.

“Your frenchie crossed off to greet Lela and you just tripped over them both. The frenchie hauled ass while poor miss Lela stood in her spot. She’s a little young so a little stupid.”

Laura nodded her head looking over to Lela and she was still wagging her tail with her tongue out of her mouth looking up between her master and Laura, as the other black dog stood by his side looking very regal. While Bowie was playing with Bruce as they leashed were wrapped in the mans hands making Laura shake her head before walking closer to him to grab the leashes.

“You crazy? Your hands will tear up some more. I can walk you to your park bench and you can call someone to pick them up.” He said as he turn to walk with the dogs. “Oh by the way my name is Mateo Martinez.”

Laura stood as she watched him walk off with his peacoat get pushed back by the wind and she instantly followed him. Mateo was humming to himself softly as the dogs just walked with him in easy, making Laura pinched her eyebrows together. Anytime Oliver walked Bruce and Bowie together they would pull on him and take him for a walk until Bruce got tired then Laura would have to pick up Bruce cause Oliver didn’t like Bruce at all. Mateo walked slowly with the dogs so Bruce could keep up easily making Laura smiled brightly over to him before catching up.

“Sorry my name is Laura…Laura Flores I mean Leto.” She said quickly causing her cheeks to burn she glanced to see if Mateo was judging her but he just kept a little smirk on. “So are you a dog trainer or dog walker or something? Cause anytime my husband walks my dogs they pull him along for the ride.”

“No, I am not. I am a Spanish teacher in the community college.” He smiled over to Laura. “But I call myself the dog whisper.”

“Ugh Caesar isn’t a great dog trainer, he hurts the poor dogs. And all that Alpha dog stuff is all bs.” She said rolling her eyes. “But you do seem pretty well with dogs.”

“Your dogs are trained so they know how to respect their owner.” He said with a smile. “And your Frenchie is strong for a little one, he’s cute what’s his name?”

Laura heart started fluttering even more, she loved Bruce with all of her heart and she hated that Oliver didn’t really care for him. Bruce was her first baby before Bowie and she would do anything for Oliver to just love him and treat him like his own. But all he ever does is favor bowie and Bruce could tell which makes him annoyed and bark at Oliver. Laura just picks him up to play with him making Oliver say she baby’s him.

“Bruce…Bruce Wayne.”

“Ah…does he beat up the bad dogs in the dog park at night?” He teased as he picked up Bruce putting him on his lap to pet him while he sat down on the bench. “He seems pretty tough to me. My lips are sealed Bruce.” He said zippering up his lips as Bruce licked his fingers.

“He’s a little too lazy for that. And this one is Bowie.” She said petting Bowie on the head as he put his head on her lap. “He’s very sweet.”

“Ha. David Bowie cause of the eyes. Cute.”

“Yeah, good catch. You a Bowie fan?”

Mateo smiled over to Laura as he nodded his head before pulling out his phone from his pocket showing off all of Bowie’s cd over to Laura even his new one. She nodded her head with a smile looking up over to him. He was so handsome and smelt so nice as his cologne hit her in the face every time the wind came through the both of them, pushing her hair away from her face into Mateos making him laugh a bit more.

“Mine are Lela she’s the baby, and Vader.” He said petting Vader’s head causing Laura to laugh as she looked over to him.

“The force is strong in this one.” She joked as Mateo laughed looking over to Laura impressed as she smiled feeling her stomach tighten filled with butterflies in her stomach as she leaned into the park bench. “Cute dogs. I didn’t even know they had German Shepherds in black.”

“Yeah, I only take in black dogs. They are always left in shelters, and I would have taken in a pit but my apartment wasn’t down for it.” He said shrugging his shoulders. “When I move into a house I’ll get one there is a sweet one in the shelter but she isn’t black but I could always curve my interest into something else for her.” He smiled looking back over to Laura as she smiled back at him. “So your dogs are rescue pets or breeders?”

“No rescue pets, I don’t have that type of money for a breeder.” Laura said shaking her head pursed lips. “Don’t go judging me on the breeds thing, it just sometimes people want pure breeds also if people don’t breed the pure breeds than they will be all out of them and-“

“I won’t judge.” He said with a laugh. “I don’t like puppy mills, breeders are a different story.” He said shaking his head with a shoulder shrug. “though don’t tell that to my shelter friends they would kill me.”

They both laughed as they both kept eye contact on each other, until Laura looked away looking down at her hands seeing her ring on her finger instantly making her feel bad. She liked talking to Mateo she liked his presence, she liked the way he treated her dogs, and how he was gentle with her but gave her; her space. She liked the way his dark eyes burn into her soul, the way her body felt like it was engulfed in flames with every glance she gave him. She love the way the blood rushed to her cheeks from arousal and from embarrassment of feeling like a teenager. What she didn’t like how she felt this when she was married, when she already had a man in her life that didn’t give her attention. She felt conflicted and dirty.

“I should…call someone.” She said softly as Mateo glanced over to her. “Thank you for the help.”

“Yeah, it’s no problem my fault really.” He said with a smile over to her as she smiled back to him once again feeling her heart go into over drive. “but I won’t leave until you have someone here.”

“I don’t think that would be wise.” She said softly as she called her husband but to no shocker of her own he didn’t pick up, she knew Sofia by now was at the gym, so all she has is Cristina.

Cristina took about a half an hour because she was taking the bus from her job and two it was dark in the park so she couldn’t find them right away. Once she found them Laura saw her face covered in anger and frustration. As she was about to start yelling out over towards Laura her face changed causing Laura to look at her before looking over to Mateo and she perked her eyebrow seeing Cristina look back over to Laura with a smirk.

“Hello thank you for keeping my sister safe.”

“Not a problem but it is dark out…I don’t think it’s safe for either of you to walk alone in the dark.” He said in a gentle tone, Laura could tell not to offended anyone making Laura bit the inside of her cheek and she could tell she’s not the only one falling for him as she felt Cristina hand wrapped around her arm tightly.

“We can handle ourselves.” Laura said in a sweet voice as Cristina gripped onto her tighter as a way to tell her to shut up. “Thanks for everything.”

“You are sure you don’t need me to walk you home.” Mateo said getting up looking over at the both of them with worried glances as Laura felt her heart screaming at her to do something with Mateo get a number or something.

“Positive. Thank you though.”

“Alright I’ll see you ladies later.”

They watched him walk off as he got off further enough for Cristina to smack Laura again on the hand causing her to hiss at her younger sister. Cristina just kept staring at her like she lost her mind. Making laura glare back over to her before she let out a heavy sigh waiting for the talk.


“He is handsome you idiot. You think you could have gotten his number!?”

“I am married.”


“Cristina you’ll understand when you yourself is married. I can’t just get random men phone numbers in my phone. That is so stupid. Oliver would lose his shit.”

“Like he doesn’t have random girls number in his phone.”

“He doesn’t…I’m sure of it.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

Cristina said she was crashing over which meant that Oliver had to get in bed with Laura that night and she was fine with that. She needed to make herself remember why she fell in love with Oliver in the first place, because Mateo made her feel like how she felt when she met Oliver and thats cared her. All she wanted to do was wrap herself in Oliver to remember everything about him so that he could love her again to. She wasn’t going to stray when all she wanted to do was love her husband in the first place.

Cristina cooked them dinner seeing how Laura couldn’t do so for them. It was a nice night hanging out with Cristina as they ate empanadas till they were full, and did some yoga after wards to burn off all the oil they took into their bodies. Cristina talked about how she was getting more followers than before with a photo shoot she just did inspired by Mad Max causing Laura to raise an eyebrow.

“You’ve never seen mad max?”

“No.” Laura said shaking her head as Bowie jumped on the couch laying on top of Cristina as Bruce snored “You’re going to have to let me borrow it.”

“Its like the feminist movie of the year, I mean they didn’t have like dark skin black girls or anything but I mean I guess there is always going to be flaws.”

Laura brought up college again which Cristina shut down completely causing Laura to sigh deeply, before Cristina brought out her phone to take a photo of Laura and she glared over to her sister. She quickly typed in a caption making Laura to roll her eyes but she was getting a bunch of followers on her own social media sites. They stood up for most of the night seeing how Laura wasn’t opening her building tomorrow if her hands were burnt and Cristina didn’t have work at all. So they just played around showed each other stuff they found on Facebook, talked about dreams and if they were ever gonna have a rug rat running around.

“Maybe Sofia.” Laura said softly with a sad smile causing Cristina to look at her sister with a heart breaking glance.

“Maybe Sofia what?” Oliver said coming in causing both girls to jump. “Sorry if I scared y’all.” He said with a smile loose with booze making Laura to hold bak a sigh.

“Oh nothing. I’m going to bed, you should too baby.” She said getting up and Oliver eyes widen as he clumsily grabbed at her hands making her yelp and jerk away from him. “Ow Oliver be gentle!”

“Sorry! What happened to your hands?”

“I fell at the park; if you had answer your phone you would have known what was going on.” She said turning on her heel causing Oliver to roll his eyes. “I know you were busy.” She wave her hand at him as Cristina shouted good night.

Oliver followed Laura in loudly knocking into things and almost tripping over the dogs. He shouted at them making Laura glare at him before she watched them get into their big dog bed as she slipped stripped out of her clothes. Oliver pulling off his shirt in a drunken haze watching his wife get undress.

“Why do you embarrass me in front of your family huh?” He asked pulling his jeans down with a glare. “Always make me out to look like a fucking idiot.”

“You do that on your own Oliver. Trust me you do it own your own you come home drunk every night! So you’re home drunk showing off your ass. I don’t have to embarrass you when you do it by yourself.”

“Fuck off I’m not drunk every night.”

“Okay.” She said not trying to get into an argument as she got into her bed slipping under the sheets. “I’m tired please lets sleep.”

“We’re not gonna fuck tonight?” He asked looking over at Laura with pinched eyebrows as she looked over at him with a look. “What? We haven’t had sex in weeks, I should have never gotten married.”

Laura took in a deep breath and throw the covers over her as she balled into herself, she could hear him shuffling around and cursing under his breath. The bed wheezed when he got on it and he went to grab at her but she pulled away. He sighed pulling her into him as she growled over to him.

“I’m sorry Laura I should have never said that.”

“Just go to sleep.” She said over to him holding back her tears waiting for him to leave her alone he sighed deeply rolling onto his back. Laura waited for his snoring to wait for her tears to fall. Her teeth buried into her bottom lip waiting for him to knock out, barely keeping her sobbing back. He shortly fell into a slumber and she started to cry heavily burying her face into her pillow.

She couldn’t believe she married a man that didn’t love her anymore.