I Cannot Walk Away

Brompton Cocktail


I knew something was up when I dropped Johnny off last night. I thought I made it clear to him that we should keep our distance from Amy but it has been a couple of months and everyone has kept their word except Johnny and Jimmy.

I headed into the bar like I always did on a Tuesday night, it was girl time for the wives which meant some down time for us guys. I knew tonight I would be meeting up with them all, why not add Alex and his crew to this, should be fun, right?

Jimmy came up to me and clapped me on the back, always my best drinking buddy, but before things got way too out of hand I needed to have a one on one with this dude.

"Whats up dude" I boasted as he handed me my beer. I watched him as he took a long chug of his, he was always known to hold his beer for a long time, one beer meant nothing.

"Not too much, how's it with you and the Mrs"? he asked raising an eyebrow, clearly he knew I was not here to talk about my wife but he knew what I was getting at. How could you not.

"Great thanks" I responded rather quickly. "Enough of this small talk bro, I need to get this off my chest and I need to do it now before this fucking falls apart" He looked at me with a look that read "don't start this here" well I am and someone needs to say it before everyone else finds out.

"Fuck man, don't go there, not now. We know what they have been through, let it be" he said with a sigh and finished all of the rest of the beer.

"No, I don't think I can. you know what she did to us, did to him and this cannot continue, did you see what happened in that kitchen? Like nothing has happened in four years, like nothing has happened in the past six fucking months. Not to mention why is she speaking of Alex like he is a fucking monster, we knew him just as long as she did and he's been nothing but a brother to us, you, you of all people should know this Jim"

"Enough Brian, I was waiting for your fucking bitching to come and I did not want it now. Fuck I did not want it ever. What they do, what he or she says is none of your fucking business. Got it? The dude misses her, and I know she has missed him. I spent six months flushing toilets of puke, seeing crying spells in the middle of the night and have had long talks of the thing's she regrets and one of them is this addiction she is trying to beat. What is it to you what they do? I am there, no one else will be. I am taking care of her and I am watching this all. If I had any reason to worry I would have stopped this or confronted you "

I did not expect him to come out with all of that, no I did not know what was going on, I kept my mouth shut and kept my distance like I told everyone else. They did not want her around, they did not trust her and I did not blame them. Clearly Jimmy has forgotten what has happened in the past four years.

"May I remind you what has happened in the past four years Jimmy?" I questioned. he looked at me like I had four heads, he's got to be kidding me. He cannot play innocent here.

"No dumb fuck I did not." he spat now chugging another beer.

"What happened last night between them in the kitchen and better, what happened to her cheek"

"I do not know about the cheek, she would not say. I saw what happened, and I think the conversation spoke for itself. They need to work this out, what are you doing interfering"

I knew he was getting annoyed, I knew he at one point loved Amy but she could not love him back and to this day there will always be something between them I will never understand. Something closer then Avenged Sevenfold.

I let the conversation go for a while as everyone else found our table, Jimmy kept his distance from me the rest of the night. Over the years we fought but not over a girl. Having Amy back was a blessing and a nightmare all wrapped up in one. Her and I used to very good friends, she almost was in my wedding. My wife was almost in hers. There was some serious bonding going on then. Now, well it is a different story. I knew something was up between Alex and Amy but I did not know what it was. I knew none of us gave her that bruise, I did not want to think it would or could be him. Alex was known for having a temper but I do not think he could take it out on someone. Let alone a women.

The evening went well for us, major bro time, something that was needed. Sometime ago Alex disappeared and did not come back for another hour or so. That was three hours ago. I did not know what was going on and his Fiancee has just left for a wedding shoot in New York. Something about a magazine or something I can't remember what my wife said earlier.

Jimmy seemed concerned of Alex's coming and going so soon. He kept tabs on him I think or he was just constantly calling to make sure his apartment was still standing.

"Brian, she needs us like like now bro come on" He yelled over the music which I was way to busy watching the Game on the flat screen.

"Brian" Jimmy yelled louder now standing in front of the tv. fuck time to get up, I knew I couldn't ignore him any longer

Jimmy pulled my arm and fled out the door and into his truck like the building was on fire. I did not know what he was saying since he was talking so fast. I could have swore he said do not call Johnny or something about food. God knows with this man. We arrived back at his apartment and in a flash he was gone. I followed suit and when I got to the apartment door something was wrong.

"Amy" was all Jimmy kept yelling. I could not see her room from the kitchen doorway but I could smell something foul. Something I did not like. Jimmy reappeared again in distress. He seemed so scared and so out of it.

"What happened" I questioned. Jimmy shook his head at me and could not give me an answer. So I began walking in the halls into The room Amy was staying in.

"Brian no" Jimmy yelled following behind me trying to pull me away.

I got as far as the doorway and what I saw shook me. There she was on the ground, clearly someone had hurt her in ways a women should not even be hurt. It saddened me to see her like this, wondering why she didn't call like the first time. Maybe she knew we kept our distances. Maybe she knew how I felt but I guess it did not matter now. I couldn't bare to see Jimmy like this, upset, probably angry. I got Jimmy out of the room as the medical personnel came in to take her to the hospital. I guess I had to tell my wife, but I knew someone needed to find Johnny.

"Hey, uh bro should we tell him, you know shes got" Jimmy cut me off before I could finish the sentence I was slurring "No you idiot this would kill him" I knew he was right but someone had to be there for medical reasons. He was the first I thought of.

"I'm staying, tell no one" Jimmy said quietly. I watched him for a second, he seemed so confident in his response that he did not need time to think. I Stayed in the hospital with him the whole night as I got countless texts from my wife, my sister in law, Matt, Jason berry you name it they where all looking for us and it would be in no time they would be coming here asking a million in one questions that neither one of was were prepared to answer. I sat with Jimmy so long I never seen a man cry as much, he was never too much of an emotional person but I knew things were different with Amy, Like i said there is a bond her that is so strong nothing can break it.

"Jimmy when I get my ass back home do you know how much shit we will be in" I began after trying to say this one sentence to him for an hour, he wouldn't even begin to think of the impact this would have.

"Tell them nothing, tell them I was too drunk, Fuck I do not care what you say but do not I repeat do not say a goddamn word to Johnny" He managed to get out between catching his breath from crying. I nodded and clapped him on the back before getting up to leave. I hauled a cab to the bar and got in my truck. I did not want to face them alone but I knew I could not to anything now, the damage was done. Anger began to boil inside of me knowing the man who did this I cannot find. When I will some serious shit will go down.

I walked into my house to be greeted by my wife asking me a million questions. I told her I would explain tomorrow. Sleep came over me like a wave crashing onto a shore. I shut my eyes and slept for eternity not wanting tomorrow to come.