Status: Completed


Supernova Part I

Before the lab explosion

I’m still alive. Somehow, that man and woman must have broken the mind control that Dr. Morgan had on me. I searched my pockets only to find out my keycard is missing. I feel normal again but somehow same and not the same altogether. I can hear the time limit that is close to 9 seconds.

I stood on my feet approached the metal automatic doors then forced them open. Once the doors were opened, I ran as far as I could away from the doomed lab that has held my captivity. The building exploded. If I ever find those two, I’ll give my sincere thanks of being free. Yes, THIS is the freedom that I’ve craved for.

After the lab explosion

The Destroyed City- Shore Florida

When I’ve reached the city, I saw the buildings destroyed and blood were everywhere. From a distance I can hear gunshots, but I didn’t follow the sound of the gun. Instead, I turned the other way, but the zombies blocked me in. My hands began to burn as the drew closer towards me. With one wave of a hand, the undead caught on fire, that is when I made my escape.

I’ve made the distance far enough, I spotted a clothing mall not too far from where I stood at. Since the city was in a disarray, I took the opportunity to put on some clothes. The outfit is a perfect fit. My shirt was multi - color lacey strap blouse. My pants were a semi-torn straight line on one pants leg that comes with a belt addition to the skull as a buckler. Finally, my footwear was leather boots with some cushion.

All that I need right now is a weapon even though I am a weapon myself.


After Joey finished attending to my wounds, we’ve heard gunfire in the living room. Billy were shooting at the zombies trying to get into the apartment. Joey and I joined to defend our lives. I kicked the sofa towards the door to make sure it stays close. Billy and Joey were covering for me but by the looks of things.

(Glass window breaks)

“Tasha look out!” Billy yelled out.

I did a quick turn so fast towards the zombie coming towards me speedily. Once I steadied my gun fixed on the zombie. I fired my first shot at him, just like before back in the lab. He’s taking the headshots like nothing is wrong. The zombie continued to approach me.

I fired my gun again, again, again, this time the zombie went down. Once the zombie attack had postponed, I took a deep calm breathe before lowering my gun. Billy approached me with his hand touching my shoulder.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Joey, we must get in contact with Iris. Let’s get her son, too we can get out of here,” I insisted.

Joey looked my way.

“That sounds like a plan,” he continued, “Let’s go to the hospital and see if we can get more supplies,” he said.

We readied ourselves to head over. Before I had one foot out the door, the phone beep with a message.

You have three new messages coming from, Iris.

Tasha, its me (static) if your home don’t (static) its dangerous. Shore Florida has gone to hell. (Static) Wherever you are, don’t (static). [Next message], their everywhere, my son (static) isn’t my son anymore. Every second that goes by, I feel more and (static) ill. Am I dying? [Last message], (slow moans). [Beep] End of messages auto delete.

After I heard the message, I left the apartment to catchup with Joey and Billy.


As we were driving to our destination, I noticed that Joey has been trying to cut on the radio with no hope avail. Tasha looked over at me in the rearview mirror. She’d placed a friendly smile on her face then looked back towards the side window on her right side. The ride was quiet… too quiet. Once we’ve reached our location, Joey placed the car in park.

“Okay, is everybody ready?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Ready when you are,” Tasha said.

Before we were ever to get out of the car something heavy fell on the car. The crash startled everybody present. We’ve exited out of the car only to see a man standing there looking up at the building then at us. The man had on sunglasses with beach blonde hair, his claws that the same size as the hunter’s teeth. The man jumped off the car and landed in front of us.

The man charged at us, we’d dodge the attack. I pulled out my shotgun, fired at a close range. The blow didn’t hurt him. The man backhands me so hard I flew back. Tasha and Joey were firing at the man, without looking at them, he dodged every bullet.

“We can’t fight him like this,” she said.

“Then we have to think of something,” I stated.

“I have an idea,”

Joey ran in front of the man waving his hands in the air.

“Here I am you ugly Albert Wesker look alike bastard come and get me!” he shouted.
The man looked him. He picked up the car instead, then tossed the vehicle at Joey. Joey moved out of the way, but the distraction worked for a short time. He elbowed Tasha and kicked my lightly, but the force still pushed me back. However, a crystal-like web came from nowhere to entrap him.

“Now is your chance, come this way!” a voice said.

Joey help me and Tasha to our feet and went towards the voice. To my surprise, it was the same B.O.W. from the lab that’s still alive. Why is she here?


Inside the hospital

I’m not expecting them to trust me. After all, I did attack them. Once they inside the building for safety, I closed and locked the doors with the crystal web.

“Is everybody, whoa,” I said.

Their guns were pointed at me. I placed my hands in the air.

“Don’t shoot,” I pleaded.

“A B.O.W. pleading for itself life? No wonder this town has gone to hell,” said the woman.
“I can explain--,” but one of the men cut across me.

“You better,” he said.

I took a deep breath before I spoke.

“I just wanted to thank you for helping me earlier. It was never my intention to harm a living soul,” I continued, “Dr. Morgan infected me with the B – Virus also known as the Black Widow virus before I was ever able to make my escape. She’d killed many people for the “sake” of science,” I stated.

They still have their guns pointed at me.

“What are your names?” I asked, “My name is Madison, but you can call me Regina,” I introduce myself.

“My name is Tasha Veil,” said the woman.

“Billy Cohen,” said the man.

“And I’m Joey Catchling,” he said lastly.

They put down their guns as their sights stayed focus on me.

“Since we have four people, we can split into two groups. Me and Tasha will go together. Billy, you’re with Regina,” he said, “Its not to cover more ground but its also to find some sort of escape route,” he stated.

I liked the idea. So, we’d did just that.


Joey and I caution walked down the dark hallway of the hospital with our guns ready to fire at anything undead that moves. Joey spoke first of course.

“What do you think of Madison?” he asked.

“She’s a B.O.W. with her humanity intact which can be helpful and fatal at the same time,” I stated.

Joey nodded his head, I can see the swat team laying there dead. The second we almost pass them, one of the undead grabbed Joey’s foot. He did a quick shot to the zombie’s head three times before it gave up the fight. However, the gunfire woke up the rest of the undead. We are crowed by them, we ran into one of the open rooms and closed the door behind us.

Joey and I struggled to hold the door closed as they were clawing their way through. We heard a low moan. Before my eyes, I saw a child hand touching the bed. Then the undead stood on its feet. The sight of who this undead is or had shocked me.

“No, not you, too little Tyler,” I said sadly.

Tyler who is now one of the undead was approaching us slowly. I steadied my gun at him. The feeling rose in my heart, again. Just like what happened in the lab before, Billy wasn’t here this time to put the poor kid to rest. It was me, Joey and Tyler.

“Tyler, I love you, and I am so so sorry,” I apologized as I aimed my gun steadying, “Forgive me,” I said tearfully.

{Gunfire x3}

Tears ran down my face as placed his sweet soul to rest. Tyler lay down the floor lifeless, his face looked to have a resemblance of an angel. I knelt on my knees, kissed my two fingers and placed them on his forehead. I’d wipe the tears from my face. Joey knelt beside me to hold me.

“Its going to be okay, Tasha,” he cooed me as he was rocking me back and forth.

Suddenly, I a pinch hit the back of my neck. My sight was starting to go dim. In my blurry vision, I can see Joey standing on his feet.

“I’m sorry Tasha, but Dr. Morgan promised me half the money if I’d spread the virus,” he said, “And I did. The B-virus is mysterious indeed, but you’ll become an undead and have to be force down,” he stated.

When have Joey became so heartless? He pulled out some sort of device.

“When everybody is dead, I’m going to signal an escape as the last survivor,” he said with a smile, “See you, Tasha. Never again,” he said as he left me to die.


Someone was carrying me, who was it?

I found her unconscious in the room, I drained out the virus as much as I could.

Once I gotten my vision back. I saw the man, Billy and Regina.

“Where is Joey?” Billy asked.

“He left me to die,” I answered.

The man put his hand in the air.

“We don’t have the time for discussion. My name is Lee and as you may know, I am a bio-organic weapon, but I was made differently. I was sent here by the government to get any known survivors. Shore Florida has to be destroyed with supernova,” he said.

“Their going to destroy the city?” Billy asked.

“Its either that our being just a shadow,” he said.

“Fine, lets go. Let’s get out here,” said Regina.

We stood on our feet.

“We before we go, if we see Joey again, let me handle him,” I instated.

“Sure. He is your fiancé,” said Billy.

“Correction, he was my fiancé,”

[End of chapter 19]