A Sparrow Stole My Heart

Chapter 3


Im walking down the streets of Tortuga, heading towards one of my favorite bars. The Redlight Inn. I walk through the open doors, looking for my crew members. I spot them sitting at the back tables. They see me and raise their cups to me, cheering loudly. I smile, walking their way. My first mate Allyson, hands me a cup of rum and I raise it high.

"To our first victory as a new crew."

They raise theirs in unison.

"Cheers mates."

"Cheers!" they shout together, chugging down the sweet liquid.

I grin at them, taking a large sip of my own.

-2 hours later-

"Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me! We pillage and plunder, we rifle and loot, drink up me hearties YO HO!"

my crew, myself and also a few others in the place, started singing loudly in a drunken tune.

Allyson and I have been joking around, making fun of people we've known. I stumble out of my seat and walk with my arms raised, swaying my hips. Allyson giggles at me. I stop, turning around and walk back to her.

"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy?"

She laughs even harder as I strut in front of her.

"How 'bout ye visit me cabin love?"

A few of my crew members join in with the laughter. I start giggling as I stand there, playing with my invisible mustache.

I grab my jug of rum, "Woo! It's hot. I'll be back."

Allyson nods as I stumble and wobble my way to the bathrooms. Walking down to the basement, I trip over the last step and laugh a little. Someone bumps into me, knocking my rum to the ground. I turn to them to notice it's only Jack Sparrow with his arms crossed and a stern look planted on his face.

"Ye knocked over me rum!"

"Who do ye think ye are, making fun of a Captain eh?"

I scoff, poking his chest and getting close to his face, "I can do whatever I feel like hmm?"

He smirks as I sway and smile, "Is the Amber Rossy trying to tell me somethin'?"

I push him, "It's Captain and no! Like I would want-"

I stare at his face, taking in his features. Rich, dark chocolate eyes, long dreaded hair, sexy smirk. I move closer to him, putting my left arm around his neck and playing with his beard with my right. He holds onto me as I trip over my own feet.

"-to kiss those lips."

His smirk grows wider and he whispers, "I think ye want to."

I start to giggle, placing my hands on his chest, "Ye wrong Sparrow."

I lean even closer and bite his bottom lip. He looks around, leading me towards the bathrooms. I stumble, landing against the wall giggling. Jack rushes to hold me up as I almost fall. He stares into my eyes, moving a few stray strands of my hair. I stare back, leaning forward quickly. I place my lips on his. They curl into a smile as he presses our bodies against the wall.

-end flashback-

I sit down and open my drawer in my desk.

Jack says to me, "What's so important about the map?"

I grab the papers, placing them on my desk. A few strands of black hair falls out of place, tickling my cheek.

I lift a secret compartment, staring at what's inside and whisper, "My angel."

"What?" his voice is confused.

I stare at a small painting of a little girl. My head starts to mess with me as I hear her laughing. Her hair is black as coal, her eyes a soft dark brown, her lips are curled into a beautiful smile. I hold back the tears, reaching for it and taking it out. I feel the canvases rough surface and the paint still smells new. The little girl laughs again, making my tears fall.

I whisper a little louder, looking up at Jack with thepaintingheld to my heart, "My angel."

He gets up walking to me. He stretches his arm out, asking for it. I look at him while I place my most cherishedpossessionin his hands. He stares it over for quite awhile. I can't tell if he's sad, angry or confused. Maybe all three. I cover my mouth as more tears fall.

Jack steps back, looks at me, then thepaintingagain, "Is this..."

I nod. His fingers move slowly over it, "She looks just like you. Little beauty."

I bite my lip hard. He puts the painting back, along with the papers.

"Didn't know ye had a child. How old is she love?"

I sniff, drying my eyes, "She'll be 5 next week."

His eyebrows lift, "Wow, who's the lucky lad."

I look away from his gaze as my heart races, "I-I don't know." I lie.

I look back to him and he seems hurt, but I shake it off my mind.

"Her name?"


He nods, walking back to my bed, "how 'bout...we make an accord?"

My eyes turn to slits, "What kind are ye talking about?"