Where's My Hammer?

I Am Thor Odinson!

I wander Stark Tower aimlessly, searching for any source of entertainment while most of the Avengers are meeting with Nick Fury. I normally would have joined in the meeting being Tony’s younger sister, but sitting through an extremely boring chat is the last thing my stir-crazy mind needed. Instead, I felt taking a long walk around Stark Tower was a better idea. It is just as boring though.

I trudge into one of several living rooms usually used for my brother’s parties (there’s a bar and everything) and my eyes fall on a very familiar red fabric. Mischief quickly fills my thoughts as I scamper to the red cape draped over the back of a chair. My fingers gently feel the edge of the cape momentarily before I pick it up and drape it across my shoulders. I tie it around my neck and pose in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I can’t believe Thor would leave his cape laying around for bored girls like me to play around with.

“I am Thor of Odinson!” I exclaim, my hands at my hips and my chest puffed out. “Now where is Mjolnir?”

I strut out of the bathroom and begin searching for the trusty hammer.

“JARVIS?” I call out in a strong voice.

“Yes, Miss Evelyn?” an accented voice echoes throughout the room.

“Have you seen my hammer anywhere?”

I know JARVIS isn’t stupid and saw me acting like a goofball, so I continue my façade as Thor. I also know the genius A.I. wouldn’t lead me to the actual Mjolnir. I am certainly unworthy to wield the power of Thor.

“Well, Miss Evelyn, I do believe there is a hammer down in your brother’s workspace. Actually, there are several hammers.”

“Ah! I will go search for it down there. Thank you for your help JARVIS.”

“You are very welcome, Miss.”

My legs take to a run toward the nearest elevator. With my lack of shoes, I happily slide down the hall to let Thor’s long cape flutter behind me. It is rather exhilarating to feel like a superhero.

I take another run to slide before the hall makes a turn, but halfway through my slide, none other than Thor walks into my path. My eyes grow wide and I squeal as my body collides with his unbelievably hard body. Thankfully, he catches me before I can fall on my butt.

“Ow…” I groan, standing up straight to allow Thor to remove his arms from me. “Sorry.”

“It is quite alright,” the Asgardian chuckles as he takes notice to his cape around my shoulders. “Is that not mine?”

“No, it’s mine. I am Thor Odinson of Asgard and I am seeking out Mjolnir,” I smile confidently.

The blond in front of me roars in boisterous laughter. “Can you not just call it to you?”

My face blanks. I completely forgot that Thor can call Mjolnir to him. “Uh… I don’t want to cause anymore damage to this wonderful structure of Tony’s,” I play along.

“Ah, I see. Well then, dear Thor, we must not leave you without your hammer.” Thor presses his pointer finger to my nose softly with a sweet smile.

I would be lying if I say I didn’t blush five shades of red.

“Come, Thor Odinson. Let us find Mjolnir,” Thor grins.

Jumping out of character, I hold one finger up to pause our silly conversation., “But first, let me show you how cool I look sliding around the halls with this cape.”

I receive a nod from the Avenger and take that as my cue to rush down the hall I came from. I slide at the end, the cape flying epically behind me again. I repeat my actions on my way back toward Thor, stumbling only slightly. I pose in the superhero pose to finish my antics, leaving Thor in a fit of laughter. My face lights up like a lightbulb at the hearty sound.

“You are a very unique woman, Evelyn Stark,” Thor states in amusement.

My smile doesn’t leave my face, “Let’s go find my hammer.”
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So I got the inspiration for this from a Tumblr blog called imaginemarveluniverse.tumblr.com and I couldn't fall asleep until I wrote this out. Here's hoping that this is as good as I feel this is. I worked hard to get the words to flow properly. If there are any grammer/spelling mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix them whenever I get some free time from school. :) Hope everyone enjoyed!