Sequel: Everlasting



Mary stopped, hanging off the side of the carriage like a bandit, she peered at the other carriage; the crest on the side revealing her wildest dreams were coming true. The door swung open so quickly, it clattered against the carriage as Jonathan lunged out, his feet hitting the street in strides as he approached the home.

Shock slammed into Mary as she looked at the man who was the object of her fascination, her eyes eagerly taking in the sight of him. He looked disheveled, his hair unkempt and his clothes rumpled. Several days’ growth of beard encircled his jaw, giving the Earl a rugged look she had never seen—the normally shaven Lord—embrace. His normally smiling eyes looked weary and the wrinkles around them looked for prominent.

“My Lord!” Sophia sputtered indignantly, “What—what is the meaning of your visit?”

“We are deeply sorry if our disgraceful daughter has offended you in some way!” William exclaimed as he rushed forward towards the Earl; his eyes darting between staring fearfully at a Lord and glowering at his daughter. “She is being properly punished for any offenses she has made.”

Jonathan cast Mary’s parents a hard glare but did not bother to address them as he advanced on Mary, her heart flying from her chest as she watched him grow closer. Once he stood in front of her Mary noticed how she towered over him from her perch, the foothold of the carriage providing her an extra head and a half in height to loom over the Earl.

Without a word he extended his hand out towards her and Mary took it, allow him to help her off the foothold to stand in front of him on her own two feet. Then just as quickly as he had entered her life again, Jonathan wrapped his arm around her waist and bent his head to hers.

The moment their lips met Mary heard the exclaimed gasp from her mother and a dirty curse from her father.

Mary could hardly think on anything but the feel of his lips against her own, the passion and love she felt for the man who she believed had spurned her. Her heart soaring at the feel of her first kiss; the action was not as awkward as she had first assumed. The kiss allowed Mary to connect to the man she loved in a way she had never thought possible. When the couple parted he stared deeply into her eyes and whispered, “I swore to you I would return, dearest.”

“What in the name of the Lord is all this?” William bellowed, advancing on the couple angrily. His posture threatening even in the face of a titled Lord. “You may be an Earl but you have no right to lay hands on my daughter, to… to farther ruin our good name!”

Jonathan abruptly released Mary and turned on her father. Mary had fully expected her father’s violence to be met with and equal show of violence, but Jonathan addressed her father with the most respectful and gentlemanly attitude. “Yes, you are very right, good sir. It did occur to me that Mary may not have told you of our relationship.”

Immediately, William’s eyes cut to Mary, the rage she saw there terrified her. The words that left his mouth then were said in a hushed whisper, “You allowed an Earl to bed you and did not tell us? This all could have been avoided had you spoken to us about how this rake took advantage of your innocence. How could you be wo foolish, so ignorant? He would have been honor bound to marry you, Mary!”

“You may be her father, Mr. Suters but I am still a titled lord and you will not speak of me in such a manner,” Jonathan hissed angrily, his words forcing William to take a step back and mutter an apology. “Never has your daughter dishonored you; before today I had not laid one finger on the girl and she has been nothing but reputable during our acquaintance.” Taking a moment to pause he looked down on Mary and gave her a gentle smile, “I made the mistake of going on business before asking you for her hand in marriage; I was delayed in Scarbourgh and could not make the trip back until now and I am glad I did! How dare you try to send Mary away!”

“Her hand?” William sputtered, “My Lord, she… how in the Lord’s name could she have possibly caught your devotion? She has been betrothed since she was a girl! She is hardly comely enough to have your attention.”

“Your daughter, sir, is quietly lovely. She is also a very smart and affable young woman, Mr. Suters, which you blatantly cannot see. She caught my eye the day I met her and I would be most pleased if you will give us your blessing in allowing us to marry.” When William floundered for an answer, Jonathan continued, “The black mark of her broken engagement surly would be lifted from your family once Mary is made Countess of Scarbourgh; since I am a more suitable match than Mr. Arnold. I will also see that your youngest daughter is married off well; I know that was Mary’s primary concern in breaking her engagement. I will even supply her dowry if that is what you wish.”

“My Lord,” Sophia muttered as she stepped up to her husband, hearing the offer and gripping her husband’s arm before she could tumble to the ground. “That is… so very generous of you. Of course, yes! You have our blessing.”

Jonathan said nothing as he continued to look on William, “Your wife is in agreement and what have you say, sir?” As William nodded slowly, the shock evident in his very movement Jonathan smiled, “Very well then. Until a valid marriage license can be obtained I expect that Mary will be staying in her family home. Is that agreeable?” When both parents sputtered their agreement and thanks Jonathan turned to Mary, “And is that agreeable to you, dearest?”

“Yes,” Mary breathed the smile on her face so wide it caused her cheeks to ache; never had she seen her father so unspeakable than as when faced with the domineering Earl. “Are you leaving? Can we speak for a few moments before you go?”

Jonathan cut a glance to William before saying, “It would be much appreciated if we could have a seat in the parlor and a cup of tea, if that would be of no issue?”

“No, no of course not!” Sophia exclaimed, “My Lord, please come in, I will have Sarah fix up some tea. Are you hungry? Surely you have traveled far and must be. I will have her bring scones in with the tea.”

Jonathan offered Mary his arm and she gladly took it, interlacing it with her own and allowed him to escort her back inside her home after her mother’s lead.
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04/25/2016 ;; unedited.