City Streets


"Come on," Chris grinned, knowing that he could peer pressure Aspen, not that he would ever want to force her to do anything she didn't want to do but this was a different case. They had ventured out of the house together on a whim, it was a little overwhelming to the both of them to be surrounded by awkward conversation. She had been with them for three days and he knew she was enjoying herself otherwise, she seemed to open up a little bit more, conversing about what she's been up to for the last ten years.

The more they spoke to each other, the more Chris realized just how much he had missed her. She was still spunky and sassy just as he remembered. Aspen actually had a good handle on her emotions, he wasn't sure if she felt the same but he wasn't going to risk it by ruining their friendship.

Aspen frowned, her hands gripping the half wall that led into the ice rink, her body trembled. She avoided the ice rinks back at home for the reason she had never ice skated. She wasn't into the whole idea of being surrounded by cold ice. She had roller-skated before but she could bet money that it ice skating was a little bit more intricate. She shook her head, taking a few steps back, "I don't think so."

He chuckled, skating closer to the entrance, his hand held out for her to grab, "I promise it's fun and it doesn't hurt that bad when you fall."

She narrowed her eyes, her body still close enough to poke his hard chest, "Easy for you to say. You're built like a freaking house." Aspen wasn't use to the muscled Chris, she had dated him back when he was just shy of being average, sure he was toned but he wasn't rippling with muscles. Aspen couldn't lie however, it was a nice look for him, his stacked body suited him very well.

Chris blushed in a such a manly way, Aspen wouldn't count it, "Oh, stop it. Stop. I'm not built like a - come on, Pen." He leaned against the wall, "I'll make sure you won't fall - "

"- don't make a promise you can't keep." She retorted. Taking a deep breath, she took a few steps forward, telling herself that she could do it. One foot a time, she thought; instantly regretting her decision as she felt herself falling forward.

Chris reached out for her, grabbing a hold of her waist, pulling her into his chest. He chuckled, his voice tickling her ear, "Told you."

Aspen slowly turned around, her hand grabbing his forearm, her eyes sparkling against the lights dangling around the rink, "It was a fluke," she breathed, smiling back.

It took only but a few minutes for Aspen to grasp the whole skating on ice thing, she was pretty impressed with herself. It was actually kind of fun, she was genuinely enjoying herself with Chris. Her sides beginning to feel sore from laughing at his corny jokes and giggling at him for almost falling. It was that moment that she forgot about the pain he caused and the fear of possibly falling for a man. Anytime she had remotely started to have a good time, she would freeze and run away but she didn't want to, it felt so normal to be with him. And for once, it didn't scare her.

"See I told you it was going to be fun," he nudged her as they walked down the brightly lit streets of Boston. It was starting to get late, they had spent a few hours skating and the sun had set a long time ago. But, he didn't want their moment to end and it had been the most she had opened up.

Aspen smiled as she looked in the opposite direction, knowing that he was completely right. She would go home with a few bruises but it was worth it. She hadn't had fun like that in a long time and it was just what she needed. "I suppose you were right." They walked a few minutes in comfortable silence before her eyes got sight of an ice cream shop, "I could go for some ice cream," she turned to Chris, her brow raising; a smirk falling on her lips, "Can you eat ice cream or is that like kryptonite to these?" She poked his biceps as she giggled.

He gave an open laugh, shaking his head, "No, let's go get some ice cream." Chris linked his arm through hers and led them to the shop. He looked around, they seemed to fairly slow which meant they could sit down in peace. A few people had recognized them earlier but none of them assuming the two were on a date or in secrecy. That was the last thing he wanted to have happen while she was visiting.

Reaching the counter, he spoke, "I'd like to have two scoops of chocolate and the lady will have," he paused, giving her a daring smirk before continuing, "a scoop of coffee and a scoop of mint chocolate chip." Handing the cashier money, he caught glimpse of Aspen's shocked face, "Keep the change."

Aspen's mouth hung slightly open as she watched the employee scoop out her cone, thanking them as she received hers. Following Chris to a small table by the window, she squinted her eyes, "How do you still remember?"

Chris thought to himself for a moment, it was kind of odd that he remembered something so simple. He shrugged his shoulders, giving her a small smile, "I couldn't honestly tell you. I remember a lot of things about you."

Taking a regretful bite, she rose a brow, "Like what?" Aspen was a bit intrigued.

He took a thoughtful lick before answering, "Do you still have that woven anklet your best friend in high school made you?" She smiled wide, lifting up her leg and pulling her pants to reveal the worn out anklet attached to her ankle. "Do you still workout on the odd number days of the week?" Aspen nodded, her smiling slowly fading, wondering how on Earth he remembered some of these things after ten years. "You still carry that oval locket with you, right?"

Aspen shivered but not from freezing air outside or the cone in her hand. Reaching into the inside pocket of her coat, she pulled out a small silver plated locket. Inside revealed a picture of her mother, a person she never had the opportunity to know. Her father had given it to her for a present one year in her elementary years and she had never gone a day without it. Looking at the silver locket, she spoke softly, "I can't believe you remembered that. I told you about it once and it wasn't something we spent a lot of time talking about."

"I may have been a cocky douchebag all those years ago but I did pay attention whenever it was just you and I." Chris murmured, giving her a faint smile. There was a twinkle in her eye, something he hadn't seen in a long time. He wanted to kiss her, bad. But, he knew better than that. The two finished up their ice creams and headed back to the house. The car ride was silent but it was one of those good silence, a moment for them to think about the day they had spent together. Aspen enjoyed herself, she was halfway disappointed that it was over. It was a good feeling to not feel so stressed, to feel something.

Chris guided her to the bedroom she was staying in, leaning against the wall, "Goodnight, Pen."

Her heart fluttered, surprising herself. She almost shook her head at the feeling, she was being silly. How could she let him make her heart skip a beat after all he had done to her. Pressing her lips together into a smile, "Goodnight, Chris." Leaning forward, she placed a small quick kiss on his cheek. Slipping into her room, she leaned against the door. Her lips tingling from touching his skin, running a hand through her hair, she sighed. What was she getting herself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
[facepalm] Welllll, it's been awhile, eh?
Sorry the chapter isn't as long as it should be. D:
This is more of a filler. I've been severely sick for the last week and
I had no motivation. But I'm thankful for the subscribers, readers, reccs!
Thank you to those new recommendations, I will be sure to mention you
guys on the next chapter.
