City Streets


"Things getting pretty serious?"

Chris looked up from his phone, his smile faltering just a bit, a little embarrassed that he got caught.

"Nah." He shook his head to confirm his answer. Sliding his cellular into his back pocket, he cleared his throat, "Just friends."

Sebastian smirked, "Right, so your friend is bringing a friend for me?"

He returned the smirk and gave a low chuckle. Chris was still on his typical vacation from acting but he had been invited to a private premiere of The Winter Solider. Not going to turn that down for anything, he flew to Los Angeles to be the man of the hour. He wasn't going to deny that he missed being in California with it's sunny days and clear skies but Boston was something he always missed. Something else that he missed was Aspen being with him and his family, she had stayed an extra week before she had to return back to New York for some finalizing notes on her contract that would bring an end to her twelve season show.

Figuring that it wouldn't take but a week or two to finalize, he invited her to join him as his plus one. Knowing that he was going to be staying with Sebastian, he told Aspen to invite a friend for him. Thinking that she was going to bring an upcoming model or one of her cast members, he was a little surprised to hear that she was going to be bringing Evelyn Pierce. Not that Chris should have been surprised, in fact; he should have known better to think Aspen was going to leave Evelyn out of the loop on the premiere. Evelyn was Aspen's first choice when it came to going to the movies and if she couldn't make it, then she made her way down the list.

Evelyn Pierce was a bit of a spitfire, she looked sweet and innocent but she had a mean kick back if anyone provoked her too far. He learned that the hard way when he broke up with Aspen the first time. He couldn't believe that the words that left her mouth were even suited for a woman like her. He was a little weary having Evelyn be Sebastian's date but he knew that Evelyn was thoroughly nice to everyone and anyone until they give her a reason not to be.
"That would be the correct assumption." Chris laughed.

"Do I know her?" Sebastian inquired, curious to know who his date would be for the night. He wasn't all to familiar of Aspen Vansant other than enjoying the few episodes of her show he had seen here and there. She was quite the looker in his opinion, had an innocence to her. It surprised him to find out that Chris and Aspen had once been item all those years ago. Sebastian figured Chris to have a different kind of taste in women.

"Probably not," Chris replied. Turning to look at his friend, "Evelyn Pierce, does the same sound familiar to you?"

"Not that I can recall."

"She's a childhood friend of Aspen's, I think she's modeling right now but nothing concrete." Chris looked out the window of the limosene they were currently in. He thought that if the pair showed up at a different time then the other, the press would be less likely to figure Chris and Aspen rekindling their romance. After she had left Boston a few articles surfaced about their past relationship. Chris was a little surprised to find that people even knew the two were together all those years ago. He was sure that they were more focused on Jessica Biel and Scarlett Johansson.

Sebastian nodded his head, "That's cool that they're still friends. I can't say that I'm still friends with anyone I grew up with, you?"

"Not a chance," Chris laughed after a moment of thinking if he was. It was a good thing that Aspen kept Evelyn part of her life through the good and the bad. But, he knew that she was never one to just ditch a friend because of fame and fortune. She was too humble for that and that was something that got lost in the midst of the acting world. He was shaken out of this thoughts when the vehicle came to a stop, getting his mind ready for the flashing lights, he took a few deep breaths in and out before the door opened.

He stepped out and smiled towards the people calling his name, waiting for Sebastian, he took a few leaps to a few fans waiting on the sidelines. Grabbing a few pictures with them, Sebastian and himself walked on to follow the red carpet. They posed for a few pictures here and there and made their way to the entrance. Chris felt the urge to turn around, turning only his head, the breath got knocked of his lungs.

Aspen looked absolutely beautiful. She looked flawless without her even trying. Her dress was suited her very well, hugging all the right curves. Some would think it was rather revealing but it didn't seem so scandalous on her. He thought how ridiculous it would look on some of his female friends and how they would receive a lot of backlash for wearing something so revealing but on Aspen, it was just stunning. Standing alongside her, posing for pictures was Evelyn and even she looked beautiful.

"I can see why you're hooked," Sebastian murmured, entranced by the way the two ladies looked. Sebastian was never one to be attracted to lady just by their looks, he latched onto their personalities but this Evelyn was a sight for sore eyes.

Chris nodded, his mouth at a lost for words. They waited off to the side for them to continue their pictures. He loved the way she could smile with her eyes and her lips have a completely different look. His mouth twitched as she walked towards him, he struggled with words, not sure what was going to come out and if they were going to make sense.

Aspen noticed his lack of words, turning towards Sebastian, she stuck out her hand, "I love your work, Sebastian. I fell in love with Bucky. I also love your version of the Mad Hatter."

Sebastian was taken back, feeling a little guilty that he didn't know much about her. Taking her hand, he apologized, "Thank you so much and I'm sorry that I can't return the gratitude. I've seen your show a few times but I'm not much of a television guy, isn't that ironic?"

She chuckled, "No worries, I don't expect everyone to know who I am. But," she turned towards her best friend, "this is Evelyn, Evelyn this is Sebastian. I'll let you two get to know each other." She waved them off inside, knowing that the two would hit it off. Turning her attention towards Chris, she gave a soft smile, "You look rather dashing, Captain."

Chris shivered, "Me? What about you? You look - wow - I mean you look absolutely stunning."

Aspen blushed, trying to hide her reddened cheeks. She was beginning to feel more at peace with Chris. She had spent a lot of time thinking to herself that she couldn't hold it against him for what he had done. It was ten years ago and they were just technically just kids. She was able to forgive him in her mind, it was a joy to have spent time with Chris and his family. Aspen was determined to move on from the deep cuts he left on her heart.

Chris couldn't help but smile at Aspen trying to conceal her rosy pink cheeks. He held out his arm for her to link through. His smile only growing bigger as she accepted his invitation and looped her arm around his. He guided her into the theater, his eyes meeting with familiar and unfamiliar faces. He searched to find Sebastian and Evelyn, slightly hoping that he wouldn't find them for a moment so he could savor his closeness with Aspen a little bit longer.

"Hey Cap!"

Swiveling his head along with his body, careful to make sure that he didn't swing Aspen too hard. He smiled wide as he met with his costar, Robert Downey Jr. Un-linking his arm, he grabbed a hug from the man, "Hey, how's it going?"

Robert shrugged, his shoulders slouching dramatically. "It's going, just enjoying life as it comes." He tilted his head, his eyes squinting behind his purple lenses, his mouth curving upwards, "And who is this lovely lady?" Robert swore he had seen her face before but just like Sebastian; he wasn't much of a television guy. He spent his free time with his wife and children.

It was Chris' turn to blush, he knew that if he didn't clarify who she was, Robert would tease him relentlessly. "This is Aspen Vansant - "

" - oh!" Robert exclaimed, he grabbed a hold of her hand and kissed it gently, "My apologies, Miss.Vansant, I knew I recognized your face. My wife binge watched your television series a few months ago. It's a shame that it's coming to an end."

Aspen smiled wide, she was a little awe struck to know that someone like Robert Downey Jr's wife would enjoy her show. "Well, all good things must come to end, right?"

He smirked, nodding, "That it does, so," he let the last word draw out as long as he could before the two of them got confused, "how do you two know each other?"

Before Chris could answer, Aspen beat him to it, shrugging her shoulders, "We used to date a long time ago." She had said so nonchalantly that if she had said in any other way, Chris was sure that Robert would have assumed the two were back together.

"Ah, so friends?" He inquired.

Aspen nodded, "Yes, we rekindled our friendship. It had been a long time since we had spoken last." Chris had found that Aspen was so much more easy going now then she used to be, he was in and out of their conversation as they went on about the past. He kept wondering if there was a part of her that wanted to not just rekindle their friendship but their romance as well. He wanted to feel what he had dismissed all those years ago. Not that he hadn't felt anything with his previous girl friends but there something special about Aspen's love that he couldn't recreate.

Chris had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed Aspen had ran off from Robert and himself until he spoke up in a curious tone. "So, just friends, huh?"

"Well, yeah, you know how it goes when you see an old ex."

Robert thought to himself, his head cocked to the side, an expression that clearly read he did not understand. "Um, every time I ran into an old ex, I either got slapped or punched." Clearing his throat, he looked off into the direction she ran off to, "She's a sweet girl, what did you ever do to let someone like her slip away?"

"Why are you assuming I did something?" Chris felt slightly offended, even though he was the reason why they broke up.

He laughed at his friend's expression, "Oh come on, Cap." Robert and the rest of them had gotten in the habit of calling Chris by his character's name because it was just that easy to catch his attention.

Robert shook his head, smiling, "I can tell because of the way she looks at you. Granted, the way you look at her is pretty comparable. Is it ever the women's fault when you let the good ones slip away?"

Chris agreed, he sighed, "Yeah, it was my fault. She caught me cheating on - "

" - you? Cheating? What is wrong with you?" He joked even though he understood how upset Chris seemed about it.

He gave a small laugh, "I know! I know. I was young, in my early years. I didn't know she was going to be the one I compared every girl to."

"Well, it seems like you two are going be just fine. If you can't have her the way you want her, at least she's being a friend." Throwing an arm over his shoulder, he brought him in close as they walked further into the theater, "Let's get this movie over with so I can watch all of you drunken fools and secretly wish that I could have a glass."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so so so so sorry about
the delayed update. D:
Thank you so so much to
my recommends and
commenters. You all are amazing!
Bello Imperfections
holy moly, look at that look. swoon.