City Streets


Aspen wobbled in her steps as she tried to steady herself, she was beginning to feel extremely light headed. A sign that meant that she should take it easy on the wine and champagne. It had been a long time since she had taken four or five glasses of Merlot happily. She rested her hand on one of the pillars as she blinked a few times to keep her vision from doubling.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked, setting down his own glass of whatever the cocktail waitress had handed out. He was almost positive that it was Pinot-Grigio but his taste buds had passed out by his sixth glass.

She lifted her head towards the tall brunette, "I'll be fine."

Chris nodded, still unsure if she was actually fine. He looked around him, still a few handfuls of people were still drinking and enjoying themselves. He, himself felt like he had plenty to drink for the night. It would already be a disaster in the morning but he couldn't let his own drink go to waste. Sucking in air, he went to reach for the wine when his phone buzzed. Fishing through his pockets for his cellular, he finally found it among random business cards he had recieved through the night.
Took my "friend" back to the hotel. Let me know when you'll be coming up. Wink Wink.

A small smirk appeared on his lips, he didn't figure that Sebastian and Evelyn would hit it off as good as they had. He seemed to calm her hellish antics and sometimes thats all a woman like that needs. His smirk faded as he realized that no physical time would be a good time to show up. Scratching the back of his head, he looked at a very green Aspen, "Come on, Pen. Let's get you to your hotel room."

"But, what about Evelyn?" She slurred, almost falling away from the pillar.

"Don't worry, Sebastian will take great care of her." He placed his hand on the small of her back and draped her arm around him as he guided her out of the building. He felt her shiver against the chilly LA night, it was unusual for it to be this windy but they were only going to be outside for only a few minutes. He hailed a taxi and fished through her pocket book for a room key, after he finally figured out after what seemed like an eternity, he directed the cab driver to the hotel.

He smiled to himself as she rested her head on his shoulder, moving his arm around her, he let her snuggle against his side. And in that moment, he imagined that it was real, that her motion of wanting to be against him was because she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He imagined that they had gone off to dinner and drank a few too many and all she wanted was to sleep in his arms. His thumb rubbed against the side of her shoulder through the meshy material. As he glanced down, he could see almost to her navel through the low dip in her off colored dress. What he wouldn't do just run his hands across her satin like skin.

"I think I'm drunk," she spoke.

Chris chuckled, "I would say so, Pen."

She shifted her in spot, nestling her head closer to his chest; her body twisting sideways so her feet were pressing against the door, "I don't care what anybody says, I feel great."

"I don't doubt it." His hand found a loose brown curl, twirling it around his finger, he gazed upon her face. She was beautiful in every single dimmed street light that shone on her face. All he wanted was to kiss her lips again, to be reminded of how they felt against his. Chris was asking for trouble going back to her hotel room. How long can a man resist a woman who drips beauty with each step she takes.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel, Chris payed the cab driver and guided the drunk actress towards the elevators. She clung to him as she fumbled over her feet, hiccuping as she tripped into the elevator. She giggled and held onto his chest, her cheeks flushing with red from the alcohol. "I've said this once before but -" she hiccuped again, her voice entering a higher octave, "-your muscles are amazing." Swaying as she tried to take a step away from him, she drunkenly turned back around to clutch the flaps of his suit, "It figures you get irresistible when we aren't together. I mean not that you weren't before cause clearly I found you irresistible, why else would I have spent forever being angry and sad about you cheating on me. BUT, like these - " her hands traveled across his biceps, her mouth pursed as she felt the bulge of his arms, " - these are impressive."

Chris was amused at her blabbering, he couldn't quite remember if he had ever seen her drunk before. He knew that she didn't drink much just because it ran in her family and she swore that if her father could curve the sauce when her mother died that she could too. His amusement was almost enough to make his brain unknown to Aspen's hands roaming all over his upper body. After she rambled on about a few more things, they reached her floor. He helped her into her room and chuckled as she flopped on her bed with a loud sigh.

Aspen sat half way up, her eyes glistening. She felt loose and care free, she forgot how it was okay to let herself go and get a little wild. She had been somewhat uptight since she had signed onto her show and now that it was coming to an end, she was beginning to feel a little free. She could work on movies again, possibly star in a romcom or an action movie. She was getting over the SyFy genre, not that she hated it but she wanted something different. Something new.

Chris started to undo his tie, as much as he liked dressing up; causal was his favorite. He turned his back towards her, his hands loosening the fabric from his neck. "You should sleep off this wine, Pen. Did you pack aspirin?" He rose a brow when she didn't respond, thinking that she already passed out, he turned to come face to face with the red cheeked girl. "Fuck! You scared me."

Aspen's eyes zeroed in, her pupils dilating. Her hands ran up his chest, her mouth pursed, "I want to be spontaneous." Her words were laced with seduction.
Chris took a step back, his hands combing over hers. He cleared his throat, "That's the liquor talking."

She shook her head, her body tingled against the thoughts she was thinking. "It isn't. I promise." She walked her fingers across his right peck and onto his shoulder, her eyes sparkling with lust. "Do you not want to be spontaneous with me?"

He looked up to the ceiling, "Oh I want to be spontaneous with you," he muttered. Closing his eyes, his teeth scraped the bottom of his bottom lip before he focused back on Aspen, "Pen, you don't want to do this. I know you'll regret it once you realize what happened. I can't let you make another mistake with me."

Aspen gave a drunken, sultry smirk. She had thought screaming for her to stop but the demons that screamed yes were louder. She had so much sexual tension against Chris, it was unbelievable. Since she had been on good terms with him, all she could think about in her nights where she lay awake was how good it would feel to have him in her bed. All she could think was how less awkward it would be for them to proceed while she was drunk. She'd deal with the aftermath in the morning but she was going to take the liquid courage while it gave her some.

She moved in close, her heart racing as part of her started to realize that she was actually going for it. She grabbed the suit with her hands, the fabric crinkling in her fists, her mouth drawing near to his neck. Aspen kept her position but let her eyes trail upwards, her baby blues locking with his. She liked that she had frozen, it was something she wasn't used to with any of her past sexual partners. She let her lips graze his neck, her mouth trailing light kisses to the places she could reach.

"What are you doing?" He asked sternly.

She smiled and breathed against his skin, "Want to find out?"

Chris didn't know what to do with his hands, he wanted to pull her away as politely as he could but he didn't trust himself. He cleared his throat again, the vein in his neck becoming evident on his skin as he locked and unlocked his jaw. "This isn't a good idea, Pen."

Aspen sighed, pulling herself away from him. She had to give him credit, he knew how to resist an easy offer. She was drunk and was basically giving him the free pass and somehow he still managed to say no. It made her want him even more and she was going to convince him whether it took all the way up until she sobered up. She turned her back towards him, moving her hair away from her back, "Will you unzip me then? If you won't indulge then I guess I should go to sleep."

"Um, yeah." He walked towards her, just as his hand reached up towards her zipper, she spun around fast. Her body pressed up against his, her mouth inches away from his. She licked her lips as she placed her hands in his hair. "Pen," he begged.

She tightened her grasp in his brown hair, her eyes closing as she felt the warmth of both of their bodies pressed together. "Don't you want to remember what it felt like?" Her mouth hovered over his, she could feel his body starting to relax underneath her touch. She almost smiled, he was going to give in. "Don't you want to remember how good it felt?"

Chris closed his eyes as well, his mind trying to calm down his body. He was pumping hot blood through his veins and he knew that once they're lips touched, it was game over. "I'm giving you one more chance, Pen." His voice was almost hoarse, like he had been yelling all night.

"And I'm letting that chance walk it's way out the window."

He almost didn't let her finish, his hand flew up to tangle itself in her hair, his other hand pressing against her back. They're mouths hungrily attacked one of another, expressing just how much tension the two of them had. His adrenaline was coursing it's way through him, he couldn't believe where he was standing. In the middle of Aspen's hotel room with her body dripping for him to take over the much needed ache she had been paralyzed with. He couldn't get her dress off any sooner, his hands roamed the places he hadn't seen in a long time. Aspen's nail dug into his skin, creating a jolt of aggressive behavior to sprout from his soul.

All Chris could care about was to satisfy her appetite that she had pushed on him. He would deal with the repercussions later.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rut-roh. ;D
How are we feeling about Aspen's sudden change in behavior?
Alcohol can make you do some crazy stuff, huh. What do you
think is going to happen now??

Leave your thoughts and predictions in the comments! I'm curious to
see what you think will happen.

Thank you so so much to
my recommends and
commenters. You all are amazing!
Bello Imperfections

