City Streets


Aspen trudged her way into the kitchen to find the mysterious bottle of Dayquil she always seemed to lose. She had been feeling a little under the weather but the minute she had woken up, she felt worse. She felt sick; a little nauseated, like she had eaten something the night before that didn't agree with her stomach. Aspen thought back to what Chris and her had eaten for dinner, her stomach turned as she thought about his guilty pleasure; Chinese food. She rummaged through her cabinets to find the orange bottle as she tried to keep down whatever was left in her stomach.

Once she found the medicine, she quickly popped two orange capsules into her mouth. Her eyes flickered over to a clean shaven man sitting at her dining room table. Aspen almost did a double take, she had gotten used to him being so burly. She rose a brow, "Shaved?"

Chris looked up from his phone, his brow rising at the sight of Aspen. He knew she had been feeling sick since he had arrived a few days ago, but she looked worse. She looked pale, not that she was a very tan woman to begin with. He nodded as his hand instinctively went up to his face,
"Uh, yeah. Figured it was time to shave it off."

She gave a small smile, "Well, it looks nice either way."

"Mhm," he shifted in his seat, turning completely around to face her, "you feeling better?" He knew that she clearly wasn't but he had to get it out of her somehow.

Aspen's smile faded slowly, she didn't want to tell him that she was feeling worse. He had planned their day out with Anna and Pratt and she was kind of looking forward to seeing them; even if she was feeling ill. "I wouldn't say better...." turning around to find something to eat while not upsetting her stomach even more, she sighed, "I probably have the flu. It's been circulating through the set and knowing me with my weak immune system."

"Maybe you should go to the doctors today, then. I'm sure Anna and Chris won't care."

She snorted, "There's nothing that they can give me, it's the flu. I'll have to wait it out and I feel okay to go out today - "

Chris made a noise, " - but you look awful, no offense." He winced and gave a smile to say that he didn't quite mean for him to sound so rude. But, it was true. Aspen was a gorgeous woman but she looked as if she had been hit by a train.

She stuck her tongue out, "Shut up." Deciding that there was nothing in her kitchen that she wanted to eat, she opted to try to make herself look less zombie like. "We're going out and I'm going to go to the bathroom and work on my awful appearance." Aspen giggled as he winced again, walking towards her bathroom; she took a deep breath. She really didn't feel well but she wanted to take her mind of possibly getting so sick that she would be bed ridden for a few days.
It was her turn to wince at own herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She did look awful, "He wasn't kidding," she mumbled. Inhaling deeply, she bent down to grab her curling iron from underneath her sink. She felt around for it, it seemed like Aspen could never keep track of her belongings. Her hand rummaged through the various items when it grabbed a hold of a half empty box, she questioned why she had a box when it dawned on her. Her eyes slowly widened as she pulled it out.

She stared at the printing as she scrambled through her brain to the last time she had seen this half empty box. She rocked back on her butt while her back hit the wall with a small thud. NO, she thought. Aspen closed her eyes and let her head hit the wall, this couldn't be happening. Aspen's eyes snapped open when a bubbling feeling erupted in her stomach, she violently crawled to her toilet and let everything that was in her stomach fly out of her mouth. After she finished, she rested her head on the rim of the bowl, not caring about the fact that it had been a few good months since she had cleaned her toilet.

"Motherfucker," was all she could say. Backing up away from the toilet, she ran both her hands through her hair as she tried to make sense of the situation. She tried to rationalize that stress was the factor on why she hadn't been visited by mother nature. It had happened before and there could be a good chance that it was the same case right then and now. "Who am I kidding," she mumbled to herself, back then she hadn't slept with anyone and there was no reason for her to deny the possibility.

She stood up, her legs shaking. She gripped the sink and inhaled deeply as she thought about what her next moves were. Calculating the time, she cursed loudly. Aspen looked up at her ceiling, wishing that Evelyn was talking to her because she needed someone to talk to. She didn't want to even say it, the word frightened her. Sure she wanted kids but she wanted them when she was ready and she was not ready, no where near close. Her hand reached for the door knob, she had two options that were circulating through her brain; to tell him or not a say a single word.
Of course she should tell him, she thought to herself while all agreeing with the other side that spoke of not telling him. She must have battled the thoughts for quite a while because when Chris came knocking on the bathroom door fully dressed and ready, she was still standing with her hand on the door knob. She cursed silently in her head and asked him to give her five more minutes that she had started to feel worse but felt much better now. She started to panic as she looked at herself in the mirror, she had never been blessed with tan skin so when she felt that she was paler than normal, it was a slight problem.

She took a big leap towards her shower, yanking off the shower head, she bent herself over the tub and gave her hair a quick wash. Running her fingers through her hair, she grabbed her towel and gave it a rough dry. Figuring that she got toss it back into a braid, she worked on her face, trying to highlight and slightly contour herself into looking like she didn't feel so nauseous and death like. She slipped on a salmon colored romper that was draped over the towel rod that she had decided not to wear a few days ago. It didn't take her long after her quoted time to open the door to find Chris leaning against the adjacent wall scrolling through his phone.

He looked up and gave her a smile, "You ready to go?" Aspen returned his smile and nodded all while praying that she was just experiencing the flu and not the other thought that was burning the walls of her brain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Firstly, everyone that has been waiting
patiently waiting for this chapter go thank
Francosbaby. Sometimes I need a little push to
get things going.

SO, again this chapter kind of sucks so leave
nice words about your thoughts.
Big Thank You's to,
Bello Imperfections
