Opposite Sides

Chapter 2

Eve dove past other flashes of lighting and shots of dark magic in the air. She spun away from debris and explosives with her eyes focused on one goal. The black haired man was attacking fiercely at the Main Front using their own forces against them. He fought in the open, taking control of one of the many explosives in the air and throwing them at the people trying to shoot at him. He almost looked like he was toying with the forces, using rocks and even soldiers bodies as projectiles to attack the team.

His magic changed mid attack as his body grew completely black like the other soldiers that fought with him. Soon a man was no longer present, but a beast of black that charged at everything around it. The Olwen could do something similar with their abilities, but this required far much more power than the volunteered soldiers had.

The beast of the black haired man laughed, as he crushed the body of a soldier at his feet. More shots of guns fired towards the man, but before he could counter attack, Eve released her parachute. If she planned this any sooner she would have spoiled her attack, any later then she would have been unable to walk. The force of the parachute braced her enough to save her from any broken bones, and at the force she was going, she dove and kicked the beast right in the face.

The monster tumbled backwards down the hill of debris that surround the area forming back into the black haired man. Eve's parachute tried to pull her back into the midst of the war and away from her goal, but she fought back against the pull. She unstrapped the bag just as a large metal shard was coming her way. She ducked as the shard and parachute went flying back into the war. The young woman quickly raised her arms and pulled the two swords out of their sheaths that were strapped to her back.

All the training that Eve had gone through the last month brought her to this moment. She stood feet away from the man the Main Front warned their soldiers about. Strong in magic, great knowledge, and a demon at war. The moment of stalling left as man waved his hands in harmony as he took the loaded guns of fallen soldiers to his side. Fully armed, the guns fired simultaneously at the woman. She dodged to her right as the bullets followed after her. She rolled in the ground, her hair coming more undone with every move.

When she finally had the ground again, she instantly started swinging the double swords in the air. The bullets may have been coming after her but her way with the sword was faster. She blocked them the best she could, but one was able to graze past her arm. She grunted at the pain, but still held her ground. The black haired man took this as an opportunity to laugh and gloat. The dark beings may have spoke a different language, but he knew enough of their language to speak the things that needed to be said.

"You brought a sword to a gun fight."

"No," the bullets flying towards her instantly melted mid-air as the swords in front of her glowed a deep orange hue, "you brought a gun to a magic fight."

Several clicks of empty guns meant that it was her turn. Eve screamed and swung the swords at the man. Across the war zone, Macy and Mac were both working hard getting their plan to get these forces to fall back. It was a scary thought to get an arsonist and a demolition expert to work together, but both proved to be a good team. The "fault line" was a literal line that divided the land of the war zone. Due to earth quakes that shook that land for many years, the land beneath was shaky. The right force would be the perfect opportunity to break the top soil and allow part of the enemy's forces to fall deep into the earth. They could then take the upper hand and attack back while the enemy was in shock.

Time was quickly counting down. Wires were being traced and connected as Mac ran back through the earth back to Macy who was anxiously waiting to light up the field. As shots fired all around, Eve and the black haired man's focus was still towards each other. Eve was pushing back, but the man still had complete control of the items and things around him to fire back. Eve dared him to be a man and fight her without the cheap shots, but it was clear that he still had the upper hand. Every strike she tried to take pushed him back farther, but opened him up to use a projectile.

The fault line was nearly below them and it was clear that the black haired man was growing impatient. He was able to take the burning sword blades in his hands for a mere moment as he tried to transform his body into that of a beast. The pure magic of the blades burned his hands which stopped this process. That was when his magic attack changed to something truly demonic. His tiredness turned to a magic attack which she could feel attacking her body.

She was immediately paralyzed, her hands shook in fear. The way his burned hands were placed in the air and the fury on his face, it felt as if he truly had her heart in his hands. He was focused on truly killing the woman. She could see her team falling back at the corner of her eyes and the fault line right at their feet. The black haired man spoke something in his language that she didn't know. He may have been gloating. Maybe he was complimenting her. She couldn't tell. She also couldn't tell what was scarier, being killed by the enemy, or by the team she was helping.

He said something else and she felt her body tense up as the man grew bored with her. Though, through the pain and fear, Eve then took her chance. She had to try one last time to do something. She fought through the magic, and used one of her magic swords to slice towards the man as hard as she could. It was at that moment when the power of that war grew painfully quiet. In mere seconds the ground erupted beneath their feet and the magic power that held Eve's life was instantly lifted.

She didn't even realize that her eyes were closed in those seconds. As she slowly opened them, she saw the land erupting in large chunks but above all was the black haired man screaming in pain. She had sliced right through his left arm, immediately immobilizing his chances to use any magic. Ever again. She lost her balance in the land and she tried to run back to safety. Though the land caved at her feet far quicker than she could run. She was now falling once again, but this time she had no target...
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Writing action scenes is hard...