Opposite Sides

Chapter 5

There was a slight wind that day, but the sun was out, so that meant that another group of soldiers were running the campus grounds with their shirts off. A few of them whistled and winked at Eve and a few other volunteers who were exiting the building together. Some girls milked this attention while Eve just scowled. Lillian waved at the men with a lovely smile before leaving Eve to her nursing job.

"Just so you know, our conversation is faaar from over."

She gave a silly look as she ran off. Eve waved good-bye and watched as her gorgeous leave. Lillian was older than Eve by ten years, and still very beautiful. The Olwen always had a sense of beauty around them. Long hair, milk white skin, gem colored eyes... Lillian had it all. Then there was Eve. She was flat like a board at all angles and dawned her mother's thin hair tightly tied back. She was a fairly normal looking person. The only reason the soldiers even looked at her was probably the uniform. The pigs.

Eve followed a few other girls to the gathering point outside. Eve lined up with her other class mates on the field and, of course, Macy decided to make a guest appearance and join them.

Macy was actually part of the war front, not just a volunteer, but would normally get kicked out due to her... unstable tendencies. She actually first snuck into the war dressed as a man. She cut her hair and did everything to fit in, which also included bribing. After about a month, her... episodes... started showing up and she was found out. However, due to her high IQ, quick adapting to weaponry, and that her father was the Commanding Officer, she stayed. Eve could say that this was a great step forward for women in the war, but then again... this was Macy who was playing with a lighter and quietly cackling in line next to her.

Eve took the lighter from the girl as the officer over the volunteers began talking. He thanked again for their help, taking up their school time and lives for the war's sake. Eve lived in town and had only morning classes this semester. Truthfully, she was really only doing this to help out. The fact she could also put this on her resume was also a plus. She didn't really think that all of this was entirely necessary. Couldn't our leaders just talk about this and get it done and over with already? That was why she was going to school for diplomatic work. For now at least.

"Evelyn, you will go with Macy to Dr. Horwin's office."

That was an odd request. Normally she was going to help hand out coffee and doughnuts to the workers, or end up pealing potatoes for dinner. Macy saluted to the officer and spun around, taking Eve's arm and nearly dragging her to Dr. Horwin. All Eve knew about the man was that he was in his late thirties and hung out in the wing of the school that was closed off for the soldiers. After catching up with Eve and Macy climbed up the two flights of stairs and entered a long hallway that smelled of chemicals.

"Mac Mac Mac!" Macy yelled into a class room, "Maaac, I've got an extra pair of hands!"

Dr. Horwin was literally working on a bomb in the middle of the chemistry classroom. No joke. The shape was weird and made of metal, but Eve knew a bomb when she saw it. Eve just stared at the metal object that moved slightly as Dr. Horwin hit his head on the table. Macy waved to the man who had on a welding mask.

"Miss Evergreen, what have I told you about calling me by my first name-"

"Peh, who cares. We're both pretty much the same age," Dr. Mac Horwin was easily ten years older than Macy or Eve, his long beard made him look fifteen, "now can we get to the whole blowing up stuff?"

Macy nuzzled against the metal bomb on the table. Eve blinked a few times and then put all attention back to Dr. Horwin. The man turned off his equipment and shooed Macy away from his work with an old news paper, she hissed and the man motioned for her to walk and talk. They walked out of the class room and down to Dr. Horwin's actual office. There were books and paperwork combined in a beautifully organized mess.

"Miss Evelyn Dunham," he said sitting down at his nice chair by the window.

"Oh, uh, yes that's me," Eve said instantly standing up straight.

"I hear you're a bit of a researcher."

Eve crumbled a little bit. She wasn't one who liked talking about herself that much. She played with her hands, "well, I kind of have to be. My goal is to work in law some day."

Dr. Horwin's eyes perked up a bit, "that's a quite a big goal there."

"Yes...but I believe it is the best way I can help people. Put my mind at work instead of my hands so to say."

Eve dryly laughed still feeling a bit awkward. Why was he curious? Dr. Horwin picked up a stack of papers from his side. They were all painstakingly typed out with a broken type writer. She knew they were all her's by nearly every "E" that was typed looked a bit faded. He set them all out, from her research paper on the hidden tribes of the land to her final on wage laws. They were long, but she had spent so much time on source checking. Her sources page at the end of her papers were easily three pages long.

"Well, how would you like an opportunity to put your mind to work and help us on the Main Front?"
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I've been meaning to upload this for awhile, finished the end too!