Unique Animals

Born With

I didn't know if I was born with this power or if it was given to me. In the beginning it scared me, truthfully it still does. What if someone found out. What if I was seen? Those thoughts are always running through my head. This power that let's me take control of a animal's body.

I first found out about this power during the summer I turned 16. It was dark out and my parents had already went to bed. I sat outside on our back porch watching the woods when yellow eyes reflected in the lights of the house. Those eyes met mine and the it felt like a gust of wind blew through me. The next thing I knew I was looking at my body slumped over on the back porch. Then something like instincts filled my head. I could only think of a few thing. Food, water, survive. Those thoughts kept on running though my head. I paniced when I realized I was in the body of the wolf. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. It took me hours to calm down and once I did I felt that same gust of wind run through me and I opened my eyes. I looked down at my hands and sighed. I had returned to my body but something was different. It was strange, I couldn't see better but I could see in the dark. It was hard to explain but it was easier. Also my hearing and scene of smell where much better. I could hear my parents breathing from across the house and smell the trash out in front of the house.

The whole summer everything a animal can close to me I would slip into its body. It took me weeks to learn how to control this power and when I learned how to stop myself from slipping into a animal's body I rarely used the power until I grew older.