Status: Currently working on it, gunna try to upload a lot


Welcome Home, For the First time

Belle looked unsure, and started to shrink away from me. I felt my heart turn painful with its beats, I started to let my hand drop when she took it slowly, wrapping her fingers around my hand and stood up.

“Lead the way…. ‘punny’ man.” She smiled shyly, as if she was embarrassed to have even said anything. I stared in disbelief; I don’t believe I had ever heard her use a pun herself because that was usually my routine. I gripped her hand and lead her down the bus aisle and off the bus. She shivered a bit from the cold air, I let go of her hand as I stared to take off my jacket when she stopped me and shook her head.

“Blue not your color?” I laughed and shrugged it back on; she smiled softly and looked around nervously. “Hey,” I leaned into her vision, “He’s not here ok? Your safe with me.” I smiled and watched as the fear retreated off her face, I smiled and started to walk toward the apartment when she tugged on my sleeve. “Huh?” I turned to look and Belle looked embarrassed again. She was standing pigeon toed, holding onto my sleeve with her left hand, her right hand covering her mouth with her sleeve. She is so cute. I thought to myself, no matter how many times I saw it; it was just as adorable as ever. Her hand slid down my sleeve close to my hand. I smiled and took her hand without having to be asked.

Despite my hands usually being cold, Belle loved holding hands and lovey things like that. At least she had in another time line. She smiled and stepped closer to make it less awkward, I turned and started walking to the apartment, it wasn’t far and I half debated taking the long way around but decided not to. We didn’t say much on our way there, but a group of kids noticed us and called out to me. Sometimes when I was walking Kyle to or from school they would walk with us and listen to my puns and jokes. I waved to them and they joked by making kissing noises and hooting at Belle. She laughed and waved to them causing them to cheer.

“Heh, sometimes they play with my brother Kyle, their around his age and live in the neighborhood.” I explained as we neared the stoop.

“Where is your brother?” Belle asked climbing the stairs behind me.

“With a friend, he slept over so I gotta go walk him to school, if I don’t he has a meltdown,” I laughed as I opened the door and motioned for her to go inside first. “He tries to act like a tough kid, but he still needs his big bro.”

“Do you need to leave soon?” She asked, sounding alarmed and looking for a clock inside the mudroom. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

“Nah, its only ten till seven. And the friends place is close by the school. I’ll stop by the diner down the road and get him some breakfast so its hot for him.” I gestured up the stairs, “Third floor, follow me.” I started up the stairs at an easy pace.

“Are you and your brother close? Where are your parents?” Belle asked, it was an easy question and for her it was easy to answer, but to anyone else it was a touchy subject.

“We are. Our mother died in childbirth with Kyle so he never knew her and I was just a kid so I have a few memories but not many. Dad ran off as soon as I turned sixteen and was able to work and pay for mine and Kyle’s way. Haven’t seen him since.” We reached the first landing and all the doors were closed. We started up the second flight of stairs.

“How about you?” I asked, but I knew the answer.

“Orphan, never knew my biological parents. Bounced around in foster homes until I was eighteen, been on my own since then.” Her voice became sad, but I smiled back at her.

“So what are you looking for in a new place? Any particular requirements?” We reached the second landing and one door was wide open, elderly Mrs. Snope was watering her plants in her window, she waved hello as I passed and I waved back, she was a sweet lady who would babysit Kyle if I needed to work.

“Nothing really, just a bedroom and a working bathroom.” She peeked in Mrs. Snope’s apartment and followed closely behind me, “Is your landlord…”

“She’s very nice, a mother of three. One son, two daughters.” I smiled back at her as we climbed the last set of stairs. “Her daughters are twins, and her son is the eldest. She knows what its like to struggle. At night the door is locked and her husband keeps security cameras on outside and in the mudroom so no one gets upstairs without someone knowing. Every apartment has a phone and he will call when someone comes over unless it’s us coming in the door. That’s why he didn’t stop us, he saw you with me. Had you been alone you would have had to told him to buzz my apartment. It’s a common rule to keep out unwanted visitors. Usually there’s a password everyone comes up with, don’t know the password, don’t get in.” This made her relax some and the worry lifted from her face. “Didn’t even see him downstairs did you?” I asked looking over my shoulder, she shook her head and I pointed downward, from where I was on the stairs you could see the man’s desk by the stairs. “He’s a quiet guy, and he’s huge in size but he’s like a cuddly bear, kids love him.”

“I have a feeling kids adore you as well. Those kids in the neighborhood really like you, and with your jokes and puns I don’t see how anyone can dislike you.” She said lovingly, I turned and tried to not let my cheeks or ears get pink. We continued up the stairs and finally we reached the last landing, one of the doors was open and I heard the theme song to a popular anime playing somewhat loudly, as we passed the door a girl called my name, I turned to see Carol, poking her head around the corner where her hallway was in her apartment, her girlfriend and roommate Allie holding the door open. Carol was a tall lean girl while Allie was just a little taller then me.

Carol had her long blonde hair pulled back in a high pony tale and was flashing her big toothy grin she reserved for friends. I flashed her a friendly grin and gave a small wave back to Allie. She was the total opposite of Carol, she had a tiny smile and her thick unruly curly hair was fluffed out in her usual style.

“Oh, hello Van, how are you today?” Allie asked timidly.

“Hey Allie, I’m ok, just showing,” I was cut off by Carol yelling,

“Hey Van! You and Kyle gunna come over for some Rock…..” she trailed off when Belle appeared in her sight. “Uh…never mind, haha, have FUN VAN!” She grinned and Allie nodded goodbye and shut the door quietly. Belle smiled at me and I shrugged while walking over to my door and taking out my key from my ball shorts pocket and unlocked it before pocketing the key and flipping on the light.

“Welcome Belle.” I said with a grin as I stepped to the side and offered her to go first. I had to resist putting ‘home’ between the words. “The door opens up to a little hall with a closet to the left, and then you go into the living room and kitchen,” I explained as she stepped inside. “If you don’t mind to kick off your shoes on the mat, Kyle is a bit of neat freak, something he got from mom.” I kicked off my sneakers on a welcome mat by the closet. Belle kicked off her combat boots and followed me into the living room.

The living room was connected to the kitchen and was only separated by a small counter and a fold out kitchen table big enough for four people and four chairs. She looked around and seemed surprised. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around, seeing the hallway.

“Three bedrooms, one bath. The room on the end is the empty room, the two doors across from one another are mine and Kyle’s rooms, the bathroom is beside my room; it actually connects my room and your room.” Oops. “You know; if you want it.” She pointed down the hall as if to ask if it was ok to go look, I nodded. She walked down the hall and stopped to look at the bathroom first. It was a small bathroom for three people but it was cozy. A shower against the wall, toilet across the sink and a mini closet by the door. I followed a bit behind, leaning against my doorway to watch her as she went into the empty room.

“I tried to give it to Kyle but, he didn’t want it. It used to be our dads room and Kyle’s kind of afraid of it. And I like my room so it’s just been empty. You’re welcome to it if you want it.” She walked inside and turned around in a circle. I walked on down to the door and watched as she looked the room over.

“Do you have a job right now?” I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

“No, I lost my job two days ago but I’m looking for one, you wouldn’t happen to know anywhere hiring would you?” She was peeking in the closet now, leaning in. Her sweater pulled up a bit and I could see some of her back. I recalled how sensitive that patch of skin was.

“I might know a place, but they won’t open up until later tonight.” She looked back over her shoulder, “Axel could probably use with a new server girl, he owns a bar I go to. He’s a real upstanding dude, his daughters only a few years older then Kyle. He’s closed during the day so he can tend to his daughter and sleep, but at night he opens up while a sitter stays with her at night.

“Server girl?” Belle repeated as if confused. “What would I do?”

“Clear tables, take drinks to groups, wipe down the bar; get drinks from the basement for Axel when he needs them.” She looked uneasy, “He’ll get you a uniform to wear to match him, and he won’t let anyone mess with you. He keeps a shotgun under the counter and I’ve only ever seen him reach for it once.” She still looked uneasy. I winked at her and used my right hand to make an x over my heart with my finger, “Cross my heart Belle. I’ll text him and ask if he’s interested.” She smiled at the gesture.

“…So….If I were to move in, I would want to help out with everything.” She started to say, she was trying to sound like she wasn’t committing to the idea. I pulled out my phone and flicked down to Axel’s name and opened up a text. “How much would I be paying in rent?”

“Rent is three hundred dollars a month, so one-hundred fifty from you and one-fifty from me. That handles the water and electric and rent all in one. I’ll handle the net if you’d handle food.” I offered as I sent a text asking him if he was still awake. I knew a past Belle had liked to do the grocery shopping with Kyle, it was their bonding time, and at night when she’d read him the bunny knight story.

“I see…” She bit her bottom lip and thought it over. In truth she wouldn’t find a better deal then that. The apartment at the river wanted four hundred a month for rent alone. I got a text back from Axel, and opened my phone. “How soon could I move in? Would we have to talk to your landlady?” She asked timidly as I read the texts to myself.

Van: Yo Axel! You still awake?
Axel: Yes. What’s up?
I text back quickly.
Van: Can I ask a favor?

I smiled, “I’ll talk to her when I go to get Kyle from his friends, she shouldn’t mind really. I’m sure she will like you.” I moved out of the doorway to make room for her in case she wanted to leave the room. I didn’t want to make her feel like I was caging her. She moved between me and the door and we were the closest we had bee this whole reset. I could feel my heart start beating quicker and harder, as if it threatened to break my ribs. She stopped right in front and looked at me, staring at my eyes. I pretended not to notice.

Axel: depends.
Van: There’s someone I know who needs a job bad, need a server girl? She’ll work hard. Total babe. Sweet too. Be good for business.

I looked up from my phone and turned my head to the left keeping my eyes on hers.

“Something wrong?” I asked, feeling uneasy.

“Your eyes…” her voice was just a shade above a whisper; she reached up with a hand and touched my cheek, gently rubbing beneath my left eye with her thumb. I swear her hands were as soft as velvet and smelled like strawberries. I almost felt light headed. “I just now noticed fully, their so odd, but very….captivating.” She leaned in and tiptoed to be level with me. I felt frozen, and tried very hard not to move, I didn’t want her to move either. Maybe if we didn’t move, time wouldn’t and without time there’d be no reset.

We both jumped when my Axel responded causing my phone to ring.

Axel: Pic or she doesn’t exist Van.

“Hey…uh, you mind if I snap a pic? Axel would like to see you before he agrees to anything I guess to make sure I’m not pulling his leg.” I sighed and pretended it was because of what Axel had said when in reality it was because I needed my heart to calm down before I had a heart attack. She moved on down the hall and put her hands behind her back and clasped them together and gave me her cutest shy smile. I held my phone up quick and snapped a decent photo of her and sent it to Axel.

“Um…” Belle started to say something and then looked embarrassed, “He’s not gunna turn me down because…I’m not…” She put her hands together just above her breasts and I connected the dots.

“Oh….oh oh! Nah! Axel isn’t shallow like that; he’s just really good at people reading. He can tell if someone is a douche or a sweet kid just by a pic.” I started to put my phone up when my phone buzzed.

Axel: Bring her by tonight before opening. Side door will be unlocked, let yourself in.

I turned my phone around to show her the picture and what Axel had said, she gasped and put her hands over her mouth before squealing and hugging my neck.

“Oh! Thank you Van!” I dropped my phone out of shock and back against the wall as she hugged me. I felt her body press against mine and my heart was back in over drive; I had to concentrate hard to keep anything else from getting excited. I waited half a second to see if she would pull away but instead she squeezed me tighter.

Better take the chance while its here. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her back, feeling how her body melted against mine. Almost like our bodies were two puzzle pieces that were meant to fit together. Her hair smelt clean, and it was silky against my face, I buried my face into her neck and just held her close. I should be happy to get this close to her. I’d be lying if I said it was all I needed or wanted. There was plenty more that I wanted. What can I say? I’m a greedy bastard when it comes to her.

After a moment she pulled away and some of her hair was caught in my lips from where I had buried my face in her hair. My hands slid down to her hips as she removed her hands from my neck and placed one on my chest, the other sliding her hair behind her ear and freeing it from my mouth.

“I’m sorry,” she half laughed, half whispered. “That was umm…” She trailed off as her cheeks turned a light pink.

“Just fine.” I winked at her. “C’mon haven’t you seen me? I’m like a big fluffy teddy bear, I like hugs.”

“But…” she looked confused, and then very scared, she even started to shake a bit in my arms. I swear I could feel her heart trying to beat its way through her chest. She started to pull away from me but I knew it would result in her sinking to the floor and sobbing.

“Hey, hey, hey…” I pulled her close again and stroked her hair the way she had liked it those long nights she would cry in her sleep. “It’s ok Belle, it’s me. I won’t hurt you. You’re safe here. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Not ever. Ok?” I could feel her still shaking. She started to sink to the floor so I sank with her, pulling her gently so she was sideways, her right shoulder against my chest, her head against my shoulder as she began to sob uncontrollably. I wrapped her up in the way she had liked it before: my knees bent with her legs under my right leg, my left hand on her head, stroking her hair and my right hand holding her hand against my chest while she sobbed. It wouldn’t be long until she would fall asleep. Then I’d pack her into my bedroom and tuck her into bed and go pick up Kyle just a bit later then usual. Maybe this time there wouldn’t be a reset after all.

Hey. A guy can hope can’t he?
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I'm about to start writing the third chapter, please let me know what you think about it in the comments!